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E20095 G20113
:t D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. C,eotcchnical/Enviioninentel/Materials Testing A URS CORPORAnON COMPANY March 14, 2001 project No.: 0001437 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTI3NTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver permit: E20095. G201 13 SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 10 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Our last report for this project was issued on October 5, 2000. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project arc presented on our technicians' Daily Field Reports (attached). These observations and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and file requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services provided during the period of November 7, 2000 through March 7, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are: reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best off our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of shear wall nailing • Observation ofroof'diaphragm nailing • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. • Full-time continuous observation of grout placement at masonry block. • Part-time intermittent "sampling only" during placement for masonry walls. • Sampling of grout for compressive strength testing. • Transportation of compression test specimens to the laboratory for curing and testing. • Witness installation of'epoxy-set anchor bolts. 0001437 (501Z0085)gr Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 DS M Consulting Engineers, Inc. March 7, 2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara, Califomia 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax OPEN EXCEPTIONS November 26, 2000 — One epoxy -set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. December 18, 2000 — Shearwall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our reports as previously issued. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY Gregory J. f, P. L2f President/Principal Engineer Attachments: Daily Field Reports (16 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437 (50110085)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. March 7, 2001 +"w U&M C:UNSULI INC0,1CIINEEK5, INC. • y A UKi (f)RN )KATION COMPAN, 101 PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: UI 07l ov 4aJ PROJECT NO. _lT3 I Time Arrived: '3 Time Left:.___(0 (_3 a PROJECT : I-Ri,�. (,T�V1.CM-� ��� Job Time: 2- Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: Total Time: Z Mileage: PERMIT NO.: 00n2 Lo7 I -�� Expenses: DESCRIPTION: ( Sear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Root Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other O. BUILDING LOCATION NAILING DRWGRIP. TYPE OF DTL.. N0. COMMENTS 2% 5Wt 6r7ft & - 1 S--�tA I 'Z3 NOTES: "o the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. S uperin lende n t/Representative: 1365 Vander Way • San Jose, CA 95112 Inspector: 12 Thomas Owens Way • Monterey, CA 93940 t,"?t; LJckIVI t�VIVJUL111V1��l�IIVttKJ, IIVI.. • Via/ r" A IIKS 0)RI'UI:.111(IN COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILINGINSPECTION REPORT DATE: (/13 r'/� (_/ r�C N PROJECT NO. t Y Time Arrived: PROJECT: CONTRACTOR:'IJ L9 T PERMIT NO.: Time Left Job Time: Travel Time: Total Time: _ Mileage: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF NAILING DTL. NO. DRWG. NO. COMMENTS 2� A C 'L 2 C i z 3 3 G 1L3 IA 1 z 3 C 12 3 P C_ 1" Z . 3 —7 the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS AS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. S u perintende nt/R ep rese ntati ve: 1365 Vander Wiry • San Jose, CA 95112 '4nP i 107 K040 T,.i . (JnM 1707 771 G P-- Inspector: 12 71iamas Owens War • Monterey. CA 93940 10? 