00020135 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING nDIVIDIVISIONPewMrr No. DIVISION .. PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Z dU1LDING ADQDRESS; - SANITARY.NO, APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE O NIiR' NAME: ., a ✓alt/` e r N/C CONTROL# /.CCHHIITE(TMNGINEER - WILLING PERMIT INTO Rao ..y H�5 SSo Nzi z y 3 LICENSED CONIRACfOR'S DECLARATION O z g I hereby affirm that 1 mat licensed under previsions of Cbep,er 9(commencing Job Description " p v,t-u'� suit-SaGon]000)ofDivixion3ofNeBusinn,aid Pmfeuiom Cade,aM mylicenseis '' two a I in full farce aid eB<m. 1 J -\res �� axre nsDat a. New' f - E O y U Licee Cleat Lia M ca I-Ee O a ARCHnECPS DECLARATION emroM " } ' 1 mndmy plans shall be need a public records •,/ )- - yQ, .� laccnxed Rafwrotul OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION - C Z I hereby T,.than 1 am exempt from the Comon,me,License Law far Ne 5 S o (-110x6-8 reason.(Session 7(13 1.5,Business and Prsfeaiom,Ile:MY city a county I . m which'najuim u permit to construct.eller,improve,de rad sh,or repair any a meme, pd-Iona iseat.-a-she"uias the Witicent fntsah permit to rte&signed statement sq. Ft J1F16or Area Valu io ' Net he is licensed Panama to the previsions of Ne Contractors U...Law(cMger9' that he I,eng with ieserm n end of Division3 th ad Busieasand..A,vi Cadelor Nat he is 313 b Nacfrem end the bazar for the ailcged e,<mpei,to My,;Penalty ser APN�Vulnber' Occupane Type at Seen-70313 than by any ape 1.11 for(a prmdt objects the applicant m e civil Penalty of (D Qt mart Nen Eve hutdrtd dollarx Ig5a0).' - ' =1,a owner of the Property,or my employees with wages ar their sole competencies, Required Inspections 'wdl do the work.and them n'turc seat i eendedu,offered fsriale(Sec.1041.Bsin as. end Pmfe-mrai Code:The Com etar'e Liam.Law does al apply to m owner of pruprny who holds ca improves thereon,std who does such work himself on,through' his own employees,provided that loch improvements as on,immwed m offered for We.if -wear.the buildi-g or improvement Is sold within one year of complains,the 'own builder will have the burden of Pmvidg that he did trot Wild a improve fur par Po ofale.). I,u owner of the Property.an exclusively connecting with becrand conuenms m ct the Prejecl l a.]ON.Business atd Professions Cade:)The Comminutes U. { " „ cense Law dee trot ly,o m owner of property who builds 0r imprtvex thereon,acct .:. ' who. r. pmja.w"b.c nacmr(O Ocenaed paramedic, Comncmh Liana - t ❑tem em a ,B& far N' a _ fl Ow. et .. RNAt��aYJ WORKER'S COMP SATION DP.CLARATION n 2b .Bd-m-d r AUG 2002,' Y penalty O,o Comer,oflIf-mmwiogdalatasiau; Ihave end will forbyveCion 37 rc ofComer, Code.for'hen e Wodchce of the pion,r provided Pe mi Section 3]00 of the Labor Code.(or the pedomunce of the ork for which this pcmd,is issued. p, [31 have end will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurancerequired by Section 00 ,a x. �u'LD11k, 1tl^ Pen , 3] -f the Lobar Cade, for the performance of the work far which this permit is issued. ' d M Work ars Com null Y on lnm _ pc see carrier and P-lir Yumber art. d i Comer. ' Policy No., ' CERTIFICATECOMPENSATION INN FROM WORKERS' ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE r ' '(This section need at bedomPlaedifthc pemdt is forte hundred dollars 13100) s s. Ianify U.sin thepeAarmaxe tf thewek far which this pemul is issued,I Nail '• rot employ any person in my manna so as m become subject to the Werama Compr h. sell--Laws mu.Data 1: - Applicant - •_ NOTICE TO APPLICANT.IL after making this Cenificem of Exemption,you should me • + hecaobject to the Wurkeec Compensadon monsic a of the Labor Code,you mon fam with comply with such Provisions m this Fermii dull be domed ravaked. CONSTRUCI'IONLENDINGAGENCY x Q l here by Mrm Nn Nem isdnmclemdinpgency fa,M perfomunce sf ' the work for which thio permit is issuweed 6 a..30109] civ.C.)'' C'.>. ndeer Name rr L Leedeas Address 4. 1 certify that 1 have reed this lion d ret the above infortmtion is Z conal.I agree m comply with all c y and coon ire nes and sate lows inlet m building conswcuon,end hereby an "u re rcnutivn of this C.7 pity mercer upon the "al,64-mentioned pmpeny for inspection purposes. �• E. (We)ogres b ave,inchromfY and kap harmless the City of Cuenire apirst . C.) liabilities,judgmen.,cm.and espartos which may in any way acma.ghm.mid City >a W incoddquenec ofNNE STAN of this WILL + Q VF SOURAPPLICE REGUL IIONSND$AND WILL COMPLI'WITH ALL NON�POINT - ✓ .. p/� l7 ' � SOURCE REGULATIONS - , Sgn"nuWrt•iollfimdowwr he applHAZADOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURL Dae �/ 1�:?ry A, UCC—,'CGI cm, or baton,Wilding acaWt score a hadle beem,at,manrid Re-roofs az dcfineJ by the Cupcnimo Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,atm the Health and Safety Cade,Sade 33332fa)1 - Type of Roof - ❑Yes o ' Will the.,Ii.,orI. rcbandineserupmiuseeymipm drord W eewhlrh All roofs shall-be inspected prior to any roofing material being emitict? us air comami?."�mr fined bydwBay ArteAvQmaiityMmegemrnt installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection Dis rB oye9 ' " I agree to remove all new materials'for inspection. Applicant', IM1av . darcgmiremmr.nnticrGWP. 5193afNeGVi- un erstands.and.will comply with all non point source regulations. rani.H & code,seed sus,23333 aM 2333x.I u and Nat if Ne building s a ly heve e n e,it is mY responsibility miff pare of the m I riCcni I of c sy .Owes,- whoriaedagent - ignature of Applicant Date - oat t All roof.coverings to be Class"B•'or better.' OFFICE