2498 7569 Bor�T�>'rtc�t xoan Tract No. Lot No. CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICA I N FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date �� —� . 119 Permit No=1, r g � Y Application is herebyd a e 't7 !Oy a story,T p Use Zone at GOccupancy to be occupied only as Sq.feet A/3:2- in � in accordance with Plans,Spe s ld arking Space Estimated Value of Improvema Sprinkler Emer. Elect. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued 1 shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workman's compensation laws of California. OwnerA U STf N P. FDOI N Address 75-�9 ROLL-I N G-ER RD. ByAddress This permit shall expire and become null and void if the work authorized by it is not commenced within 120 days from the date issued or if the work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days after commencement. Q1 FINAL INSPECTION ✓ T-t1.YyLj �-1�60-GO1 N 3G ;-r Arm/oi`/ 7�6� l3c111AVO-e-�- R�. '� 6' r _Y40-4 �j1J �J ?f 7'1'Z, J -oN esueai!l muisng/ !o esor ues •uo1leap�dde sig3 wz'J04lne A�,edo,d pm toe;;e pue 93,o;pn;ui si 'ON asuo3l-1 s,oiae,luoZ)etu,o;lle3;o elel$s14 legl Simi Ze;ueagddy pep;luewelels ,euM0 w ueogdde Aq pewiejo Age,eq si esueai-j s,,oloe,luoyo;eiu,oylep;o elels,o;luawe,mbe,wo,l uoridwex3