00120073 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDINGADDRESS' PERMIT NO. 10240 BUBB- RD •00120177~ OWNER'S NAME: ' ' APPLICATION SU&DATE DE ANZA ENTERPRISES � '��� 1.2/12:/'?_000, HONE: • NITARY NO. CON]SOL NO. Sia D K Z ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: " - - - - BUILDING PERMIT INTO ` - - ELECT„ - PLUMB,y MECH Z 1 nearby E.ICFNSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATat I am licensed under provisions of ION pl 9(commencing lob�escrl ion ,z�Er wms r 9a1n1 ririnot sanneea sawlmles.rrICod,rural, license REPLACE BEAMS -',.�- . .or . sG Ill[ and•lea ('y gg,4 sc is nscChss_ Ieq / u7 3 a o me�p Contuu or - " Pelf TF:Cf'S DFCI ARA] I I 1 n 1 ypl : h llheatel a,mbliereculd, + . 'z of aCp�O Licensed Pf.. al F.= OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION u�lto I hereby affirm that I n asempt from the C I I 1 far the 3< ,f.h g (S i 901150 JP f.� Cw:An, ty numy P �O -wac l l :ap rinit loorratio,alle, P ed Ish r Pa y:l.slam n3� prion t issuance.al 1 :theapplicant f h p 'tt fl s d.t lament matolicensedp : II the prov,ions alln Conrmct Licalise Law(Chapter9 Sq.�F[. Floor Area - Va tiign rca t s ll Section 9wm rD' 3 fin R 1P r Cartel _ '.G,wi'w700 - or e I ha n,slump,Ih mt n J m h [ (he e ..........Anyviolation of Section 70315 by city'ppl' l for a Istrimit. bd t. the applicantcivil actually - arnelmorem n ilia hundredn u ($la) `APN Number, - (&upancy,Type " 111,atmencruffireirrohnery,r my employees with wages as the ,bwmpemoti n,' `.:+5720022. 00 J • - w e e e k a me tantrums s o I pleadedor ollarini for a (Sce,911x L. - Required Inspections Bu. d Professions code The Cont t . LiI does t apply t n - - rp wiry Wmbnmsarmprosam d 1 dc :rm a flauself t — FOUNDATIOhI ' orthrougl his own employees,prodded m,t such mpmve owns nee nm(mended or 1sD1 - n - arfered lar sale.If,however.the molding arhainwa ncm is sold within one year of 1 0 F'I ERS - oomlplinion, c„woes-naedarwel nave thebarecnofprovm,elm braid notbaodor '1- ram,eforparfuseaream.). -• :1,2T1s, _..•UFpER ' °1 f[he P pets- I .i ly n ry In licensed 104' _. RE,FSAR ,. construct the project sea,9044.Basis I Pmfe....ns C>ved The Commwnr x - l Law does not applrlo an owncrofproperty who bunds or improves thereon: - - 1,05 — ANCHOR BOLTS - r and ncontracts r n projects with a co ermtorbsl r :d p tm I the: - . - ola.twn",gLicense erls� H�Pcrm lois rc„o, 1.06 SEWER N._ WATER " ^ Owmar - Dam ' - 202 -•UNDFRFL�OOR, PLUMB 1146 " WORKER'S COMPF.NSAI'ION DECLARATION 20? - UNDERFLOOR MECFIAIsIICAI_ ii;romy alrt,n coder really of perjury one of following demarminm.: •204• UNDERFLOOR FRAME _73700 1 nave and will maintain n Cembeme at Call Ila,cls-ins mfor Wm ea;s' x265 UNDERFLOOR IhISULATI ON mp t pr isd lar by sat 3700 "1 me Labor,C«m,-for lar 01 —' ROUGH PLUMBING' ,�. Rftle wok l' Much this it is'issued. .w n e '11 m.; I-Iw k c'-iinr I . q ' cess ran 302 — TUB 8; OR, SI-'IOWF_R My L l rad il l p r, a e nn k i n 1 n . �, n is 30� ROUGH MECHANICALas ca.Mywrrkmse nlpen t i,n b,:arwee rr cr dna Prrny fon roar are _ u .