11 V79 G7 /R 'rr . /.Q C' 1 271 74M i A', — A INS CORN )R AIION COMPANY — - 0 DATE I' /( 3%�� /Y�� DSA FILE/APPL. NO. ^ PROJECT NO.: ( `t3 7 OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME: �A-�C� L� O^ ' %S PERMIT NO. LOCATION: �' i.��-��,/'�) �'� WEATHER: TEMP: i 1 REBAR ❑ MASONRY ❑ MORTAR/GROUT ❑ VENEER Qe] Inspected the placement of reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the placement of BRICK / CMU / VENEER and the reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the construction of masonry prisms. PRE -CONSTRUCTION / DURING CONSTRUCTION El inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant / Location: ❑ Cast sets) of masonry prism test specimens : Vrri psi @ days. ❑ Cast —set(s) of mortar compression test specimens for Type mortar; psi days. ❑ Cast —set(s) of grout compression test specimens : Vc= psi @ days. ❑ Mix 8 / Type , Slump Batch Plant Total cu. yds. placed ❑ Observed grout placement for the following location: Show up / Stand by time. Job Canceled / Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Rep resentative: (408) 297 6969 Tel • (408) 297 7716 Fru Inspect 12On,, .. Yhomua Ou r iv lt4rr • i:4un1ert•I', GI 1,6'94L (831) 372 3710 Tc1 • Kt3/ 1 372 7481 Fa.r wu ---... _-..- _... -- _.._ _._.. vI r�s' � A URS ('URI't )I'vAI I(1P1 f'f 1,Y11'.VJY !'r'r m DATE: I' f `z z;� DSA FILE/APPL. NO. ^ PROJECT NO.: % A e 5�(7ivl//}�/6- � S OSHPD NO. PROJECT NArd E: - f --,> ff� PERMIT NO. LOCATION: (' UEEF_Zf`Z� WEATHER: TEMP: 6S 1 REBAR ❑ MASONRY DZ MORTAR / GROUT ❑ VENEER ❑ Inspected the placement of reinforcing steel for the following location: __ ❑ Observed the placement of BRICK / CMU / VENEER and the reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the construction of masonry prisms. PRE -CONSTRUCTION / DURING CONSTRUCTION ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant / Location: ^ ❑ Cast _sells) of masonry prism test specimens : 1'm= psi ta —'days. ❑ Cast _sells) of mortar compression test specimens for Type mortar; psi CrD days. ❑ Cast —L—set(s) of grout compression test spec. ens : CC= ZS2YC) Mix ft / Type OIs G , Slump �Batch Plant L — days. psi ® '241 Total cu. yds. placed 3 ❑ Observed grout placement for the followin location: 0 Show up / Standby time. Job Canceled / Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: ^ To the best of my knowledge. the abol<5 WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements S upe ri me n dent/Representative: f:i5'„mtic'r Hvr • 51;;r .lose. CA 9J112 ;408) :')7 b9h9 'Tt;l • (408) 297 771(, For Inspector: / 1 41" .'_ 7%rumo.r Owens Rhe • dlnnlerew, i.;l 939;0 (N3i) 372:+71G Tel • (R31) 372 7481 /4rr V V[I YI 1.\/I `1JV LIIIVV LI �IVLLI\JI IIVI.. Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A UKS CORPORA] ION COMIPANY CAST DATE: PROJECT #: PROJECT: INSPECTOR: P.O. No. SPECIFIC LOCATION OF LOAD: : -,14 NC-- > fAl a LAB NO. Did U13 DSA File/Appl. No OSHPD No. Permit No. ❑ CONCRETE MASONRY ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NON -SHRINK GROUT ❑ OTHER CIP / PC / PT / PS CMU / Brick Core / Panel Cylinder PP_ri%aag / Mortar Core t Grout Core Supplier 0l i't fro c K— Ticket # ' `L � Tryck # , 1 i MixIDlType 10 Design Strength (psi) @ G G Cement d) sack/ / ' ter; ( yMax. Agg. Size (in) Admixture 04rimi A 1 IL I I`�j Cd L Core Diameter in. n 7-davair dry Time Sampled Time Batched P. +• I I Slump 'r � f'- Set # of Air Temp Mix Temp Air Content Weather ` -` - F�,. Fresh Unit Weight Dry Unit Weight r—I 40 hrs. soak SAMPLE AGE TEST