43418 ' 1�0� B�Lknep , CITY OF SAN JOSE , � � BUILDING DEPARTMENT , APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 3 �I A Troe+ No. 32�1 �' - ..._-- Lo+ No. ..__._........... I� - _--- . /j p Date.....12.-�7..- - - .... --- � 19..b3.. - Permit No.--`1".�-��b . ....: Applice#ion is hereby made for a permit fo ....___C'Ori9tT'UCb : _ __.. ..... a ...---�' --s#ory� Ty ... ..�E"'�{' � /�� ...---- ..... Buildi�9 .. . ... ,. . . n ' Q e+ ..12Q2::Belk a" -C u'r.C.-----...:...__ use Zone'.../C 1 U.-- � Occupanry _-.-- - ..:. esidance to be occupied only as --- .....-.-_........ . ....... P rki Spece .__.z-.__...... in accordance wi#h e , p ifica#io e 4 e fi��r i#h. p o� Estima#ed Velue of Improvemen#s, f...1..(.�U�...................... I} is hereby agreed fhaf the requirements of the Sen Joze Building and Zoning Ordinences end all ofher laws appliceble to }he cons}ruction, locetion, end �se of buildings within the City of Sen Jose, will be complied wi+h. ' I certify the} in fhe perfcrmence of the work for which this permi} is issued I shall not omploy eny per son in any manner so es io violefe fhe workmen's compansetion laws of Celifcrnia. '� Owner � .�.... ,..-_ , ----... --- .Addrezs .P.�...�,....Box_l�l.a........ ....... ca��a � 4 � �' � San Bruno By�v.�,SWilliam__A:nsP�anttlSu ....Address .-- --� -... - .... - - - t. '� " Fol,m 280-I ,. , .. . . ' . RECORD OF INSPECTION Fo��da+�o� .3-�3.tGy.. .��.-��. F.Bme .:.T..-..3/-G.�(..--��C�r--�- sf�«o.............._ - - �. .�G�sh r"�'.a.�:G`� � .. , _ -- ��-�.�.. � t�- ��yi�= �/�sf�r� . . � � -� ; � . . � . , . � 1