02090176 cl BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10140 N BLANEY AV VALLEY HEATING & COOLING 020901176 DWiyERE1'$�kpt JIMMY J AND PATRICIA 1171 N 4 TH ST APPLIc09 / 002 NE: b� N/262 P�HIO. (408) 294-6290 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. n.O za ARCHITECDENGINEER: j BUILDING PERMIT INFO z ` BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y<� o u u r :I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 5„ ffirm Job Description pi-� Thereby O).f that B.sinundprod PronsofuCedChapte9lcomyficemg REPLACE DUCT & FURNACE I„yFu with Scetio ] )of Divixion3of the Bu�and Professions Cod and my licenu a Y J ism full r° a C,. ai e re a Licenu is - GT L:c.M KOiO rc - Comraa��r tC�11AG dA F u LLO}-i, ' ARCHITECF'S'OCCJGARATION G'". i 3 1 unJerstanJ my plans shall W used L�Ipp blic records C'a o at Licensed Professional OCT 0 4 2002 nOWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION u� io h I hereby arlimt that I um eacmpt from the Contractor's License Law for the z o following reason.(Seninn]031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county $1800 which rcy e permit t c i t alter improve,demolish,o repair y structure BUILDING iit�. Pn t It.issuance,al q m applicant for such permit to flsigned.tatement - g 1�, _....._ .. ._. .... ._ .._.__._- -.__, th lh�' Ic nk dpws.mn-theyi°v Bions of m<Connano L L (Chapter9 „„h 3x181 f9 V4'Ory'ea 2 ., Valuation (c m 9h,wah S u° ]000).of Division 3 of the Busm t, d Professions Codc). ; •1/ y�_,,,, 11 :e a',1... .-'fV.l i or moi he'is exempt mcrefmm and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation '• -of Section 9036.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant in civil Penalty ofmot mom man five hundred coal.ars S500). 301 APNAbUt49I PLUMBING +'"-"`"" Occupancy Type 01,as owner or the property or m'yemployees with wages as weir sole compensation. 303 ROUGH MECHANIC li _.sit[do the wort:and me simian.is-nm'lmeaded'oroffered-far salr(So,.]lata:' - - 304 - ROUGH ELEE�� ' jq��-t c',n:. cBusihess and Professions Code:The Contmam's License Law does not apply to an A kl&Q ectlons"'•• :F ofpmpenyWho buuaaorimproves memon.and who d«s such work himself 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL or thmugh his awn employees.pmmded that such improvements are not intended or oR:red far sale:If.however,the Funding ---'improvement is soldwithinone ini of _ ---' _.._....____..._._.__._.._...__.._..---_.__. gonmen of pro w x 507 - FINAli--PLUMBING----s:••-.s. "• 'e•aP .t ',;. compaction,the°weed s ildcr will love the burden of Proving that he did not Wild or improve for purpose or sale.). 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL - - - p.Laa ownerpf-the pmc--i---._ra.a.i_,with-licensed-----ncontractors to construct the project(Sm.70at,Businessand Professions Coe:)The Contractor's-'s I ;'' • 't i'. --- 4LLG License law does not apply man owner of property who W ills m improves Ihercoo, """ - ” _and who.contmeu.for such.penums.wim a.comractortsl.liansM pursuant to the. .- Contractors License Law,eY"-.: __.....__.... ❑lam exempt undcr'Sce. ,B&PCfor this reason ,• ,. '.'.c.., u. i... .. .. , Oncr: t:b. IDaie"n, � ,,... ..�: : ,.,, WORKER S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ` IherebY ffirmdo pen❑y of pet ry. n at the following d 1 tions. Cl I h 'd "II' ,x nta a'Ccmfi t of'C en st If m ' . re for Wmkcr's C w. i . provided r r by Section 3700 of he WWr-Code. for the - _ - wrromtanefdrm�w��k B,rwmen mspermd is iss�ea. , ❑I haveand will mihnain W'k •.'Cd pen t ri'msurad required by Smtion n0q I.n Lab C I r there f, r te r h'n m permit,t issued My Workers C tope t Insurance er P y. W ` -+'TFIG ION OF,E%EMPfION FROM WORKERS., i 'n '. . .{..4.. COMPENSATIONINSURANCE' - - "' IfY1 ` (Th suninn neeJ nm Wcomplc¢d fine permit is for one hundtM dollars i a7 '�`I " ..."til 1 i 1,'f1:— --_- (5100)or lcvs,)1 ' shafn In pert rmance' f m rk fo h ch th perm i s'is -ed I ...__ ---------.... ,,. slizill not employ any person in any manner u a!m become subject to the Workers .(:;ill 1 ` - "~,.,_�...._W_.�_..,•y Comwnsaiion lawk of Ca ifirmia.Dae' -.NOTIAlipllani. P" - - ..__-._ .- ._-_-.. _. - ---------- NOTICE _.._- _ - - _.._ _ __._ _. NOTICETO APPLICANT If, fcr makingm'.Cri ficamfE p,o you should ,. r1 --- -- - Z become shbjecraothe Wmkers Compcnsamn pmrisionsof the l_iWrCMe.you muia ZO fdith'with comply with such Provisions or this permit shall be deemed my°kcxk F„ m CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY -" 1' ' : 4' I'•^ .99-- 1 h rctiy aRim that m a con tmcr o lendin6 erg y fonhe performance •of m ork for rich m s permu Is issu d ISec'309]'Civ.C) � ' .;D.Z 'L'ed .Add s >- •.• . ... .._ .._ ._. .- ... . .._ -'-_I- _._ _.. _ . ... .-_ ..--_. W... 1¢mfy Ina 1 ha e rc d th.oppl c t on d.mm that the W information is F cornea.I agree w So p1Y, ,h II iry and< ty Ninan< d t m laws retain, _moi tJ �to building corewaidn.anJ hereby authonze reprcsemativesbf this city me mer upon ',�.,-Cs7 the above-mumioncJ propcny for inspcnion purposes.,,, -; ;L, L (W I grc<io a d nfy andk pharml theCty fC peri rob against L-; rq liab t ) dg ems <n t d e pcnse h M1 y try y gains said U Z Cit c - -• "• ' APPLICANT U.NDER�TA.D$+YD WILL COMPLYW'ITFi INT Issued Issuedb sou 1cE R uL-+ aV Y Date a fApp¢pnUCot t " Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE' u to ppi t n f t re handling part to handle hamNo x madefind . Type of Roof as de dbym GPnaoM pl,Cad CM1pt 911 dmeH lth d5 rty .f . '.l i t Cade s ctq ]5532101 t ! t { 1 ❑Ye - t1 fl t^ �nf t l-B(ire* ) ra'4, � ., .. All roofs shall be mspecfed prior to any roofing,material being,installed I Will the Oplmo future Wilding patoequipment q es which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection-'I'•agree'[o remove c Ih mrdcontaminantsdefined by Bay Ateq Q or devices Management Di t' ' t _I. ,all new materials for inspection,,Applicant,understands and will comply with ' FJI i ❑Ye "r 11 all non-point source iegulahon5 1 have Health & Crate. maanal.s mgmremens u der Chapter erns obme Cehe Wil Health&Safety CMB,Sections 21505,that it end 25530.1 understand that if theWildingof gdpesnotcurea w haveatc W me,Prior, is,Y2spohsiofa mnd'x'Yof, ___--,- ' occupam of the Fegoitements which mon Sema or to issuance of a Certificate of oee wady: ,. P ` ..._Signature of Applicant_ Date ti c maummnexsdag m � , Date, All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better "• �.y OFFICE