25593APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO RUITTING- HIFCfRICX APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL. BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING. PROJECT IDEN_'fIFICATTON,, ;. PERMITNO. ACC (� �] G J J J J BUILDING ADDRESS :�f,` SANITARY NO, APPLICATIONSU�BBMITTALDATH ^ 1'- �g P . Vo% 1S HV D d A00 ��lYi'=�. ONI'[,0 1- LOT# � ��� OWNI?RSNAME: PHONE. h1 �'f�iKlvc::R ASS -2i CON'TRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: Calp`4 fF�([NSujf�L Pme+l \� N/C ❑ CONTROLp \RCIIITECT/ENGIN[ER: LIC NO c^s3 6o84d� ADDRESS .f RI/ M# { \ S���G I . f ,. �5` CONTACT: PHONE: �ra6 -6 3t j ��� It �g o c'F,E c,> QTY. ELEGI RIGPERMIT$ �d� u!FCJ QN #:G 3BOIL13ING PERMIT INFO ' BL ELE PLU MF.CH PERMIT ISSUANCE �� On'Z P400 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION (hereby affirm lhaJ em licensed underproviaionsofChapter9(commmcingwiN Section TIDO) of Division 3m' the Business and Professions Code, it my license is in fall force amdeffmt. APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL fOBDESC PTION PANELS GG rn<y ONZa Z' -'a License Class Lic.# Date Convector IB'T0200 AMPS S Y 201-Io00AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records. OVER IOW AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA S/SQ. FT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL' ��j Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm in., I am exempt from the Curncmr's License law for the following rou-n. iSectinn 7031.5, Bmiwws mud Professions Code: Anyciry moronity which requires a Permit in consumer, alar, improve, demolish, or repair any structure xima, its issuance, also requires the applicant forweh perm,to fileAsigmed sutemem _1 'ce< 0a6- 30.y yEe Win p I'L'. SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES `S O0 e f,m (:ZQ C�mt y3� untr that he is licensed pursuant the provisions of Ne Coactors License law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7W) of Division 3 oflhe Business and Professions Code) and The bmisfrrthealleged exlicand n.Any ivil violation of or that hei31.5 exempt by .1 Senim VO315by arundred cwl ($50rmit subjmuthe Applicwnrecivil penalty of more than five hundred dollars (55 W). ❑ I,asrwmroOhe Prn n Ye p Y 8 penntion, Pe ones, m In eeswithere esmthei Ser. mmSTORIES will Jr NrBusiness SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC p A I ALUA O / OUTLETS - SWITCHES - FIXTURES NEW RPSIDENTIAI. ELECTR—SQ,FT. ONSTRUCHON Code License Law Boased and ProfessionswimiCode: The no Comment's of apply to an, License Law does not Apply Tr an owner of o.therwar's ownerrywhobuildsorimprnvwthempmAndwhodoessuch n oroffforNmughhis iewafdoplettired IL OCC. GROUP RES. UNITS however, improvement iesold edid meyearmcnmplmioar Neowner- theforow. hrwwer, theavet the builder will have the burden rf paving that he did nal huild m improve far purpose of ! QTY!'. = PLUMBING PERMIT '}`..FEE' ❑ 1,asownerofthepmpeny,wnexclusivclycrnv tingwuhlicenudcontractomm FLOOD ZONE APN construct the project (Sec. 0044, Business and Professions Cale:) The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owneroftemiamy who builds or improves thereon, and PERMITISSUANCE ' . who coroners for such projects with a conormands) licensed pursuanuo the Contractors License Law. ALTER (E ) FEE.SUMMARY . ❑ I con mwapt under Sec. , B & PC for this reason BACK (LOW PROTECT. DEVICE SANITARY YN Owner Das DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOP,AREA,COND. RECEIPT# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION Cl Ihereby affirm that l have a cenificale ofcontent to self -insure, ma coniGeate of Workels'ComPentation Insurance or acidified copy lhereof(See. 3800. Lab C.) which rs nil employee's under this Permit, Policy # SCHOOL TAX YN RECHIPI'p FIXTURES - PER TRAP PARK FEE Y N RECHIFT # GAS - EA. SYSTEM-( UEC. OU TLETS BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 TEAT PLANCHECK FEE El CeniOed copy is hereby famished. ❑ Certified copy is Rled with Ne ciry inspection Division. GREASFAINDUSTRI. WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASE TRAP SOILS FEE (This section need not he completed if Ne permit is Turner, hundred dollars(SHIT) or Leri.) SEWER - SANITARY - STORM FA. 200M. ENERGY FEE WATER HEATER W/VENT/HLECTR Icmify that in The pcdormmceofthe work far which Nis Noma is issued, Ishall z not employ any person in any manner sr w to become subject to the Waken Compsmationlawsof Califonia. Date Applicant ' WATF.RSYSTEMMEATING PAID Date Rec<iptp O NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, 'Sir' making Nis Certificmeof Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of The labor Code, you must NEW RESIDENT IAL' PLMB. SQ. FT. TOTAL: i, ? �] fonhwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall b, deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY BUILDING FEE -mss SEISMIC FEE z O I hereby affirm that there is a convection lending agency for the performance of the work fm which NPermit is issued (Sm. 301, Civ. C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC HE — r [" V ' LSI ' y Z Lenders Name Lcndcrs AJJresh Q7�'; z;'T� ,MECHANICAL PPRMIT���"PI x C' ) PLUMBING I comfy that I have read This application and state That Ne above imiu nation Is correct. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and st laws altering to building convection, and hereby authorise representatives ofthis city menterupomhe above-mentioned pia dy for inspection purposes. PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECIL (We) mIrsave, Inial wit keep leasthe ofe gainausidChy IinM1ilitiw Jg u, cods mdexpen. swN a in myw ccrveegeinn said Ciry AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO IQOW CFM) in con trice 3 Rntin6 flF'Tlria rat AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER Op0)CFM) ( _ �O i ignaw AI'ontncm Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Data RmciPlg Wi 11 the applicant or future building occupant some or handle hazardous material m defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chnpar 9.12, and the I Iealth and Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) Cale. Section 25532(a)1 ❑Yes 11 No VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) Will the upPlicmt nr Ihmrebuilding neupam use equipment or devices which emit BOILER - COMP (311P OR I W,WO BTU) ISSUANCE DATE >mdous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management mie'? P A ' D BOILER -COMP (OVER IW,OW BTU) C3 Via ❑ No M {J NEW RESIDENTIAL. MECH. SQ, FT. 1 have read the hazardous mnariels requirements under Chapter 695 of the CAlifomw Health & Safery Code Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534.1 no mated Nat SEP $ 1993 V the building d«s not currently have n nnant, thin it is my rea rrobday to notify the reentrant.,.,arequiremems which mum be met prior a issuance of a Certifeaa of O C11 �r memey. Uh' GUr j 1 ISSUED BY: Owner Or wthrdzed agent Dam 9'OTAL: OFFICE COON'S PENUNSU� P®® FM � � ARE E [1 2M cFJFs1r464E AVE. i.' ei " 2 81993 LUJ SAN JqM CA 86125 FAX (409) 4M S'tP APPROVED M ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY Ur QUP_ERIINO CODES AND ORDINANCES WE 91GNED This set of plans and specifications MUS -1 be kept on the job at all times and it is un lawful to make any changes or alleratiow .on same without w uten pe.m;ssion Iron. the building Dept., City of Cupe:tmo. .,The stamping of the pen ::nd specification: ,:.SHALL 1401' be hel 4:: pe roil or b, be an t:epproval at um viuiation of any any Qty v:d.aance or State Law. D C 0 P BLDG.CITM ECTGE ICUPERTMID, ON ERT -Ings. . COP`S �- 61 scu.F— y.4 MI> 18r 0 0 6' I M 3d CALaULA71CAJ.5.- 06M