00110036CITY'OF CUPERTINO7 • ' ' CION TRACTORINEORMATI ON: BUILDING DIVISION - ., PERMIT _ t BUILDING ADDRESS: .^ PERMIT ami i.@Z36 7497 f101_LINGER RD -OWNER'S NAME: ' • -. APPLICATI"T 5 ��R, T �/ PAI_I*IR THOMAS V AND JEANNI. M. • } c1Dl?Ln' 2 PHONIi'. SANITARY NO •' CONTROL NO. %qs �r{�/j ARCHITF D;IF." i1176C(% BUILDING PERMIT INFO _ BLDG 'F._ T PLUMB MUCH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION + • JOb Deserttion 1 hemhy fi lon th he, 1 levi and p . J ns of Chapter orm nvnc ng .` P • - ` I wall Section 7000) of revisit I ftheBn and P ficoun,Coonandm,FeensO full force e ffe - TEMP—POWER L., z icense Class ea Lie. .33' 7sE' , - - Date Cntnraetor 7TwA7W7 - - ' ARCHI I ECT'S DECLARATION' �'1/•` - I understand my plans shall be trod as fair records �� ,.. •' J ; _ Licensed Pared„nal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION- ' I hereby iffrm that I am exempt from the Contractors Luccause Law formefollowing reason. sertion 70315, Business and Professions Craft, Any coffer county - which belaires a pemtit to consnvct, alter, improve, denullsh, re,repuif any structure prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such penton to file a signed statement Sq. FL.FloorArea - Val=4 that lie is licensed monal to the I i.- : nl c ina,mrs, Licion L (ChTta9 (commencing w all Section 70ad) of D '. 3 of th Business d I'mossions, ado) orthat h Tt beneficial adthe basis ]or the alleged conamption. Any violation - ”' •—+•�--r `' " (I Section 703L5by any app] can for op 't hJ Lthet civil Penalty (If In For, hnndeddaers(a5om. - APNNumb1�er�ItT�y - - .. Occupancy Type a.y.JV,I L.f'v"t%J °1„r nwnerorthe properly, ormy cnplei with wags untacirsole compression, - will do Ille,work,cal-the stimclum is not intended or offerad for I (See. ]Irm 13 far,, and P I Code, The Courtrai L I ( r apply r �7 •. �, '- r Required Inspections .: fp penyen n Id. r T th' l n d - n- k6 .If or _ a 304,:—ROUGH ECF_CTU,SCRC - ^ lh gl h' npl re p 1 lth t 'h p 1, , t ded or - „ uttered Far salf, If, h he harildinig or improvement is sold wifljo one year of i - completion, the owner bt'Idewill have the burden ofprm ng that Inv did not build of .".pmvefar ramosenfside.).. - -• °Lan owner of the property, nm exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to the pr ject (Sec. 70TL Business and Professions Code:) The Calibration's Linstruct i cense Law dace not apply t f owner Ptrycoo huW 'tpnre, Bareu td who coutioets for h projects witl'_a comerelon"s) license(] Iinarsuare to the C.monfor's License Law. °I non exempt under Sec. ,B& P C for this reason • ” ' Owner_ Oma- WORKER'SCOMPENSATIONDECLARATION 1� I hereby affirm under penalty of p Jury one orrhe follnwing deoaunions:a ° 1 have and will maintain it Ceirtifwle or Consan to self-insure for Worker's - •• Confirmation. as provided fnr'hy Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for If,, - -- A• .. ,. Performance of life work for which this permit is Issued. I Il nam W k 'Carol 'r nl:u nc 1 ui hY Se ton .. - � - ' J700 f tl End f lh item n e f lh 6 f I' I ll ' p itis • • ' iceu J A k I Pnl' y t ober arc! - ' Car, CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' - - u• r' • COMPENSAI'IONINSURANCE'= (This section need not beatuTlmed if the permit is for onchuWred dollars I ` IS 100) or lose) • . _ A n " 1 nefrly,hm in the polo rsna of rhe wmk for which this Tomtit Is ward, 1 sM1u11•not employ coy Tetsuo in al, manner sa as to become subject m the Wnrkcry - Date Applicant Applicant. N OTICH TO APPI.ICA N I If, 'fteranakin, III, Coril r iExemptionY should it become whject to l heWorker's Unpensat on provisions s of the Labor Code. you until mfdnwen ranrply with such pravisianr ornis verrnit abml be deetnad revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ilioneby affirm Nat there is a consvuction leading agency for the perfrnunco a ' or the work far ismch this onau II, issued (See 3097, civ. C) Leola,', Name � - •' ' I,endcr'a Address N,- ` ]certify chat i have red thisn"Ieriar End- state that theahaveInf Fmmlon is .coma. 1 agree m comply with all city and ooumy onlirm,cs and etitle Imvs relating - • _ to building construction, and hefebymnhonze reprvsenwrives of rhiseitym care (upon - - - rheabove-mentioned prnpony Ru I nNseetun purptoes. Wo) agree to save. indemnify and keep h mess the City atCler ag'rn0 - '• liabilities, judg n es, costs and expenses which may in any way,+cc ne against said Ciry in amsoyuenee of the gaoling of this permit.. UNDERSTANDSANDWILUCOMPLYWITH .LNON-POINT APPLICANTJ1 ISSlledb E- r� Date'" SOURGF. RF. .ATIO tS 'Sigma.- PP v malar I Dar Re-roofs ' ., HA2fARDOt15 MATERIALS DISCLOSUREjudl ' - Will handle h:vnnbnel material mart Mnal Type Of Roof byliepCaperinn Caro Chnlsmmor as deemed nY lith Cupertino Mnnieipal cone, Chvpmf 9.12, and the fleahh mud Surety- �-' ��"• COJg Sectfun 25532(u)? �,t, Ed Yet -.' ^"° All roofs shall' be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. w a n 1phea t n r l n Bdink p t sacqu'p t t i-1 which If a "roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove. ' collInterests., an,Timmerman,adefined hy, B'yAmuA- O I lyManagement District all new for inspection. Applicant with tot °Y" "" materials understands and will comply all non-point-sourc& regulations.` I have read the h d finale' I, o,airepreas under Fibulae, (95 of he > e u Call is 11.111I &S,fid, C1 Sections 25505.2553d 25.534. 1 arreamannidrift - iflnumildia,doo,oree carytboventreart,thraitkolymsp allyl i[y the 5 ` '. i off, car officials which b t n orto McaofaCen careof /ulat Occ _ Signature of Apolican-t Date' - All roofcoverings,toheClass':B"or•,better anatmedagent D - OFFICE'