39793 SAN iospoililhgdr iZd. a-qz-q - 7 BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Tract No. ..... Lot No. .....4--.-- Date---J"L.194:....?............................. 19 Permit No.39.75�3................. Application ishpreby 'ads for a permit to __06z4_;J_a..L....................................... 'r" ve BUildi T ng a---------/-----story Y, j,:E Use Zone7— Occupancy ---f to be occupied only as 2.n ap??.e.- ..RGS, Parking Space ...2..-...---..----........ - --- in accordance with Plans, S ocificat*ion�?UadWrPlio�T-pilBin�fii.li ct Estimated Value of lmprova�np Ordinances and .11 other n of of the So 0 0 an z It is hereby agreed that the re re nt the So o a B.ildin, a ce in Z lg* Jose. ill 6. t an laws applicable to the construction, face ion, and use of buildings within the City complied with. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any per- son in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner -10 t -- y. Dn........Address Z443- ---C_460.7 e-r- ------------------ --- --- ByAgimt ---- -- Address 434-5 ----------- Form 280-1 Jar" Jels r, IV RECORD OF INSPECTION Q Foundation ...... . .p ._e1.-.�.3:C-Z Frame .. C i c.-�.c.. -Z .L S+uc --- -----------------------------------------------