00020129 CITY OF CUPERTINO - PEWITNO. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: y/'N� ) .—/r ��/�/• BIALDINGADDRESS: - "V�� V /' 2- / s SANITARYNO. APPLICATION SUBMrITAL DATE WNEF(�/iNApME:fk•� 'f'•1p�VY1..�a 1y�M1-- �C 3 1 R g t 1�, f • lJ 1 e Asp- ¢ NIC CONTROLp HONG' El asrirC11 ECT/LNGINEER ' _ BULDING PERMIT INFO ' w c! r 1 ^ dEm I Z.O y 3 .LICENSED CONIRACTOR'S DECLARATION ... O Z� '1 h.eby affm that 1 am licensed under pmviaimr Of Cheptm 9(comenencing / Job Description ' F_F'v� WshSetioe]000)ofDivition3of Ne Buutassand Rofedom Cade.and mY Wemeis ' Lioem.CImus B t New two..ca r 9 a ra 9.- !y9!y 8OR! Licen.n Cless WON t3 3 16i,y Dan, Connector :•C Q ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION G 5 r 1 und.ntud MY "Wel"I be used u public ecwds Pronfindmill 'vS_ OWNER-BUR.DER DECLARATION - QI herchy eRm that 1 am acme from Ne Contruml,License Law for the " • t m following ealon.(Section])3 1.5,Buaieu and Profeuiom Cade:Any city or county 3 which resume;a permit to alar,ar,improve,demolish,or minoran smctwe , v pnmtoit-mrumcr,alto orquie.lhe.,hram fm.wh permit tome e¢ignndtaemenn S t. Floor Area a she he is Remind prrosimm the milwhiom orf Na Coma ars t_Iceto Law(Chatter 9 LJ`� (romnrce'in$with Sstion 7000).f Division 3 of the,But.and Probeitiwu Code)or a.J Wt he is eaempt Neefrom and de Wire for Ne alleged clamption.Any violation of AP Number Occu 3nC Seddon 7031.3 M1Y any.pplican�Por a peemh mbiats Ne applicant to a civil penury Of '� Q I P Y 1YPe rot mom Nan rive hooded dell.($50a)). - v .,• , .. ❑I,a:awnearNel,mprnY.wmYamplOyre.wiNw.ga¢..Nair.aleaamparo.dan, Required Inspections Bl dO rework,Coda: The mrcisnmt License oReadrwill ,Iy to aa,Busi,of ' and Profesaiwu Cada:The Conmctma and w1 law dors rot apply toff caner of p 9 o ny who Wu11N te imprwvo thermal,and who doe such tinte dee Orr or though r bis own employes,provided that each improvement ase non intended w offered for • • We.lf,nowa¢eA Ne building or impiov<mdnl is canal wiNin oro yw ofwrrwldian,de - M) will have the Louden Of proving that W did ma Wild w mairensfor par-' ' rule.). XZas owtw of the properly son,id owely couracung wish licensed conuadon m burINe pajan( .7114.But inw lad Erotical.Calli The Cormclo"W- 1r�� cert law deanol yto an Dorm.Of propmy who Wilds Or impavee tlweon,and Y ' who came mlel¢wiN tor(e111eerMmootantta to Conracus', I.. ' - '. AU ❑lam Lem eI .BB f 's Ownernew "•1' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION r BUILDiN .. 40 1 hard avaffirm under pndny of perjury one of Ne following deluuiona; I�C7 7lheveand will maintain eCenificam of Commua self-insue for WOh.Ya Compen- - ' ' - 'on,u providnd fa by Section 1700 or the labor Code,for the perfomune of the work for which this permit is otwe, -+ ' ❑1 have and will maintin Workeh COmpemation I Tommie.as tequied by Samlm 'x L 3700of shc Labor Cola,for e perfomance of the wort for which Nis pcmil is issued MY Wwk<Ys ComprnsalN out Inane closerand Polity number am: Cartier: Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROMWORXERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE - I '(This suction need scan tecomplaod 1f Ne Fertile is fnrorc hundreddellae(SIM) - or Ice.) . . .. . Ienify Nal in Ne saAwmaneO as bac rw which Nu pemlil icons.Ca shd1 ' nm..L,w,any .film in any manmr ao as to become subject w the Wank.n'GOmp[o- ApionLnw¢o(Celifomia:Dve Applicant •. .. NOTICE TO APPLICANT:It,after nation,Nis Cenificae Of ELenlption,You should _ - become ebjet to the Wwtr/¢Compensation provisions of tc Labor Code,you mutt 1 Z ' fanbwit comply wish such pros won;or his pcmh dull W darned evoked.'- CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY - I z 0 1hoodaY affirm Nal demais a construction lending agency for Ne pen(mm�nee of I >' _z Ne work for which Nia pumiI isiuued(Sn" ],Civ.C.) Name Lands.Nae Zj j Lander.Address 4 A I certify dw 1 have foal n .ora that the above udemeam,is Z comm.I age.m comply wit tit and ant a and.ue laws re Wing to building con.mction,and here ya en iva Onhisdlymeneruponte . V above-mentioned properly for Impeuwn nposes. ^' [; F., .. (We),ere m ave,indemnify and lace,humbles,Na City of c.,.i..'sunt 0 V Imbiliu.s,judgnnim,costand npenses which may in any waYaccrwagaimn said City �r [� in consequence of the granting of his palmi).APPLI } . VF SOURCE NT REGUI GONSNDSAND WILL COMPLY WITH AD.NON � tiOURf.E REGULATIONS. Stgnuwe afAPPlea � tor Date J �� , f ' K!- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE LCL s & Will the pupc Or falai Wilding acu"",.awhandle lmeuffi smsedal Re-roofs _u de,Sec by the Cupcnino Municipal Cod..Cluper 9.12,W she HcalN and Safety ende.se.Retus3z(a)7Cl yet Type of Root. '- Will the pplicamarfu�ildmgoccupmlmecluipmentordevice.which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being emit hasuious air conuunZen thad by to Bay Am.Air Quality Management installed. If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an-inspection Disuicl] ❑Yu �I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant Ihave ,;,,, uitemmtaod, C understands and will comI with all non point source regulations. haps 6.93of de Cali- P Y•ramie Healsh of y 303 25533 vd usJ4.1 a Land Nm if Be . >building dors mcu vale moan m is mY m.pon¢ibility Ne egdifyAh pant Of au t of CUT owmrna ioui.daed...m 1 - Dae Signature'of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE