00100210 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: IIUILDING AUDR29 PCRMIT NO 10554 N. BLANEY AVE_ AIR DESIG14 INC 1h01.00:''110 OW NEIYS NAME: APPLICttnON SUR DATE JON CROCKETT 85.3 COTTING CT 10/1/2000 IONIC SANITARY NO. CONFROLNO. (707) 452-0123 0.4 AI2CIII'rF.CT/F.NNN143R', BUILDING IlFIdMI'r INFO O O OI DO ELECr PLUME MECII �'4 z o LlceNSP;D corrneneTOR'S Drcl.nun'rI°N Job Description OC Iheld,'aldnn Ihnl I real,kens',ander Provisions Ed Chap(w 9(ronnpemmng HHo m F W will,Secllnn 70y)of Div on 3 orthe Hmmc.s.md nefcsunn5 Code,and ney lieu,. n 11,11 tome and efl"Lls, _ Li"caleCnls., de# INSTALLATION OF GAS FURNACE, 100K FTUS. 1 Date conlrnCler ARC(II'ITCT'S DECLARATION FJOQ d n InY 11 '.IIIb rel Iabli,occond, W} Ia�ip0A.......II 'I - w 7777 II OWNIIt BU1LDIR DECLARATION i•�/.4,/...'�`//r Ihereby.fl d plI O C t. ( 1 I' he rI- �Zd Ida g .(Si 91D19 II ro CI Any 'y oa hil11, l, q y F I IIIa p d L I I y.mcwm prig rel I u,6 I 'tl WPI' II I1e',ll II g Wsalclen m - FE,hr.,Ii...Fard par,con II the Fr nn,or [I,c Carnal I LEE,(Chaffer,1) Sq. Ft. FloorArca Valuation (Ln Ing w'nh Seddon 701Div' 1,,3"10,15n.1„erS and PmfexSinn.r Code) I iLeni nucir nWt Ibcrednm and(on bunds bar 1,,c alleged cscmplion,Any yieled.an r o,f SI....7031,5 by any appliaun(for a"I'lon SahleaLr lac upplictml ton civil Fannlry of act ante[Ilan dyenandmd Annals(S500). APN Number Occupancy Type ❑Lar cfthe 1reperty.or Fly e,np,oyet with wages as decal compersulion. /.q L71171 will do FEE,enik,pad the I I -.1, I acribled or offererl r (Sea 70,14 DLI are,,FactI r sadan,Code The Coe, 1'"'Later[-a,forI "ply,o I Required Inspections f Fac,crtyWh n W ( 1,v.. II IwaaJ 'h Lh',roeir mmngh(lir III employeesmm .Fnlvided dirt sari ntmrovae ,am ILL imm�dcl oI 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING 00,ard Ca sale IT howeaa"the needing 1,r imprmemml(,s nnld widdn elle Yen'of a,opledon.me ownlILife,win have he 1, d,aof"cavi.,.Ann he did nal I..r per er ,or all 303 — ROUGH h1ECHANTCAI. ne pnr"nv .304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL L)I,u,nwnerorthe p(Seerl7Del C raiaival yid Penlingwine Il File Conlruclnn In n,LEE,Fee, Lt.,sol.7daa,Rll.rnms pad Prly Mar Cl in,e ves halt en, 505 — FINAL FI_F_CTR I CAI_ License Law does 1,a Drily to ci nwner of pI'opa...y won nal'' nnnrnvca thio he ane win nonlmnr. ror.Ilrn Pfniprl,will a conlmton.)deren l "nrsllanl to he 507 — FINAL PI_UM13I hIG Con,ratnP.Liccmc L Sec._, c ❑Iran escnepl,,anal spa. ,dvrerar n,is lvason 508 — FINAL hIECa-IAIVI'CAt.. Ownu DILL, WORKI?R'S COMPENSATION OECLARAI ION I hamhy u10nn ender penally of per ane,r the follnw'mg dedsadonn: d I nova and will Inuinmin a C,liOcmc of Conwn, ,I y,If-ill rurc ror Workcr'S Conlpomalion, o. provided for by Section 3700 of dr, Lahnr Codc, for the "aformFro"Ed the work Ito which FEE,gamut i.....Led, ❑I have and wall Inainwin WELL 1,11',Core,neit caumma as I aired by Sretion 370L of the Labor Cecil,lin r If,,perl(,ruwnce of III work ror which(his panel,it roved.My Worker's Camponr,eion Immi ince varier and I'nllcy numner am'. Coll ('alley No CFR I'IICATION OF E.%EMPI'ION FROM WORK(?RS' COM PP.NSA'I'ION INSURANCE ('lair xdlnn need not be nnm"ImW if,he permit is Crone ImndaM dollars IS 100) ,,ler") I really d nl in the perh,rmmce o1 me work fel which(III,palmi,I.Lsuul,I Lad not cal,loy any person ill any n r s9 to lactone,subject m the Wol Comlpa,.alivn Law'S or Clia,Datnlln d. NOTF am N'c oine TO object to AN Wor':IL adiaCon perking tad.Ccniticrlc of l'at ptCod you.heal) laeennrc whjeia v,aha Wnrk Forl'i pen a[Ion pm .one 1,l l d Lahnrcode,y1,, nus, O Q rennwbb rnlnply'oh.nnb"m (.Inn.�rinL.......li.a,un be eeell,m a.vakw.I CONS'I'RUC'IION 1ANDING AGENCY I hcrchy a0irat man thea is a cn,alnl tion Irnd ng rg,ncy ror tae"'PECE A h,wort:be wnidl IN.per m,I....nm(s,e:3097.Cr,c) Lennie.',Nmne z Lander'.Addles V O I Tey II IIIlarve Feet]an ppl'', Iran FEEL'(hI tFELL]...Ik FTr Fy ....... E' I ply II .(y p d I t l - r tang O U ...brillia, ( real,1 II ly II 1 vu f moity t, r, �y rye Iia alone.IL, 'T ed Fly IDI n,ec 1 p nes. Q1, (We)agmewrllve,mdmmuly and keep hunnle,,me City of CaperineagatoW ,`moi Vd liulfdi(ics,judgn,elds,cooll and exlma.u'bill may is any way acme againsl.aid City IF]cen.ctlucnm of Ate gmnung of mil Fnni(. SAPPLICANT OURCE REGULATIONS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH AL(,NON-POINT TIONSIssued by: Date Slgnnuvc or Applicant/Gmnmtor De,c Re-roofs IIAZARIOOUS MNIILI11ALS DISCLOSURE wuiIF,np'nnanlorRELIEF,intFair,cvllpam slom or hcill,I,doo mIL,dal Type ofRoof E,defined by AIL,Call'. MIIIIIIIIn1 Code.Chepmr1)12,and lot I III amt Snfaly Codc,Sce(ian 25.532(ad? El Y` FI No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will the illiberal"I'fatic,Inihlmgeeca all caadFmt,t,Irdevi,o."bell If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove nithateact mr ennlnminanta is defined by the Rey An:I Air Quality Munagnpeal ,(rill' El all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °`r "° all non-point source regulations. I I I read the ha,ardcu,mmcri:dr reauiremm�a ulldcr Cbopler 6,95 of me Caldiernlo Ieuhh&SdayCodc,Sxlimrv25505.25533 and 255311 nndcnamd than if the banding dam nor currently hacc a ma'am,(hat It 11 my 1"F r"FIF'uy to notify IIIc mupu , it which mall be me(prier w izamnce of a,Cenlfcnle of Oreap..", Signature of Applicant Date Owner,or analan led a,ln( D,,,r All roof coverings to be Class "I3" or better OFFICE