01050066 CITY ofcopv RoNO NPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO, 10162 BILICH PL TIMELINE CONTRUCTION 01050066 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE • CHIN WAYNE F AND JOAN L 14589 S BASCOM AVE 05/07/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. — (408) 356-1790 Wo 9 o ARCHITECffENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO &m fiLK ELECT PLUMB ME IT Brad " LICENSED CONTRd under rDECLARATION �S 4' 1 herby affvm Nat 1 on licensed under provisions of Chuptee. (commencing Job Description F��m with to hanl000)or Divisi.n3 ofthe Nuniness anJ Profession CWe.and my license / M mmnr.reea «ca. S9 ADD 300 SQ. FT.Licca la Lioc.M Daen ARCHITECT'S D CLAOTI KITCHEN REMODEL &Iundrrsmndmyplansshllbeusedaspublicrecords RAISE CEILING. a. LteenseI hereby affix OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ��-' 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt firman the Contractor's License Law for the C?a following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business an'Pmfcsions Coll Any cit o e t as er F D which requires a permit to construct,alter,improve structuredemolish,of repair any structure Prior ant aal.,o req The applicant fh parmin to rile a surpeadcomment. - a�- fail like ndpupward nqThe po cur to C t a 1 L (Chapter 9 Sqv 1,I P100r A1'EJ o r c tion fe. a mso, t7oal) fD r 3 fn u aprofession,Code) C-os- z f.;.,, . ?a or Area "(t7'1 : I,,that be s eve opt therefrom and the best,far the alleged exemption Any violation --of Section 9031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil Penalty .of not mm man rive hundred dollars(5500). APN Number $8 A)Wancy Type 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do The work,and-the'xtravare is not intended or offered for sale Sep,7011; - - Businns aril Professions Coyle:The Ciann ox's License Law does nor apply to an 31621064 . 00 Required Inspections owner of pmpeon.eny Who Wilds or improves therand who does such work himself 1 or through his own employees.provided that such improvements wi no,intended or offered for Shcc If;however,the buildin--�- -� <t is sold within one gob'men idpn year of 'improve ion,the nwncr"builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING cop r p p.se.r,mel . 303 -._ROUGH_.MECHANICAL- - - 1 n fth p . amcsdne sly t i g ith ensedcomroaorsro _... __-----__---. -- construct thep J t(Sec.7 Burrte,. e P R:urns Code:)The Contractor 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL License Low does not apply'--n owner ofprognwhW Ids improvsheron t ' who contracts ro ,aen Projectswith a..nmmemq,7 licensed pursuant m.the -5,05---.-FINAL,-ELECTRICAL,License law, ' - -- 0IamevemptunderSec: B&PCfor this reason 507 - FINAL PLUMBING . Ower " '' date 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ..I hcmby affmm under pewlty,ofperjury, onc,of the following declarations: - 0 (have and will maintain'a Cmifin,e el"Consrnt to self-insum for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the prrfomeince'af the work for which this permit is issued.• '- 01 have uowill armumin Worker's Compsnsmton liisumnee,as required by Section 3]W of the LaMsr Cole,for the porf lrmance df the work for which this permit is sued.My Workers Compensation'Insurance carticr and Polity numbcrare: Ce ttJ7 l'CERTTaI-FICATI ON:Ol F EXEMPTION XEMPTION FROM WOR OR S�'jr--g71 J s TT '-�f 1,s; �.`� •'tt t. ::. . .Q ' y,'IT\tCS.i a. D I i CITY ofcopv RoNO NPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO, 10162 BILICH PL TIMELINE CONTRUCTION 01050066 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE • CHIN WAYNE F AND JOAN L 14589 S BASCOM AVE 05/07/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. — (408) 356-1790 Wo 9 o ARCHITECffENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO &m fiLK ELECT PLUMB ME IT Brad " LICENSED CONTRd under rDECLARATION �S 4' 1 herby affvm Nat 1 on licensed under provisions of Chuptee. (commencing Job Description F��m with to hanl000)or Divisi.n3 ofthe Nuniness anJ Profession CWe.and my license / M mmnr.reea «ca. S9 ADD 300 SQ. FT.Licca la Lioc.M Daen ARCHITECT'S D CLAOTI KITCHEN REMODEL &Iundrrsmndmyplansshllbeusedaspublicrecords RAISE CEILING. a. LteenseI hereby affix OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ��-' 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt firman the Contractor's License Law for the C?a following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business an'Pmfcsions Coll Any cit o e t as er F D which requires a permit to construct,alter,improve structuredemolish,of repair any structure Prior ant aal.,o req The applicant fh parmin to rile a surpeadcomment. - a�- fail like ndpupward nqThe po cur to C t a 1 L (Chapter 9 Sqv 1,I P100r A1'EJ o r c tion fe. a mso, t7oal) fD r 3 fn u aprofession,Code) C-os- z f.;.,, . ?a or Area "(t7'1 : I,,that be s eve opt therefrom and the best,far the alleged exemption Any violation --of Section 9031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil Penalty .of not mm man rive hundred dollars(5500). APN Number $8 A)Wancy Type 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do The work,and-the'xtravare is not intended or offered for sale Sep,7011; - - Businns aril Professions Coyle:The Ciann ox's License Law does nor apply to an 31621064 . 00 Required Inspections owner of pmpeon.eny Who Wilds or improves therand who does such work himself 1 or through his own employees.provided that such improvements wi no,intended or offered for Shcc If;however,the buildin--�- -� <t is sold within one gob'men idpn year of 'improve ion,the nwncr"builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING cop r p p.se.r,mel . 303 -._ROUGH_.MECHANICAL- - - 1 n fth p . amcsdne sly t i g ith ensedcomroaorsro _... __-----__---. -- construct thep J t(Sec.7 Burrte,. e P R:urns Code:)The Contractor 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL License Low does not apply'--n owner ofprognwhW Ids improvsheron t ' who contracts ro ,aen Projectswith a..nmmemq,7 licensed pursuant m.the -5,05---.-FINAL,-ELECTRICAL,License law, ' - -- 0IamevemptunderSec: B&PCfor this reason 507 - FINAL PLUMBING . Ower " '' date 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ..I hcmby affmm under pewlty,ofperjury, onc,of the following declarations: - 0 (have and will maintain'a Cmifin,e el"Consrnt to self-insum for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the prrfomeince'af the work for which this permit is issued.• '- 01 have uowill armumin Worker's Compsnsmton liisumnee,as required by Section 3]W of the LaMsr Cole,for the porf lrmance df the work for which this permit is sued.My Workers Compensation'Insurance carticr and Polity numbcrare: Ce ttJ7 l'CERTTaI-FICATI ON:Ol F EXEMPTION XEMPTION FROM WOR OR S�'jr--g71 J s TT '-�f 1,s; �.`� •'tt t. ::. . .Q ' y,'IT\tCS.i a. D I i