02030121 CITY OF FmsOV0 DINPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: j BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 11230 BUBB RD JUST WATER HEATERS INC 02030121 I OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE BIGLER ROBERT A AND PUNITA P : 1764 NATIONAL AVE 03/21/2002 PHONE: (510) 293-9901 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECTENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO m - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH vy=i i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hereby aM.that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Nt. with Section?tae)of Division 3ofthe Business and Professions Code.and mylicense, REPLACE WATER HEATER. I,in falle Cl.11 and eRecaffect,Licenu Clrss Lica (5 0 GALLON, GAS) S O roe. Dam - °•N ARCHITECT'SS DECLARATION Contractor RATION - w,aj I undcmend my plans shall be used as public rtcods p O ,LicensedProfessional °.p oOWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION u1 to I hereby aRnn that I am exempt from the Contmctor s License Law for the L:?a following teaser.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Cade:Any city or county V — ER{ O which q permit to consumer. Iter,improve.demolish,or repair any structure _Pro tot e..uls°req the ..leant for such permtm file.milteduuumens -. dwth is.dp:ir;untstlepronswnsofJ,eCommemhLmenuLaw(Chepmr9 „• S S 't: FloorArea,t a aluation (co m mgwth.Section7-")of Division 3 of the BusmuF aM N,meroons Coda Q�.}'_'y 1.3d.s q, l}:1 or. or thin he is exempt therefrom end the basis for the allejed exempting.Any violation " of section 9031.5 by any applicant faro Permit subjects the appluni:t to a civil penalty IofTN mora than five hundred dollars(s5(nl. APN Numberrv;; Occupancy Type °I,as owner of me property.or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. 1ENERGY i will do the work,and the structure is not intended or oRered'for'sde(Sec.7066;' - Busmeatand'Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply as an 506 - GAS TES'lRequired Inspections,c• '` -'f° i owner of propcny Who builds m Impmvea thereon,and who does h work himself f _or through his employees.provided that such improvements ended or 507 - FINAL PLUMBING ff . .._. . .._.. _._ . ..__.__.._. ., ...._. .. .___. _. he ng or nent ,o ereJ ors le I(huwever twill havethe burden provis so s'n - of ..,i , �.,, improve on,for the owner-budder will have the burden of prav,n6 t he did not or improve for puq,ou of u1eJ. Con as owner of the.msec, an exclusively and Profession iccnu - _ consumer the project(Sec.]thin Business and Profusion odeJ The Co r, , ,. -- License Law gas nm apply to an owner of Property who 'mpm on, ' - ' '( .,nnd.who contracts for such.Prepetc.soult a.comW,tmI,)I t the Conuactors License I,aw., 7 Ijl ❑I am exempt under Sec b ,B&PCfonhis o .i'. Owner - Data .., . _ - p WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I thereby effim,under penalty of lierjuiy one of the following declamsions: ° 1 hove and will maimaid a Gambino of Consent to self-insure for Worker's • Compensation, u,provided for by-Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the / performance of the work for which this pemm is round. `- °1 have and will mvntnin Worker's Compenmtiominsurince,as required by Section v 3700 of the'fibor Code.for the performance of the work for which this permit is _'- -' y pe Insunnee'carrier and Policy number C d M W°hefs Cem nut bra '�'ec -o'.CERTIFICATION OF E%EMPTIONFROM.WORKBRC ',^__COMPENSATION INSURANCE' I3'. (This senior need not be completed if Ne permit is for one hundred dollars . . (Sltt)ar loss) ' _ __ _ _ _ .rm.: •... .m...o........ .ea..•. s 1 cenpl that in,he performance of the work for which subj perm a Werke,1 shall not employ any person in aDole ter so u to become subject it the Worker' Compensation Laws of California.:Dace' Applies.[- NOTICE suOAPo the Work If.after Compensation p Cisionsfi o of Labor Con.de,you mule ,�/. 1. . ,tin P,:"• becomeh comply the Worker's Compensation provisionsofthe Labor Code,you must OZ forth nth comply with'such provisions or this perms shall be dared revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY K: I hereby-IEm but theinis'a comm'ki on lend g agency for the performance t .. ufthe okfr hch the Permit is tsoed(S 3N7 Cs CI Lenders Name L'Q U. 