68406 6790 Bollinger Rd. Building Permit Cenfirme.0,@�w Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAID JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT L� -------Z�1..........- - 197/... Perrni#'No-----------��-.2-..L..-------------------- The undersigned hereby makes application to the EleFfrical Inspector of the City of San Jose for a permit 4o install electricif fixtures and/or wiring as lisfed n the reverse side. Exemption from requiram } r S} o for r�Ca it cfor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: t s ment filed ❑ Undersigned attests iha} his Stafa California Conirec}or's License # / /J is in full force and effect and properly uthori:es this application. San Jose City Business License # I certify that in the performance of ih or ar wh ^i is p 4 i{'s I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate i e men' ns n s f California. OWNER - &6;be-A ADDRESS 6; 7 Z2 /S6F,1211 /l L) ' USE OF BUILDING I ff FIRM �T!`s xee—ZW3 C-W7- SIGNED e: c� cicrZP � 280-201N / q 6790. $911inger Rd. r9.2/-7S Marotta VI// ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old Outlets Panels, Cabinets Size Service Conduit Switches ___Switchboards Size Service Wires Receptacles Panelboards Size Service Switch ' Fixtures --A1P?M1e_:' Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits Signs Transformers Motors 'Number of Meters _ HP Phase . Ampere Loads Lighting Power Miscellaneous Rough Inspection By Final Inspection 6y 09 Remarks: L��yr --'� p S•�i�l/� - ., 280-201N