30991APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE SALL POINT PEN ONLY; _ CITY OF COPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. BUILUINC. DIv1, N APPLICATION/PFRMIT x.,.r;'IwuM 11— olN(.L 't—.1mcn� ��9 91 LIC NO: I ADDRESS: a'/yTPH NL �7U0 ��K �'✓ • � � El Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) 1 hereby aRrrn not 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing CZp with Seaiun](MXB of Divisinn3of Ne Business end Profasinnr Cnde.aWmylicense is CWF in full force and effect. . Q U U License Class Lia R I Z 6 Date Commctor ARCHUECTS (DEECLLA�RATIOIN/ lhlicr ad, F? W LtcLh—S2cuxvd u �ftl�It [-AiJL4{76 s OWNER-BUILDERDECIARATION p, I herchy .firm tat I um uempt from the Gmimmor's License Luw fur the x o d F following reason. (Section 9031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any dly or county F = C) h which requires .permit m caf aracl, aUnr, improve, demolish, t,repair any swcmrc its yQ 11{g�ionn issuance, also requires the applicantfar such permtuo file a signed statement iy `I that he is licensed ppmuant mine provisions of the Commearox Licence Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Secuim7k)(d) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)., that he is exempt Nerefmm and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of uXl I+y Section 703 L5 by any appli add for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of 0 not more than five hundred dollars (5500). F-1Las owner of the property, or my employees with wages ax their sole compensation, Kee willdothework,ondthestrucmreisnot intended orufferW forsale (Sec. ]06q, Business 6 3 ^ and Pmfessioma Code: The Contrnclnrs License Low dues not apply to on owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does suet wmk himself or through his own employees. Parsoal that such Improvements am not intended or offered for sale. IL however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner- builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for pur- ofsns' sl, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors m canm the project (Sec. 904, Business and Professions CodcJ The Contractor's Li. cense Law does net .rely to an owner ofpmpcny who hnilds or improves therm., end who Sorntraps[ur such" jack wit nen ,cmr(s) licensed Pennant to the Countesses Lice. L,,'',,11FFbb PP1111 ❑tut under' ,It% P q forth# reason IMI hereby affirm tinder permh,al''perjury ncof the following dednrminns:' ❑ I have it will mnimnin. Cerlifcum of Co em mslf-insure lit Workers Cc cation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Libor Cede, for the performance e work for which this permit is issued, ❑ I have and wit l*mnintin Worker Compensation himmuce, as requite 3700 of to Labor Code, for the perform a of die work for which ti 1 v ted, My Workers Compensation Insurance tamer and Policy number Cartier. Policy He,: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORK COMPENSATION INSURANCE fibieseeionneed not beccutdred iflGe permit is for in oil SIM) or less.) I certify that in the performance of Ne work for wht if ardiv' led, l shall notmpl eoy any prs eon in any manner en an m hennne su it We n' Compete 0 z ..tion Laws of Coliform.. Date 0 Applicant 1W IF q fA NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, after making tis Ceni'c o' of Ex 'tion, yon should 7 become subject m the Worker's Compensminn'rnvisians of the J or Code, you must Q funhwit comply with such provisions or this permit smgcy fined revoked z CONSTRUCTION LENDING 'U � •Ih rchy affirm that there ispmnxiructlnn lcndi for the performance of W F the work for which this permit is issual (SecJW]Ci 0 U Lenders Name W LcndaAAidreax Air ELECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL PANELS UPT02W AMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC: TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL OUTLETS -SWIT NEW REsB)pj&IfLbl WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL OFFICE I celLly that I have rad This application a stale that the shove infuriated Is _❑KITCHEN Z] U Z correct. I agree m comply with all city and coup tdmances and stale laws relating m buildingconawclipn.and hereby autonxere motives of thiscilytoemeuponte vbnvo-mrntiuned property for inspection pu es. (We) agree m cove, indemnify and p hunnleas the City of Cupenlnn ngainvl QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE AIA ER OR ADD TO MECH. CON, ROLat liabilities, judgments. costs and expenses ch may in any way accrue against said City in consequence of to gnoting of Nis it. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AN ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE REGULATIONS, AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CPM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,(010 CF BLDG ❑ ELECT' ❑ Signanre ofApticanl/Cmare Dam HAZARD S MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCq HEATING UNI'f(TO 100AX) BTU) HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) ' Will thc.pplianl in future huildin...... art stere or handle latitudinal material as defined by the CupeninnMunicipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Cale, Section 25532(a)7 _ El Yell EjNo VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RES ID) Will llm replicate or for.. building occulting use equipment or devices which ami( hazardous sir contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District" , BOILER-COMP(JHP OR 100,000 BTU) BOILER- COMP (OVER HANX BTU) i Fl Yes ❑No AIR CONDITIONER ')- 1 have reed Ne hazardous rourri h, ` t5, 2553 enw, ualer Chapter oma d t to Calm that if to forma doesHealth & Safety Cale. Sections 75505, 25533 and nsS34. 1 to notify the building dmsnmeunen0y must IV metn,thato ismytesponsicolycausofy,pupoa �y't fthtl�ir�s�ssy)hich lnnst bn mel prior la ixguunce nlaCenilicete of Ocyupnnr/. NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. ' OFFICE " JOB DES&OOTION '' REMODEL 7DITION❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR TFUREPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER _❑KITCHEN NIC CON, ROLat BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ❑ ELECT' ❑ PLUMB MECH ❑ ❑ FEE " JOB DES&OOTION '' REMODEL 7DITION❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR TFUREPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER _❑KITCHEN SQ PT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. TOTAL: or COMMERCIAL, ❑NEWBLDG/ADDITION ❑DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑FOOOSERVICE IMPROV17MENT ❑ OTHER SQ. FC FLOOR AREAp� SISQ. Fr. P F?' Ff . �FQEB 21 RECD 11 Qr vuf Cr51114U y. ) OCC. GROUP BUILDING DIVISION FEES PIANCHECK FEE ENERGY FEE - GRADING HE SOILS FEE' FBI; PAID Dm. Receipt It TOTAL: BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE' ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING FEE MF,CHANICALFEE CONSTRUCTION I'A% ' HOUSING MITIGATION FEE PAID ` Date Receipt# 2- Z � SUED BY: Inspection Query for a Specfic Permit 0991 110440 IBUBB IPLBG I I 3/4/971 3/4/971 I 0991 (10440 BUBB U/G LATH 3/4/971 3/4/971AD 21P 0991 110440 BUBB IU/G PLBG I 3/4/971 3/4/971CC 21P 0991 110440 IBUBB IMETAL STUD I I 3/13/971 3/13/971AD I 21P I 0991 10440 IBUBB ]DRYWALL I 3/13/971-3/13/971AD I 21P 0991 10440 IBUBB (FIRE CORRIDOR 1 3/13/971 3/13/971AD I 2 F 0991 10440 BUBB (DRAFT STOP I 3/13/97 3/13/971AD I 21F 0991 110440 IBUBB i !EL IN LOBBY I 3/13/971 3/13/971AD 2P 0991 110440 IBUBB I (DRYWALL SCREW 3/18/971 3/18/971AD I 31P 099110440 BUBB I ELEC 3/18/97 3/18/971AD 31P 1 0991 10440 ]BUBB IPLBG I I 3/18/9 3/18/971AD 3 P 0991 110440 IBUBB 1DRYWL$CREW 3/19/971 3/19197CC 11F 0991 110440 IBUBB ;T -BAR 1 3/18/971 3/181971AD I 31F i 0991 110440 IBUBB (DRYWALL SCREW 1 3/24/971 3/24/971AD 1 21P 0991 110440 IBUBB !FRAME i 3/24/9 3/24/971AD I 21P 0991 110440 IBUBB IELEC I 3/24/971 3/24/971AD 21P I 0991 110440 IBUBB IELECT 2ND I 3/24/971 3/24/971AD I 21P I 0991 110440 IBUBB (FRAME 2ND 1 I 3/24/971 3/24/971AD I 2 P 0991 10440 IBUBB (DRYWALL SCREW 3/24/971 324/97iAD 2IP I Page 1 4/7/97