DATE DIMENSIONS AREA LOAD STRENGTH UD UD STRENGTH FRACTURE TYPE I A i B 1� C I 1� D E F G H J OTHER/NOTES: Tested/Received By: FRACTURE TYPES: A=Cone B=Cone and Split C=Cone and Shear D=Shear E=Columnar DAILY REPORT COPY 01 y; D&M CONSULTING ENC.IEERS, INC. Gcotechnical/Environmental//Materials Testing n L-A MA n UI:> (d AU'r qt AT li 1N C:1V1 Y\N1' DATE: 1 I 2(,v D m PROJECT NO.: 14'{ 7 PROJECT NAMEt �- 1 L r LOCATION: A�!J ❑ PROOF LOAD ❑ TORQUE DSA FILEIAPPL. NO. OSHPD NO. PERMIT NO. WEATHER: TEMP: WITNESSING ❑ Testing was performed on the following items. All tests were performed with the following calibrated equipment: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH:.... RAM: GAGF Trl Rfll IG \A/RCAIl4A- LOCATION OF TEST TYPE /SIZE ° TESTED %oi TOTAL LOAp lb or Fr Lbs GAGE (PSII n ACC. A REJ. p RETEST A' Type epox; grout used: 51M �S 01J S&T fy-5223 Method of application / cleaning: ❑ Visual inspection was performed on _Lj /fj L' fw-tLc' _4'� dza) Show up / Stand by time. Job Canceled / Delayed due to: All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: S 7 /r �� n(— at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ❑ ADDITIONAL TESTS ATTACHED al A) To the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: f/4a Ur' La C'rrrc /ihT/...S"il" in • Sunm Chmr. CA 950SJ (40h) 397 6969 7r/ • NO,YJ 297 7716 Fa.Y l Tlrrm.... 0I, cv, Hon • ill ... 1,, T. CAI (8:+l) J77 d7/6 T'l • (831)?7' 7481 Fur IN D&M CONSULTINGWGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORArION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: N L&o V PROJECT NO. -1 3 o Time Arrived: PROJECT: —4K-!L)r GI'-{ /ki CONTRACTOR: PERMIT NO.: Time Left Job Time: _ Travel Time: . Total Time: _ Mileage: Expenses:_ DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF NAILING DTL. NO. DRWG. NO. COMMENTS 12 3 P Q71 A iti3 `4- A I ti 3 3o I ti 3 NOTES the best of my knowledge, the above tv WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 1365 hauler Way • San Jose, CA 95112 (4nR) 297 5960'64 • /40R1 797 7716 F.n femti - Icialyolt- 1 12 Thomas Owens [Yap • Hlonlerei'. CA 93940 rRZn R71 R714 7,,1. iAxn a7774('/ c,... Ah fib DAILY PROGRESS REPORT /J 7 Project No. Z—/ 3 / U`J D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page of `� Aunsaa<roeAmu,NC(WPANv Report Sequence No. � 1 Date/Day j/— S U- o U Project Name �),121P. AC, — -i LZ 19zll' /J Weather Project Address Purpose of site visit Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Contractor Copy to Superintendent Foreman Print Full Name, Phone Phone 1365 Vander Wen- • Sae Jose. CA 95112 (408) 2976969lid • (408) 2977716 Liu FORM 360 - (Rev. 7/99) 12 Thomas Owens Wap • Manlemv, CA 93940 (831) 372 3716 7c1 • (831) 372 7481 Liu � D&M CONSULTING&GINEERS, INC. • �,�� A URS COKI'ORA'Il(i,V COM1IPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: / �'Z PROJECT NO. / Time Arrived: _Py, o-V PROJECT: yf(JLLL�Kl/� , CONTRACTOR:._,f.KT/y� PERMIT NO.: Time Left: Job Time: Travel Time: _ Total Time: Mileage: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF NAILING DTL. DRWG. NO. COMMENTS It 3 Fuze .u-T NOTES: W /"'l am iZ�" I ��/0 �G71 0` the best of my knowledge, the above WAS AS NOT erformed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: IV -f4 411 1365 Vander Wap • Son Jose, CA 95112 12 Thomas On ens Win* • Monleren CA 93940 /dnRl 707 AQKO T„l.