� -lee� Polmy No.: T' a'�1_L �s04 ,- ROU(31-1 ELECTRICAI- . C RTIFICA'r10N OF 19XBMPHON >ROMWORKERS' • n _ COMPENSATION INSURANCE •x'305 — FRAME. 3OEs — 'HOLDOWNS ernes section need not be comploaIr nIc panne i,future nandrwl do Be' islra9 ail less.) 34J7 INSULATION' I reall'yalarm the perfomnane.:of the work for which this permit lsm,mai - .~308 — SHEETROC:1< saill not employ any person in any manner so as m beconla.subject to the Workers' , Cvmpcnsaenn laws,)]Canrnrnin Doe _ + 309. ' EXTERIOR LATH Applicant NOTICETOAPPLICANI If R k. 6th Certificate fP npr y should - 31. e0. — INTF_RIOR LATH -' bac to'abject the Worker,C pe I p offs,Labor Cor y wet `C C mellow all comply with suchprovisions trthperantshwlbe deemedravokee 31 1• — ,SCRATCH COAT V7 CONSTRUCT10NLENDINGAGENCY" ?13 '— ROOF NAII' ' r F' I hereny an r n e t d mraafan tering+genes forme perrrrma�cc , .• •' �. • t ofthe work for wbebms pemi�is issued(Sec309yC'ee) 501. — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY (� Leaders Name Z Leaic,'sAddre.ss 50th' FINAI.. -PLUMBING, ENERGY ' v 4 nlyunit hn m ed this application estatethan b m r is 503 — FINAL'• MECHANICAL; 'ENERGY, correct.I pow to comply wilt Bty'nl totally e m,I l Pr , - " O p loh-la gaonstmeranaadhe�,yunit., p .vnmt9esnlmsctytoemeture. - -504- — FINAL_ BI I_.DIN,G ENERGY '. r� the obova....railroad property for.inspection po,swes. a,- rw> gm ,a keepAdtaintless the City rCupertino against 505INAL'E _CTP,ICAL m Bah Ipull�a I d p uses w n any Ia any y recruit ago nst said - �: Q Ciry n rnmgl once of he gr tI ` fth.s porn t. u - 6 "f l - - ' it .CANT INDER TA )5 ND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT l RCER7 n INS, Issued by: t Date. �a� }2—,19_— oa ~Codon of Amit... oma. Re-roofs ' t is' � '-URI— Wilt - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE _ -' me.Ipp1 m r future milmorg . t, mor handle armadmo namoni - .Ty'pe of Roof• ' 9 -. FINAL -GRADE its definedby me Cape t M "pm CmJ CI apt -a 12,a td me Beahh a,d Snmty - - _ - Code Station 25532(')? L 10 FII\IAI, PI ANNING. °Yes.- 11 No All roofs shall] ectd"d Belifts Pt6dto p f FNylhMoliftg dnf2Ebeing'installed. Will theirplic, I or future l 'wog lent v n t or-dr,wa,wn cli If a'roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection, I a gree to remove emit hazardous s v r contaminants as call by the Bay Arca A.,Quality Management P g ,District all new materials for,inspection. Applicant understands.and will coniply with °Yes 1:1 No all non-point source regulations. I L d'hattenuation,minerals y 'rem I. n I CI pt .f 15 f the - .. Calif Recall h S f ty C d S cti no 5505 25593 a d 25514 1 d t d that flh hu ldinydots to nayhavealannm that. slay responsibility lonmifythe - - y + - pvm of the byui emem. which mm1 be mm prior m Issuance of it Conocmr of r _ Signature of Applicant • , Date (2-12 00 All'roof covenb s to be Class B•' or better' Own or anhodzea ag Data g i OFFICE