00020098 CIBUt OF G DPERBNNO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: �� � _,O O 9 PERMIT tlU1LDING ADDRESS: SANITARYNO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATI 1m1595, B rte eg -31 - 99 OWNER'S NAME: L�r-��ya� [a�'/i''�mol sof NIC CONTROL# G..)�lJ� —I ICI's J.JIG1'U ❑ ARCHITECAENGINEER r BU WING PERMIT INFO two lax r c a F �z LICENSED CONIIIACI'OR'S DECLARATION 0:G I hereby suRtrm tbu 1 em licensed uM provisiom of Chapw 9(comtme,ing Job Description with Section T000)ofDivision3ofrW BuainmsuaM Professions Code.end my licerx is Recut, Litch"Choss Rnm. New i-wo -' car �a ra g� « Liceve Class W,.M LL d 0 N De¢ TS DIEmr F u O Q ARCHITECTS DECLARATION E j,•�] I undeuaM my plans sled I W used v public rcc«da ne a n o e Licensed Professional - w0^_ OW NERsBUB.DER DECLARATION ' r_z a 1 bouncy a(Sml that 1 em exempt from the Contrectoh License c Law co Ne ouSO folloviswhich tine.,(enni( ]onstruBuu«sseWRafeviom Cones:Any city or county a 3 which n,i"ounce.a permit re construct,pplit.improve.denarro u m repair any snucnrre App p pn«tonscener«,ilwa9a the thesisionann for Cohpermiuoicasi,Law (Chamen( Sq' f 4'.bas'or Area 12 vitlLJalj Q[1 Not he is licensed pursuiont m the provisions of the a Businces License Lew Professions 9 IJ1✓✓-� ee(G�j/C//7 (nal he is it{with Section 7")ad nr of theegedneua,tion.al any Code)« APN Number that he is exmbt tinafrom aW ate baa rat the alleged exemption.a Any vmlation or �D Oce pancy Type Section 7031.5 five any eppOcam(«a permit subjma rh<eppliranno a civil penilry of not more then five hu(dred dollar 155007. O I,asowmrMthe Propertymmremplm'mrwiN"ge "a irsolccmnpenaedon, ' Required Inspections .U1 dothe work sed the svuc«rt is rot i.tcMed«affe(ed fm We ISs.]Ofd,Bmineu end Professions Cade:The Connector's License law does non apply m an owner of progeny who build,Or improves rherern,surd who does such work himself or through his own employaes,provided Uw such improvements art not inanded or offered far ' We,If,however,the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion,the owoer-0uiMtt will have the cartoon of proving that M1e dM at Wild w improve for pur- PA f We.). I,as owner of the Property an exclusively contracting with licensed contrach rs to n con I the project(Sea.](1ace,Business and Professions Code:)The Contractor',U. fl V cease law d«s nm apply]en owner of mctor(y who W ills m improve thaeoe,&s wed contractrfar sucM1 pmjccu with acontnmorls)IironsuW pursuem to tla ConUectots OCT O � �OQ� uMr 1 1 est{undnf5�s:. D. f ' /W/ U Date BUILDING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hcaby aRrm under penilry of perjury one of the following dedmdau: Ia` 1 have ped will maintain a tion 37W ofCimLal mCode.surt for Workers Co of the urian, r provided(«rn Section 3]00 of the labor Code,fm the perfomurue of the work for which ill pemrit is issued. ❑i have sub will maintain Wnrkefl Cornfaritatiom Insurance,h hisuiad by Sation - My ofdMlabor Code,f«theperformance of thework for which Nixpmnit is issued. C Worker,Compcnsetion Insurance cantoradPolicy number n2: Csurtier. Polity O CERTIFICATEOF COMPENSATION NFROM WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (Thissstim.red was becompleted ifthe pemthu/wore hundred dollars(5100) or I«ad 1 certify that in he do..,of Ne.,it far which this permit is issued,l Nall employ any,perm.in stay manner x as to baomc ecu nces o the Worker'Compen- .tion Laws of Cnlifomi i.Due Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after malting this Cadicsute of Exemption,you slwuld becorm subject o Ne Wires rs Compensation provisions of the labor Code.you must fmthwiN comply with such provisions or this permit shell W doemed nevokW. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY O I hereby strum that rlaa is a construction leading agency for the perfomuwe of z the work for which Nu pcmdt is, suud(S c.7119],Civ.CJ For Lenders Nems , 7 larder's Addax 1 Q I rectify dor 1 have read s an li awe that the above infomation is V O cone,(.l agrcc to comply with OR do ty #dimmer and sax laws Misting to Wilding construction end hereby a h er '.cewwm of this city to enter upon the above-mentionedro Property for has 'on pulp nes. W H (We)agae m save,idemnif end keep harmless the City of Cupertino against - O U )ibilitim,judgmems,conatus crpenxs which may in any way accruO.Immat aid City } W in Iomega,«c of the gra.Ung of this permit. F � APPLICAN'T UNDLRS'I'ANDS AND WI LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON POIN'r V z SOURCE REGULATIONS, Signa«rt of Applica HAZARDOUS DD. ✓� � i7�aC�GGCr A]ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or futum Wilding Occupier store or ba(dle haaudvers maalW Re-roofs in defined by the Cupertino Muni9ipaI Card Chapter 9.12,end the Health and Safety Code.Section 255121+)' ( /N\ Type of Roof ❑ve,. Will Nc applicant m future Wilding occupx(use wuipnem w&Aea,which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being 40 r(dl'ardcus air conaminana as defined by the gay Aru An QtWiry Mutagcmmt installed. If a roof is installed without first obtdining an inspection ❑Yes X. I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant Ih.ve the,area, ,.m',ands,,airementsunder GlapMrb95ofthecali_ understands and will comply with all non point source regulations. ramie I safely code. oro 25505.25511 std 2553x.1 uederstaW Nu if the M1uil g a tMnt1Y tenmLthu'tismymspmoibdiryto fy the occupant to rs,uama ofircani f our e ramie np t�a Signature of Applicant Date Owner or avthonzedagent f Dam All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE