02090064 CUPE CITY I B I DN.G DIIVIISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. AME APPLICA A E 64 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. WARCHITECnENGINEER: a BUILDING PERMIT INFO g w p BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH �« L7 r-'-I f'1 1=1 N i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description J Z_G I hereby affirm that I am licensed under pro,isi.ns of Chapter 9(commencing P mtm with Section 7000)of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code.and my lienee iyy' is in roll force and effect. REPIPE AND WATER SERVICE e m a License Clercs Liu.g S 3 v Dae Contractor. ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION aI undenund no,plans shall W used as public records a O Licensed Pmfrssi...I OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hrreby afmt chat 1 am u,omon from the C.nwcmr's License Low for the C? following mown.(Section 70315.Bminess and Professions Code:Any city or county $F r] which requires a permit to conswa,aIle.improve,demolish,or repair any opine um ou 3 'pn. to i I .y the applicants for such permin t fl signed smoncent _ _ 3.0A 0.. . ........... matKablimnsiedp tIo lhiiiovisiorsofineComactorsLa Law(Choral S FL Floor Area , Valuation (commencing 'thSection-7000) 1(1 son 3 ofthe Business - and CWrJ t r s9't J , VL or that he is exempt mererrom and the basis for the alleged esempu.a.Any violation '3 1 6 3 5 17 , 0 0 ' -of S«tion e than by any hundred am fm a permit subjttts the applicant w a<isil pcmhy APN Number of net more man five honored dollar ISS00). � " Occupancy Type ❑Las.wnrr of the prop=ray..r my rmpl.y==s won wages as mebwlr=.mp<nsati.n. 202 - UNDERFLOOR PL MBING will do the work.and he someone is nos intended.r offered far sale(See:]OLJ. 3 01 - ROUGH P p�[� Business and Professions Code:The Contmnor's Licenselaw does not apply to an MMSpection$ l " '�"'I r caner of pmpeny Who builds.,improves them..,and who does such work himself 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY or through his own employees.provided that such improvements are not ne ,intended or -,o6nipl m.,,he.own,bold,tnell ilamgrburde.�emro in sola withinoneyear., 507 - FINAli PliUMBING. . __... .- .- .._._ . .......... _ .. _._ _._ completion,the owner-builder will hate the burden of proving that he aid not Wild., ' ' '` ' improve for purpuu or sad,) 1.asowncrtil the n.amexclusivd Irani. .. .. .. . . _ .. ...._... ..._. ._ ..__.._ _.... ..._.. .... ..._ __ •__..... prop. Y and I g with licensed commracts m onswn the projen(Sec.1ta an Business and Professions Code:)The Contranor's t..I: 1 st•,q License law tract not apply man or,of a conty who Wilds seimproves Hereon,Contractor., o h t enscts for.such P J t wnh mracmds)hccnud.pursuant m He .. _ ._. .. .... ........ . . __ ...._.._ ,(k q Cram t License W JAN " 7 003 ... _ .... ❑1 pt acr5 � ; '"� � � ,B9PC for Has reason 4� ry t<ER'S NSATION DECLARATION BUILDING 1'v IAI^ �LD ! Ih by affirm d penally of pegry fthe falwin%dedarations: AV VI I{ O I hoor and 11 m ratan..6rifflune of Corserz to self insure for Worker's \\\\ Compensation. a. pro d d for by Section 17M of the Labor Coda for the pedmooricc ofthe work for which this perm) s`ssued., ❑I hats and will maintain Worker's Compc nation Insurance.ai required by Section - _ 37W of the Labor Calc,rot me,performance of He work for which this Permit is I, ed My Workers Compensdtlon'Inmcance.airier and Pnlicy,nbin reye: .. Camcr Policy sIC CER11MCATION OF EKEMP ION FROM WORKERS'( ,` t s a\ Vs s ) ,a`a °a s .1 ) ;v, I COMP.ENSATI, _ ..., ,. .,...,., ON,INSURANCE,. . ... - _._., .. - .._ ......._. ._ ..- _._..,.. .._._..- ._. ........... ITh ton Tied t be completed f thepermit is for one hundred dollars - 1,'.. . . k 1 - - - ISIUO) .I 1 , - issued - .. ... cent fy tht .the performancent thework for huh this perms srcsuedl shall of to y pc mann t'become 5ybg d to the Workers' Compen t fir, to tZ-O C .Apprlr t . . _ _. ... ._- .. E'IU APPLICANT If, fter making th Z C-enf t fExemption.You should Wobject 1.the W k C p alpLabor sons o .you must Z Q Forthwith< py with such psons or s Permit shall Wdeclined rev.ked. s of the work for which hl CONSTRUCTION LENDING dAGENCY' f the - -- - _ - - - h, 0. A pcnnrstsiued(Sc 3W1,Cl,CJY ..... _.._ ..__._. ..__ .. ..__ _.._.._.-_ _ _.. ... . rfoim ,7 Z lend- Addmu U a. ,el n ry,m t 1 have ad this application and stale that the informationn is �+'[.. crirrcc.,I agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating 'O.V so ifiingconswction.andhembyauthorize'repmuntativesbfmiscltymentuuWn ,j. W the above-mrribmed progeny for impeaion pmtpvus. ►-.IL (we)airee to save,indemnify and keep hamless the City.f Cupertino against Vg Iiabilities,judgmenls,costs and expenses which,may many way a=ctor against said V Z City in consequence of the gmming of this permit - APPI 'NDERSTANDS'AI:D WII CCOMPLY WITH ALL NON:POINT Ddle / S sat 's. n Issued by ALP Applic ter to """:` - Date a-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE -t." Will&applicantorf twc WiWtnB�oac Pa t smum.nawl hila .smaterial . Type of Roof ._,_...;. .. .. _. . . as def cd by the Cupen o Mon opal Cod Chapter 912 and me Health and Safety ,_, - Cade Sceu n 25532(u)' • i - • p I! k ". s 1, t ,, t . g • . ❑Yes ., DiQla 'r L "' ,:11.. ! t All roofs shall be inspected prior to.any.roofing.material being installed.. Winthe applicant or future building occupant eBayAeaAip Qm.tyMandevices whichgement If a roof is ilis[alled'without first obtaining an ins ection;I a ree.t0 remove Admi emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by me Bay Arca Ate Quality Management g P g DisricR / all new materialsforiinspection.. Applicant understands . _ _.will comply.with Y� and w Q all non-point source regulations. .. tl,• I M1 e read the M1 rue, i 1. req 25533 a uncle Ch pt r 6.95 of the Califf m Health&Safety Coag Seci ons 25585 25533 and 25514 1 undcrsmnd that iQhc htlding dnesnaurreonly have a tenant.that it is my responsibility m notify the -- - - - an of He rtqu'emend which must be mct prioi to ismance of a Cenificae or ` ' - "" Signature of Applicant „ _ _ Date. - - _- what.taaH.m:raagent" .'a" - Data All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better I' ' OFFICE . _ I. ...