(dnR) 7p7771� I—, IVIII V70 1114 T,,I.,V>ri a717,11-1 1... D&M CONSULTINC*GINEERS, INC. .r_.s_ A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: ( I 'lam �PROJECT NO. �_ �-i—�% Time Arrived: rN w' Time Left: PROJECT: / 4G�—�� M JYLi/'Q Z S Job Time: Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF DTL. NO. NAILING ORWG. NO. COMMENTS 2 R mT� C 61G NOTES: "7 the best of my knowledge, the abov 0 WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Supe rinte nde n UReprese ntative: Inspector: 1365 Dander Wny • San Jose, CA 95112 140RI M7 /5OAo Tnl . /4nR 1 707 771R Fr„" NI S�vR 12 Thomas Olren.s LYap • Monlelres. CA 93940 i D&M CONSULTING&GINEERS, INC. ,k;r} T URS C( )HPORATION CUMVANI' PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: Ct) ' 1 PROJECT NO. _ .! Time Arrived: . &) J,�� Time Left: PROJECT: _ /i/ Job Time: j kD Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: t � v.� Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF NAILING DTL. NO. DRWG. NO. COMMENTS A z3 NOTES: ig-n2s et e (_ 0 u A I W AJA 121I SS I A W G? I3-6 r PV � the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS /' WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: 1365 I/corder War • San Jose, CA 95112 rand 10740KO Ou7 O,,(, r.... Inspector: /J 12 Thomas Omens Way • MoNerert CA 93940 DAILY PROGRESS REPORT _ Project No. D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page of l A uRS CORPORATION C)MPANY Report Sequence No. Project Name LAI,Z-& 6 icr OQUi-L` n 9 CS Date/Day 6 (("L(, �, 1 Comments !!� eG'�0�-Ncwo�� �1l LAi //✓(F'(��7 l C�1tfi S r,v �o1r cr t�i CX/isr-PLA=4 IsS ©tG-� dL— ECN al L— /4 .VCR A �I Lt � fu/77zm( DC (' ���4IVT=(12%/�L•9 uct, tiu' �-iuc 1365 Vander Wi,y • Son Jose, CA 95112 (408) 297 6969 Tel • (408) 297 7716 Fax 12 Thomas O„ ens Mail • Moroe,n% CI 93940 (831) 372 3716 Tel • (831) 372 74S 1 1 a r rit-1.111 D&M CONSULTING EN EERS, INC. '� A URS CORPORATION C(AVANY DATE: (✓'L-�z'�"l �( PROJECT NO.: I ,-3 7 OSA FILE/APPL. NO. OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAMEL&�L.`, DJL( c.,��-C,' /� /�-( -s; PERMIT NO. LOCATION: l-�i!" ��! �O WEATHER: TEMP: IR' REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING [k' Inspected the placement o REINFORCING STEEL TENDONS / AB'S / HD'S / TIE DOWNS for the following location: ❑ Observed post -tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ clP ❑ PC ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant / Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE / SHOTCRETE / NON -SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast _sells) of compressive strength samples. Mix # Slump(s): Air: Show up / Stand by time. Job Canceled / Delayed due to: All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: Total cu. yds. placed Unit wt(s): at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED I .. NOTES: BLDG A 3� �ID l- / Ce'Y4UYr_ At- BLOCS LC �mtry� aJ Pam? IS /U SE � �L /v To the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 1365 Vander Will - Sorr ,lase. CA 95112 1-1031 297 6969 Til • (408) 297 7716 Fa.c 12 Thunms Chren.s IYor • mm!tcr-e, CA 93940 (831) 372 3716 Tel • (831) 372 7481 Fa.c D&M CONSULTING ENG ERS, INC. A UHS CORPORATION�7CO�iF'ANV • / DATE: 7 / )l /0 / DSA FILEIAPPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: (*1 7 OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME: �.- L, ! J PERMIT NO. LOCATION: l WEATHER: TEMP: I� RE... BAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING yC Inspected the placement o EINFORCING STEE ! TENDONS / AB'S / HD'S / TIE DOWNS for the following location: f>ihL01AA5 V f I.A)KlG /vS P&Cq- 6 i) I t it24 A-- ❑ Observed post -tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cip ❑ PC ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant / Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE / SHOTCRETE / NON -SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast —set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix