00100199 'CITY OF CUPERTINO - 5 - "'" ;,—x -Y - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INJYOORMATION .BUILDING ADDRESS' - -soPBRMI3 NO. ;my . P I Q• OWNER'S M1 ':� + APPLICATION SUB DATE I — ^ ' ., : (INF.: _ SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 1� peZ ARCHITLCIILNCINFLR J, BUILDING PERMIT INFO ,^ 'BLDG ELECT PLUMB` MECH pw- .a - 1 ICFNSFD CONTNACIOR S DI CI ARATION ' z 5_� I b b -'' Job Descri tion , o Z�° Y ff Inn ed 1 P n' f Ch pt 9( me g 4 }1 , . nca some <F< wllh5 t 9(IOID rrry�s9lnl the Bu dP(�f_i�} 'C d and my license As�6 Lanf IICI at, lJ'`�. �U. - '° 3 w Dol In, r o ' ARCHFFEC[ LARATIO 1 ae d rpl : bill .el p bl eeays, WRTER; SERViICE REPIPEr OO Liveed ProEssal on ` •, _ . °ies OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION _ 'e 1 hereby arnan that I am exempt four,the Conhacmr'.Lice a Law for the •.� - C y roll oay e' pe(S f 7031.5.H " 1 Professions Code.e y 'ry county $� ❑ wnl b n ..,true, h p d I'1 p' any ar caro. prt in t,is....as,clou faminesthe pl l;rdna an such ptier fl 'bneJ sl lemcm � _�� •^ '• � thou lie is licensedp t in the provisions oft Contractors License[-u (Cn zero Sq. Ft Floor Area, Valuation monamenang with Section 90x) l Business- d Professions- Code)ortit[it it r d the basis f the a pli Any violation pi9031.5b yrrapathj,v,,ha aptriaevivil pnnhy bfa t than five handled dawra(ssno) - -, - APN Number_ OCCU�r1II` 01 or that, early nr mYempl+yeev w'Ihxvges oslh ' . Ic alinm C. pe ,'•' will d 0 k d II s s t intended uttered t I (Sc 7044, � � ' Busirec,add Podisvion,OdeThe Connector*,License Lowdoo,,n ,apply In an KI VJgoired Inspections owneror properly Who h�lds m'npnvc,Ihaol and who dyes such warkhmself , 35QI 71 ] 2QI.or through his own employees.provided that such improvements ore not intended or .- - offered for sale.If,however,the building or impmvemenl is said within one year at - omplctilonf the iweohulleerwillbaseliehardenal""provingthat he did not build ' ., 1.06 — SEWER X• WATER- 1 RTER - in,eac papa ., + - •. ^711 flha Pro,fortlyant I exclusivelyconnecting withl .ed tactors to GQI'I,'t ,'^ UNDERFI_00 R ;PI_I,IMBTNG 1ons t in police,(S .4(94 Bas nes Profession,C de:)The Contractor's ' .iecmeLawdoesantapplymancwnerofra.,lywnobnOdsorilnpmee.mem+m. 301, —' ROUGH PLUMBING and who contracts our such poLegs with a mnhacni licensed pmatlanrto the 3Q12 — TUB & OR SHOWER. Conlnslors License Paw,-, , . °Into exempt See. + ',B&PC Bu this reason 502 ' FINAL PLUMBING •ENERG Y .;ow�ler, nate 5GEI — GAS 'TEST 'WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - ' Ihereby afnnunder pawltyorperjarynneollhefollowing dmmratinr 'FL s. ,507 —. INAPLUMBING - ] I have and will maintain it Leontram of,Consent la Selhinsmc for Worker's Compensat r, as provided far by Self inn'37M r0he Labor Code,'our the •`e purfurmamc of the work an,which this)moil Is issued. - - O 11 J Ill mint W k C 1 f 1 . q d by Section ' ' • r C/�/� ^ 3900 of the Labor Code,far the perfornamad of the kir which this pearmi,isis , nrri�y WorkersC pr, l 1 . ra uer'dnPo_l ynunber are: CPolicy,. olicy rrd�p q CERTIFICATION IXI tOMWORKERS COM'LNSATION[NSURANCE (This section need not becompleted it the Perm'1 Is For a hundred dollars (5110) I".) - 1 certify that in the performance of the work tar which this permit Is issued,1 - - shall not employ;my'",mn in any manner so as In became sabect to the Workers' R Cnmpensmian Laws of Ciddonna.Dam Applicant �- NOTICC TO APPLICANT IL aflermaking Ibis Ccnificateef Bxempllon,you should Q Obecrnne subjmuo fac Workefs CompcnsTnion ptov Bions of tho Labor Gale,you moll fortbwhh comply with such provisions or this pearl[shall he domed revoked t ' r CONSrkUCT10NLENDING AGENCY `• If • F - I hereby aB"r n that tl rc-o wuion lending age sy for the partial - + " t, > of the work liar which 11 pe i s issued(Sec.3097civ.C).,, L. _ W Q Lender.Name d6. z' Lender.Address e S . I en'fy Un. I J- t' tit nit b f tI Isewp1Y will,ill city Laid alumina.,and t I ing:abuildingconstruction,dldnerehYartho representatives fth'scY taunter upon he b6vi tproperty inspection purposes, + Y ' s _ C6 (W)agree to aor, adem l nPh1 N Cly rCriterionbanxt d p ,Which air,in any way rearrou uglmm:niA City in it at thispermit,APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS ANDWII COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT +. -Date - ^'q SOURCE REGULATIONS. Issuedby: ..l ,,. r k ^✓v Signamrc of Appleand/Com...at, T Dote. Re-roofs' - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE', _ _ .win Ihe appuranl or rnmrenniming o...pool.mre n,bundle la.ammus material' Type of Roof a . .,`. , ' ae defined by the Ca'arth n Munlcipul Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Care,Section 25532a)I . °vq:, El No AR roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofitig'material,being'�installed. without first obtaining an inspection, • . _ Will the ppl r I n Id grepapa6lu,ee��p e I rwnicn If-a roof is installed' .I agree to remove emit h-:ardousaraon ams as Lenard by the Bay Area Air Quality Management .. District'' - all new materials for.inspection: Applicant understands and will comply with'' °r` °N all non'point source regulations: y. I have d(he hoodod n,.,,(a cals y o n^nls an tar Chlar,695 of the Cohf rain Health&goal,CodSections 255055533aad 255341 andefund that lrthe h Id gBvs nm II llyh Iannual hal I y p :hltyl rurality 6 "' p racen•trFth Iu r It' h test h 11 r 10 wt f Cen fell f t ,r Mai ' Our cY J �� •Signature of Applicant ;, y Date , own allmer r e agent Dine =All roof covering's to be-Class,!B" or better, OFFICE .