01030094 CITY I BUINoONO BUILDING VIiSIiNPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10340 BUBB RD 01030094 OWNER'S NAME: APPLI ATION,,ssUB DATE SAN FRANCISCO FEDERAL S&L ASS 03/19/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. OceptO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ra u FF-- BLDG ELECT PLUMBZ. EC 6 tl h i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Descrip 'on OO Z-� 1 hereby affirm that I um licensed under provisions of Charter 9(commencing t..,o,t_w with Section 7000ofDivision3oftheBusiness-no Profrlsims,Code,andmylicenx REPLACE A/C UNIT. car6 m y, is in fun force and effect. z no o License Class Lip.a Dae Contractor F a O ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 undersand my plans shall he used as public records r wi p O Licensed Professmnal ape.ftOWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby alErm stand I a'm eaempa form the Conracmr's License Taw for the F•Z< following patron.(Section 70315,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county $80000 which rcyuires a pm ^retrrn ermit c ,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any strucmrc at a .prior to its issuance.also regmr<s dic applicant for such permit to a e n signed a ctiment -� nou hq al.hisirropatp pnl,ad theproa rh C t m:l L (Chapmr9 p p } f .t. 5 k. . ! Valllall1111 0.o ene' gw1bS t 7WO) rD' :' 3 fah Bats dP f. ions Cash) Vs';^,s.."e 3,5 �Ub 11(�or�t,el �. or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation } 'C k' t" k-�' of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subjecm the applicantran a civil Faraday ,°form..than five hundred dollars(s50o1. 203APN OtRFLOOR ME HANICALOccupancyType ❑1,as owner of the porpes as cny,or my employees with wagtheir sale compensation, - will do the�work,-and the strucmrc isnot intended of offered for sale(See:7011, -Business and Pm essWns Cod,The C°nrraemr s License Law d«s not apply to an 503 - FINAL MEQ mBS�ec�k%Ii,RGY owner r of property Who builds of improves thereon,and who does such work himself or through his own employees.provided that such improvements are not intended or 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL of.ied for sale.II <v<c ahc building or ."- _ or imporvemens is soldwirhin oone Year of - - rills T,.-; droplet a ba ld ll has the burden f proving th t h did t build or I s _ rep p Tavm of sole.rt 'a ow LN P pony musinceparij contractors to construct wct rh fousect(Site ]n44 Business d Profession,Cod )The Contractor's License La d . misapply To nes f p p ny what builds p thereon. a; and.who omva tsfon ch P leets w th co tacmr(s)I ed.p nt m the _ _._..._. Cover License La _11_11 _ 1 .__ _ ._ _ .- ❑1 pt oder Sec - s'• B&P C f his reason --- _ _- _ Owner- "WORKEWSCOMPENSATIOM1IDEC RATIONI .. '�'• •" IM1ercby affirm under penalty of perjury-no:o`ithe following dcclamtiuns:- ❑ 1 have and wlllcmainain'a'Cendaccam or Contention self-imure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, farthe performance of the work for which this permit is issued., ❑I have and willmainiain work<ns Cmnpeniasion Insuiahce,as required by Section 37W of But Latour Code,for the perffiro r¢e of the work for which his peFmia is Csmell My Workeh Compensation Insurance artier mal Policy trumpeters am I a 4I t t\''Policy No.- .CERTIFICATION o CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS I' COMPENSATION INSURANCE - ,.. p Ferris is for ooe hundred dollars ---- —_-_- _-` __ _---_ orllisseecion nbcd iluibe'cam land if the IS 100) . . irvp ... .....d .:..�. liall'h en'y ah, Ba perfoma ttoI.f the kfo which this pe .n vueAT .. _ .. _ .. __ , t.YL'• s._ -` _ .. ._-_.-. _ -__- P Y y pers0 f Y . ro'beco ne aubject to theWo k rs Co pensmion Laws of California:Daml ' " .'Applicant , ... 1.:1, .. . .. .....11.1. 1 ... , O 1NOTwICtEnTOAPLaft arealslarallIn,,Certificate of Eemushould me. to the Workers Co pcmationp ons ofthe laMuCoaah,youmanZZ India lnmplr wire seen pnwlslnns or ams pefmh snml x deemed revoked. I . to -a F., CON therms 'pml LENDINGAGENCY ' " - - ---- a.7 - 1 h 6Y Rim alis them nst t on J ng ag<ncY f the perfomtnnce y:c -Lender s Name- 09]"Civ.C) nhn e r n'en m tt ren is tan<a fsel i - ZU zI<rM s Addrc.. ,. , .- _ - r Vr� 1 conify that lhave mad this pylic[ and state that lM1e above information , • _ - int �• E. correct I agree to comply with all city and countyordinances ape state laws relaung i O:U to budding construction.and M1ereby'3umarric represcmmi4ee of phis city to ender upon the all re<n6oned pmpcny for Inspection imiff-es._ E. P. (W) g t sa J mnify and keep handless the city of Cuperiino against Vl Bounties,judgments.costs and e persons which may in any way appose agaiar said U City o yueru'e ofth g-mnsafthi perms APP-CANT UNDHRSYAI AND COMPLY WITH AL NON-POLY'[ .RCE REGULAT10Ns Zi lssuedby: e m o ors - cant/ am mr " Dore'.; Re-roofs ZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - "do.p licam o f t rc building a win ink rr Rinm hazvdaus ro.,mrw Type of Roof mtl f JbyN C pen noMunicipal Cod Chapt 9.12 a data Haled road safety - - Cm Section sss3 gad13 Ye". '.r at1ONt I, t .P,'1( f. r tY k:. (' . ,tf rl a.),1 a All roofs shall be inspected prior to any.rbofing material being installed. • Zankf it l a ro future bulJmg pant a< .AI,equipment ae ices �If a roof is-installed without first obtaining an inspectiori;'I'agree'to'remove_ emit h b +1; a A1r Q lay h1anagm era Di s a coram n t d t rtes b the B Afe all new materials for Inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with r r Y ❑N _ _s ,' ' -all non-point source regulations ,, - - "- -- -1111.._.-.:.. .. 'I ha a r ea hpo d ua'materials - the C if mie HcaIM&511111 Cr,de Sections 25505,25533 and 25534„1understand f that ;i thibwldsng aces not cumcnd tit is my responsibility,to hoaifY the -- - -'-- -- r. 1n nr2yf Jin r< which. n be met o is.manc of a Ceni(cam or --- - -_ __ ;_ r � Signature of Applicant Date ° rearst onieait - DolP:. All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better '. - .. OFFICE .. ._ .. ._ .. _. 1111._ ...,,.w__• ., .. _-__ ..: .. � I , t, -