02050037 CITY GDIDIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10465 BREWER AV JUST WATER HEATERS INC 02050037 OWNER'S NAME: APPLIC4TION SyB DATE GOWEN WILLIAM R AND MARY N 1764 NATIONAL AVE 05/ 07/ 2002 PHONE: (510) 293-9901 SANITARY N0. CONTROL NO. 0 0 ZO ARCHITEC-PENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO k1,'an t- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH S h z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 5 Z=G Iherc70 of Divisihat I on 3liccnutunderp and Pions.r Ch Coca and(commencing Job Description „F, ,vitnfallir,neuro)efect. .n3.nneansmettanaPr.ret5mnsenae.andmybLenm REPLACE WATER HEATER lr mu mc,,dna erred,. (5 0 GALLON GAS) o w U License Class Lie.a Date Contractor 7 u.O rn ARCHITECI'S DECLARATION S 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records or L 6 C O Licensed Professional usien OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION so1 hereby aRmm that I or exempt from the Convaaor's License law for the C?_ following reason.(Section 9031,5.Business and Professions Cade Any city or county re F o which malifirs,.permn ., n 'Ite,Imports,dralolikh,or repairor,structure e,3 Prior, , .. I 9 ,he appl ,f such a fl ash ed statement that is httnscdpursuant tthe provisions ofth Connownur a License La (Chapter 9 S .FC Floor Area Valuation (commencing ,h Sea 7000) fD' 3 o meB c and Prof Coae) �,1 ^i;';9 fl ;dt },sy-p -'ti ' or that he a exempt therefrom and the bass for the alleged exempfon.Any v uleuon ' of Section 9031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects 0e applicant m a civil Penalty '.fuel m.rc then five hundred dollars(Se(n), APN NumberOccupancy Type 01,so or,.nhe pmlico,or my empleyas with wages a5 their tale mmpentmlm, 502 - FINAL PLUMBIN ENERGY will do the work,and,he structure is not Intended or oRered for sale(sec,T}ey- 5 0 6 - GAS TES Bounce and Professions Cole:The Cnmraremr's License Law docs am apply,o an rRe uired Inspections owner of property Who(wilds or improves domain and who does such work himself 5 - FINAL PLUMBING or through his own employees.provided,hat such improvements arc no,intended or .offered far sale.If,hbw24c, he Wilding or ilnphivement is sold within one ye Q�� �'-" cnmpleiim,dr,owner-builder, will have the burden ofproving that he did notbuil �'WJ1 - ^ impr.ve for purpose of Sale.). ,a " i o - M 2002 a'CWs:)nhromracmau--MAY 3 0- .. . —._.. ... ...-- ..._.._- ..__ .._. - .Dl;as owner of the propenY,am exclusivelycommaing " -- - -- -- -------- - License,the project(Sec.70Y44,Business and property whiob Code:)The ve,un em. ' License who Law tact not apply to an owner of property who builds or sed purse S Herron, and who contracts for such r. , wi,h.a comme,orts)licenses.pursuant bribe ..._ . BUIL— Owner p jcc s EIIa Contractors Licenselaw. EI I am comp,under sec. � ,B&P C for,his rtacon .. Own Out WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ' 1 hereby alimm under penalty of perjury one of)he following dedaratiom: ❑ 1 base and will maintain a CeniGcme of Consent to self-insure for Warker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 or the Labor Code, for the - Perfommnce of the work for which this famni,is issued, ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Cumpehscomm Insurance,as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Cade,for the perfcauance of,he work for which this permit is ' towed.My Workers Compensation Insurance Lanier and Policy number are: .. _ . . .-. ..:. ._ .. .. Couren .he,No CERTIFICATION OFEXEMPTIONFROMWORKERS't !. cf v.tl< m'�, ',t'MjfG,r f.S,; fQ} •�.7 '• COMPENSATION INSURAnCE '` ' "(This section need m,be completed if the parrot is for one hundred dollars 1' -- D$1009 1CSi) ` I c n fy that in parr an l r k for which 0s i s lssoce,l shale , Person inpl y any Y u,o become subject ct,o,he Workers Compensation Laws of California.Darc�n NOTICApplicant. NOTICETO APPLhe Work 11,Compensation this Cemf aofthe become Compensation cmption.you should Z provisions of e denotedabor mocked. must � O f.nhwitM1 comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed rtvokN. a 'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY a'� of hereby affirm,ha,thea its consm'ai . 097.lending agency for the performance 96 .. Linn work for which this permit is tdsuea(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) ` 6. z 'Linder a Name- ..__ ... ._ r _.... - -. -........_.. ... '_..._- D.z Lend .Add U�� In' that h al a t tl scale e,he bo information is \j n agree C+ [-t correct I g to con with ply II city ty fid co ordinances rd d slate rclet ng U/w((-7✓f_i`}^/ �NWf..• r W m building aboswe-m m.' Y d h by h erepresentatives of,jus city, der upon he d for y t (We)agree to sat;ndinspection p purposes, emmlyand keep Wmdns the Cly of Cupertino against V] liabilities,judgments,rose and wmay in any way accred against said City in consequenceof he griming of this permit. APPLICANT SOURCE REGULATIONS. WILL COMPLY WTTH'gLl NON-POINT Issued by: 12Date Signature.f ApplicanUConvmon .-v,Dole Re-roofs / HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE'.. Will HAZARDOUS or future building ommicnt more or handle hazmdout material Type of Roof._ as defied by,he Ct pen' Municipal uC d Chapter 9.13 and'he Health and Safety Code Sectin o2553Na1 ,,: - r. - El Yt, No -. All roofs shall be ins ected prior tearly roofin material being installed. WII to pplicm f t b Id 5 p pg B p ' If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection; I agree toremove mit ha b c time t ermnym ByA 4qF Quality tt.6eh h District? all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with or on lall Tion-point source regulations; - - - - 4dL 1 have read the hoza d s ma¢nals requ rements under Chap ar 6 95 of the .Healt&Soley Cox,Sections 25505;25533 and 255341 understand that building does notcurrently have a tenant,,Wt it is my«.sponsibility ns notify theam.f the r nmo mems which must be mei prior,o issuance of aofancySignature of Applicant Date r.praimoramagen,. Date All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better