q Total cu. yds. placed slump(s): % Air: ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled / Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: Unit wt(s): at the job site. To the best of my knowledge, the abov IS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 065 Bantle) Mn • San .fuse. CA 95112 (408) 297 6969 Tel • (408) 297 7716 Fax 12 Thomas Ou ens fl'al• Alamerev. CA 93940 (831) 3723716 Tel • (831) 372 7481 Fax D&M CONSULTING ENC EERS, INC. \ URS CORI'ONAIION COMPANY _——_-----_- • ' - -- DATE: D �C'ZD nx— DSA FILEIAPPL. NO. PROJECT NO.:: /A{')n' OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME: Ufa— �� 1'S ,! PERMIT NO. LOCATION: W L-'2z!v b WEATHER:C6)(39 Y 41(J (/6 TEMP: ❑ REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING ❑ Inspected the placement of REINFORCING STEEL / TENDONS / AB'S / HD'S / TIE DOWNS for the following location ❑ Observed post -tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: CONCRETE XcIP ❑ PC ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant / Location: Observed placement f CONCRETE SHOTCRETE / NON -SHRINK GROUT at the following location: Cast 1-set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix # 2 ['V Total cu. yds. placed Slump(s): k % Air: -- Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up / Stand by time. Job Canceled / Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: 3 iK C 2 3craD psi isna� G= ZS�Cj �zr1 To the best of my knowledge, the above WAS / WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 1365 l'iutder ii'rn • Son Jase. C,1 95112 (4087 297 6909 Tel • (408) 297 7716 Fax u 7 C 27 12 77w,wrs Otr uu Ithr • hlnmcn'en CA J i940 (831) 372 3716 Tel • (831 )?72 7481 Fax Mar 06 01 11:24a baue concrete 408:71 6894 p.l RPC LCNES7.,i2 Al"wWwRMC LONESTARAMOV 4750 Norris Canyon Road Suite A TECHNICAL SERVICES San Ramon, CalHornia 94563 (925) See-2780 r-AX (925) 866-e983 Group 216 I Mix Number 0270 5.30 C+F 1 GRAVEL WRA r SAUER CONCRETE ATT14: MIKE B. JOB #380 MATERIALS DESCRIPTION --- CEMENT TYPE II ASTM C-150 POZZ INTERNATIONAL FLYA..SH ASTM C-618 CLASS F SJNOL 1^ X 14 ASTM C-33 I SIINOL SAND ASTM C-33 OLYMPIA CONCRZ= SAND ASTM C-33 iPOZZOLITR 322N ASTM C-494 TYPE A This mix will produce concrete Strength 28 day (f'c) 3000 psi meeting the design criteria when, produced, sampled and tested Cementitious Material 5.30 sk. in accordance with ASTM C-94 and Maximum Size Aggregate 1 in. UBC_ Mix will be adjusted as required Slump 4.00 ± '-.co W/C+F ratio 0.53 in. III by UBC Section tgo5 to maintain Entrained Air n/a �• j the noted strength level. Code Material Solid Volume SSD Quantity l 1002 CEMENT TYPE II 2.15 cf 423 lbs 9001 POZZ INTERNATIONAL FLYASH 0.52 cf 73 1',�s 1112 SUNOL.1" X n4 10.94 cf i800 Ihs 2.147 SUNOL SAND 6.48 Cf 1064 1bIS 2104 OLYNBIA CONCRETE 5t1:ND 2 _ 19 of 355 lws 9045 FOZZOL-ITH 322N 0.00 cf 15 Air (1.50 &) 0.41 cf oz I! water (33.0 gal.) 4.41 cf 275 lb Totals. 27.00 cf .3992 lbs 1;; TENSIONEDS1AB5. FlUses:POST MIX FOR PUMP OR TAILGATE PLEASE r�V£ YOLTRCONCRETEPL'ItiPLEASEYF VERIFY OF CFIS MIX. STTRENGTH DATATTO RMLONESTAR TECHNICAL SERVICES FOR STATISTICAL ANALYSIS r S_S PER ASTM �I C-9d SECTION 14.4 II Tv Additions t DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Project No. I q---,>) D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page_of I A UBS CCRPOFATH_)N COMPANY .,�r r_ Report Sequence No. Project Name � L-•c f �� 1 ork- %�Cli Date/Day 0 G 1 G Comments 1365 Vander War • San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 297 6969 7e1 • (408) 297 7716 Fax 12 Thomas Owens Wier • Monlere_r. CA 93940 (831) 372 3716 Tel • (831) 372 7481 Far