'a Addrtu• - .. _ _........ _ .__........ ..—_ .. ._ U'.7.. e I agree th t 1 ha teatl tht ity and d tree thin the oto a laws moon g 0 1wi oWil Ogg to comply it hefl,all city and county ordinances andstatelaws relating ////i`_I%,.rG/l'_�i"/\V/•'-' ".1/`— - OTJ thein,ongcossdct onanrherttiyamhonuposes. vu ofNsc,ymcnmr upon the echo a me i orad property f inspection purposes. ,y judgme'bse a ndemNfy and keepwhich h may ss theCity of true against vg min Z, Cliabilitiest judgments.Cost.ad expenses h¢h may n any ay accrue against ae,d Viz 'Cpp'ity n conseqPPILICANTuence of Neppgra t g of thio Perm t - ' ~_ $OURCEREGULATIONS"D�AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued by: Date Signator of Applican,/Commctbr +' S - ""t tOam,• Re-COOTS Cade Sebum . or S lining c. DISCLOSURE - - " pplidints r future buJding arcupm,s none dohattdle haaardous malend .Type of Roof ,. _ ..�._ __ sdefiWill thea (] P pur9lZ ,rad theHW,n and surety s -,. o .; ,.. ,.,. Pj: r•• nedb Ne CLpcn,ru Munm,pal Code Che °4 ;3a'p 't °rvo T 7 All roofs shallbi; rispected.prior tp any roofing material being installed.,,.,_ ._ ,. t Will the a lirant w,fuwrt oil in occu em Liu equipment or.devices which PP B PIf a roof is installed-without first obtaining an'inspection,I'agree.toiremove not hcerarJws Lir mnum,titits is deface b the Be Area Air Quality'Management o y all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Yes, ,.t�,:,, 13 No . ... d . all non-point source'r8gulahons:. ' , ( .,.•,.I:,, ,,, 1 have'on, ,rte haurdous'memnuh¢quirementa under Chapter 6.95 bP,lie Califomis Heabb&Safety Code,Sections 25505,-25333 and 75536:1 understand that If the building does not currently have a tenant that it iimymparrusibility to notify the occupant of she requirements which must be met prior to Issuance of a Cartifieam of Signature of Applicant Date owneror:rmo ,d,gent Date, All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better OFFICE ._ _ .. .. . .. ._. . .. . . . ._ ._. . . .__.. ...... . . CITY OF FmsOV0 DINPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: j BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 11230 BUBB RD JUST WATER HEATERS INC 02030121 I OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE BIGLER ROBERT A AND PUNITA P : 1764 NATIONAL AVE 03/21/2002 PHONE: (510) 293-9901 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECTENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO m - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH vy=i i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hereby aM.that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Nt. with Section?tae)of Division 3ofthe Business and Professions Code.and mylicense, REPLACE WATER HEATER. I,in falle Cl.11 and eRecaffect,Licenu Clrss Lica (5 0 GALLON, GAS) S O roe. Dam - °•N ARCHITECT'SS DECLARATION Contractor RATION - w,aj I undcmend my plans shall be used as public rtcods p O ,LicensedProfessional °.p oOWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION u1 to I hereby aRnn that I am exempt from the Contmctor s License Law for the L:?a following teaser.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Cade:Any city or county V — ER{ O which q permit to consumer. Iter,improve.demolish,or repair any structure _Pro tot e..uls°req the ..leant for such permtm file.milteduuumens -. dwth is.dp:ir;untstlepronswnsofJ,eCommemhLmenuLaw(Chepmr9 „• S S 't: FloorArea,t a aluation (co m mgwth.Section7-")of Division 3 of the BusmuF aM N,meroons Coda Q�.}'_'y 1.3d.s q, l}:1 or. or thin he is exempt therefrom end the basis for the allejed exempting.Any violation " of section 9031.5 by any applicant faro Permit subjects the appluni:t to a civil penalty IofTN mora than five hundred dollars(s5(nl. APN Numberrv;; Occupancy Type °I,as owner of me property.or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. 1ENERGY i will do the work,and the structure is not intended or oRered'for'sde(Sec.7066;' - Busmeatand'Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply as an 506 - GAS TES'lRequired Inspections,c• '` -'f° i owner of propcny Who builds m Impmvea thereon,and who does h work himself f _or through his employees.provided that such improvements ended or 507 - FINAL PLUMBING ff . .._. . .._.. _._ . ..