43790 7933 tlel�hap CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Tract No. _32. 1------ Lot No. ------6._........ 7 Date.----------------------- ---- .3X10....., 19..b4'.. P 7 ermit No.. Application is heroy made for a permit to .. ......COn r31Ct--- ------------------------- � Building a----7.91.stBe T e-- - - ... . ... .... ........ ......... t a 9 nn. V a} Belknap Dr -V use Zone ...I�. ... .G_.. Occupancy -- _.1.....___ to be occupied only as ..S,in le...family �1,n ar ' pec --------�-------- in accordance with Plans, c tions apo ere Estimated Value of Imp ovemenh, $..16.,.000.--._._.......-.. 74 1� 6f_ n all ther It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the San Jose Building and Zoning Ordinanc s n o laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of San Jose, will be complied with. I certify that in the perfcrmance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any per- son in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of Celifcrnia. Owner ..Brookfield Corp. Address ---3150-20th Ave. , S. F. Contractor S � Je/s6/�j__C tructiow, ByA9•n1...... . {�1>..L<t.�.--. �,nn.�.�_....----....Address P.e...Q....B.Q]C..�,3a.,-.-.San._Brl]Y. illiam A. Plant y Form 280.1 _ _ - RECORD OF INSPECTION Foundation ---- ------- Frarne Stucco ------------------------- ...-...;. Finish ...�L�%�_G��ha ti �'�_ ------------ -- ---- --...- ----'------ "-�-----------