04120105CITY,OF•CUPERTINO . 'm` '�� ro ,-a0'�: INFORMATION BUDDING DIVISION : ' . PERMIT CONTRACTOR ..a<•,..x,_ BUILDING ADDRESS: CUPERTINO PLUMBING PEaMITN004120105 19423 CALLE T)E BARCELONA OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE hk JAMIE MAY 10297 S DE ANZA BIN 12,11512004 NE: _ SANITARY NO. --- - -' CONTROL NO. (408)253-0618 ARCHITEC MNGINEER:. BUILDING PERMIT INFO : BLDG ELECT, PLUMB MECH • l� 0 0 0 _ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ' Job Description - I bcreby affirm am, I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing - P -. - - - with Scotian 7IXIU) of Division 3 of the Buvr., and Professions Code. ape my licemc is in m0 rose and effectG — at qoT COPPER REPIPE License Class Lie. g' Date /�7-/t - Chrcomar v- - WATER HEATER. AND WATER SERVICE �7/ - - - I and V p 1/1¢�-used u public mcomds 2 �1 ECTSDECLARA ON �l � �4 f� Lioensero* awl NE -BUILDER DECLARATION 0� I here y affimm Nal 1 am exempt from the Contractors License taw for the following mason. (Section 703 1.5, Business and Prefesvmu Code: Any city Of County which mquims a permit in conswm. alter, improve, demolish, or ropy any IWC,.. prior m its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to rile a signed eutemenl that he is licensed pursuant to Line pravisions; of the Conma,mr's License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area - Valua"000 (commencing with Section 7") of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)or , does he is exempt thawfrom and the baso for dte shelled exemption. My violation or APN Number Occupancy Type - Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjcm lM applicant Re a civil penalty of not mom than five bandied dollen (5500). 37504014.00 the pmpersyar withwagessstheirole eompenaadon. ❑iashe Required Inspections- whist isemntende will dod.wart, and destruction for and, (SxJOaI,Bmear tsme.net Licam, ao,dosactaffered and Co rs Liaaho Las does wt apply ff m owner of Cam: The C - 0,whons himselfor Wo ugh his sthere is Warimproveschimprovndwho ' aressuWwork ownenywyceii, that such improvements are oraffimpletired for Cole. If. awn a uilding the m year 1c however. theavethe or improvement is sat however. or I not year or completion, Ihe framer, heur,comf builder will have the burden of proving dos M did not Wild or Improve for purysse of salt.). ❑ 1, as owner of Jae propcny. am awknOwly Concocting with licensed conuacturs to .. , ceramic, the Project (Sec. 7044. Business and Profusions Codes:) The Cim rumri Li coves law does not apply M in owner of progeny who Wilds or improves themon, and- whoconuacufor such projects with a contractor(s) licensed purawnt in the Conuattofs License law. ❑ 1 am asempt under Sec. . B k P C far any reason Owner - Das WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION-' 1 hereby arfimm under pcndty of pcmjury om or ds following mclmadoss, aJ l hamand will maimmina Cenificasof Consentloulf-insumfw Worker's Compcn- -- - - _ - mian, provided far by S3700 or Ne IaWr Code, far the perlormena of the forrwhich Nis permit isissued. I issued. have and will mainland Worker's Compensation Insurance, as m,iisd by Section- OOof the labor Com. for the performance of the work for which dais pecoit is issued. - .... - My WorCke�(. Cn pensatio�n /sunnce carrier and Polity number an: �� Cartier: r `' Policy No. CERTIFICATE OF E)CEMPDON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE pits section need not W completed if the permit is fusion hundred dollars ($100) .- orlcss.) 1 unify that in the performance of the work for which dais Permit is issued, 1 aball not employ any person in any manacrsn as to become subject to the Workms'Compensation _ - LawsofCalifomia.Date Applicant - - NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after making this Certificate of Exemption. you should become subject in (be Worker'a confirmation provitiom of the labor Code, you most - foMwith comply with such provisions or Nis Permit shall m deemed revoked. CONMUCnON LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm Vest Vert is a Construction lending agency lot in, performance of the work far which dao permit is issued (See. 3097. Civ. C.) LenmYI Name Lender's Address I cegree that 1 Max this dune Ian is above iws correct I agree m comply with all city and mlatiun with and sole laws slating city omi and had coon ty o e construction, oil hereby euthoria<rtners. ies of this city winter upon the mpress vas of abovingcotioned above -motioned es. ctl ertyarm for on partl (Wes) agree m Cove, indemnify and kith a I. dcrunify Imcp hathe City of Cupertino against m � IiObilides.ju/dgexpensess. casts and expenses which mayy in in any way accrue against said City //////�����1 \yam Co1L5ajAl"Ce f ting / APPJ.HCA D RSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SA DWI Issued by: Dae -\J / Re -roofs Type of Roof L gig uurC plicanUConuaclor Da HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future Wilding occupant mom or handle hazardous martial as defined by the Cupenino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.13, and the Health and Safety Code, All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. 0y35332(a)? . If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove - Will the applicant or raw. banding oa:upant use equipment or devices which .mit hazardous air contaminants u defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? �� ❑Yid tLd^a' Ih Ne havarda smalcrialssquismcnls under CaaPlcrb.YS of the Glifor ma HC.9I @S c,jC ,Sccduns25505. 25533 and 25534.1 understand the iflhe Wilding does ten hd a art n Nm is ts my rtaponsihility m notify lac axuPant of the mq semen -h t prior to issuance ofa�G[OjfiC<ICo capanC Signature of Applicant Date /I\ 1f /// UU All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better o ad am Date cr a il ca