__.__.._. ., ...._. .. .___. _. he ng or nent ,o ereJ ors le I(huwever twill havethe burden provis so s'n - of ..,i , �.,, improve on,for the owner-budder will have the burden of prav,n6 t he did not or improve for puq,ou of u1eJ. Con as owner of the.msec, an exclusively and Profession iccnu - _ consumer the project(Sec.]thin Business and Profusion odeJ The Co r, , ,. -- License Law gas nm apply to an owner of Property who 'mpm on, ' - ' '( .,nnd.who contracts for such.Prepetc.soult a.comW,tmI,)I t the Conuactors License I,aw., 7 Ijl ❑I am exempt under Sec b ,B&PCfonhis o .i'. Owner - Data .., . _ - p WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I thereby effim,under penalty of lierjuiy one of the following declamsions: ° 1 hove and will maimaid a Gambino of Consent to self-insure for Worker's • Compensation, u,provided for by-Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the / performance of the work for which this pemm is round. `- °1 have and will mvntnin Worker's Compenmtiominsurince,as required by Section v 3700 of the'fibor Code.for the performance of the work for which this permit is _'- -' y pe Insunnee'carrier and Policy number C d M W°hefs Cem nut bra '�'ec -o'.CERTIFICATION OF E%EMPTIONFROM.WORKBRC ',^__COMPENSATION INSURANCE' I3'. (This senior need not be completed if Ne permit is for one hundred dollars . . (Sltt)ar loss) ' _ __ _ _ _ .rm.: •... .m...o........ .ea..•. s 1 cenpl that in,he performance of the work for which subj perm a Werke,1 shall not employ any person in aDole ter so u to become subject it the Worker' Compensation Laws of California.:Dace' Applies.[- NOTICE suOAPo the Work If.after Compensation p Cisionsfi o of Labor Con.de,you mule ,�/. 1. . ,tin P,:"• becomeh comply the Worker's Compensation provisionsofthe Labor Code,you must OZ forth nth comply with'such provisions or this perms shall be dared revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY K: I hereby-IEm but theinis'a comm'ki on lend g agency for the performance t .. ufthe okfr hch the Permit is tsoed(S 3N7 Cs CI Lenders Name L'Q U. 'a Addrtu• - .. _ _........ _ .__........ ..—_ .. ._ U'.7.. e I agree th t 1 ha teatl tht ity and d tree thin the oto a laws moon g 0 1wi oWil Ogg to comply it hefl,all city and county ordinances andstatelaws relating ////i`_I%,.rG/l'_�i"/\V/•'-' ".1/`— - OTJ thein,ongcossdct onanrherttiyamhonuposes. vu ofNsc,ymcnmr upon the echo a me i orad property f inspection purposes. ,y judgme'bse a ndemNfy and keepwhich h may ss theCity of true against vg min Z, Cliabilitiest judgments.Cost.ad expenses h¢h may n any ay accrue against ae,d Viz 'Cpp'ity n conseqPPILICANTuence of Neppgra t g of thio Perm t - ' ~_ $OURCEREGULATIONS"D�AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued by: Date Signator of Applican,/Commctbr +' S - ""t tOam,• Re-COOTS Cade Sebum . or S lining c. DISCLOSURE - - " pplidints r future buJding arcupm,s none dohattdle haaardous malend .Type of Roof ,. _ ..�._ __ sdefiWill thea (] P pur9lZ ,rad theHW,n and surety s -,. o .; ,.. ,.,. Pj: r•• nedb Ne CLpcn,ru Munm,pal Code Che °4 ;3a'p 't °rvo T 7 All roofs shallbi; rispected.prior tp any roofing material being installed.,,.,_ ._ ,. t Will the a lirant w,fuwrt oil in occu em Liu equipment or.devices which PP B PIf a roof is installed-without first obtaining an'inspection,I'agree.toiremove not hcerarJws Lir mnum,titits is deface b the Be Area Air Quality'Management o y all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Yes, ,.t�,:,, 13 No . ... d . all non-point source'r8gulahons:. ' , ( .,.•,.I:,, ,,, 1 have'on, ,rte haurdous'memnuh¢quirementa under Chapter 6.95 bP,lie Califomis Heabb&Safety Code,Sections 25505,-25333 and 75536:1 understand that If the building does not currently have a tenant that it iimymparrusibility to notify the occupant of she requirements which must be met prior to Issuance of a Cartifieam of Signature of Applicant Date owneror:rmo ,d,gent Date, All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better OFFICE ._ _ .. .. . .. ._. . .. . . . ._ ._. . . .__.. ...... . .