01090101 CITY OF CUPERTINO l BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION- BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. . 19750 AUBURN DR ANDERSON DONALD LEE TRU 01090101 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION ST4B DATE ANDERSON DONALD LEE TRUST 09/24/2001 PHONE: - SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 1 O z Z ARCHITECT/ENGINEER - BUILD PERMIT INFO ty0j ELE PLUMB MECH a i -_I If u h S w Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I Z affirm 1 hereby arm Nm I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9nunencing .104 Description in l- with Sectiun]f1B0J°f Division3of the Business end Profehsi°m Code.and mylicense P.V. SYSTEM, - ie 0 is inmdfo«e and effect. MOUNTED PHOTO VOLTAIG. c i a License Class Lic.N :O Dam Comacmr i 3 n vim. ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION .u O g 1 unJeniund my plans shall he used as public records ' E: ' 2 i 6 pd. Licensed Professional P<Om-• I,ceh'cd pars tOWNER-BUILDER f tDECLARATION w_ 1 herebyoff that I am exempt from rho Cs LiLicense icense wa(wChfauprs the following reason ]03L5,Bsinessantl Profe.i..s Care:Any city or county which permit t , alter improve,demolish,or repairany structure pntt is al.termites dickipplician for alich Pamdat Rleaegnm sat met i e1 _ _ ... G } Sq Ft1F100r AValuation ah Section D' t of the Business ene� fesons cod? so -of Section i : of not mom then five hunaap«palicantforapemdt subjens rhe app,icantmacivil'penalry' sonars lasobl. APN Number Occupancy Type _❑I,as owner of Ne property,or my employees with wages ss their sole compensation, 304 ELECTRIL ROU H AL - wdrdo m5 wane wand s o e:Th Contraor'sintended or °Bean for sad,not ap e:;M 5 01 - FINAL ERE PTRMG*,hcti@NERGY'x r: Business and Professions vara The is our License Law docs not apply t°an ow erofpropertywhoWildsmimpmves.hereon,anawhodoessuchworkhimself 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL orthrough w employees.provided that h improvements not immaded or 'offered f r sal If,h tfi b Id' g p i Id th n rte yea in rl IF improve'. completion,the der ill 1 the bu den fpr B that he did not Wild o imPro efo .eof ale) - y c propcnY exclusively contracting with licensed contractors t 1"l.) extract the p j t(S 7044 Basin., d P n, one Cod )Th C t nw License Law does not pt n owner property who builds or p thereon. ' ..;L, -.end.who convects for uc Rp jeers w th 0 a.con0an°r(c)licensedd pursuarsuam to the ' Cantroctol L Lela ���P'aL R��Q ' , ')it _ ❑1 niinder B&PCfor this reason tial%11 _._' 0' . w -WOR C MP- SATIONDCCLARATION DEC O 2001 Ihereby offind und,c.r pe Ity of pepuryo eof the,following dechandions • O I have and will matron a Ckficate of Conieoi'm self nsure for Workers Ciummomenumn,-irsnovided for by Sonam Son37M of the Labor Code for the BUILDING 'performance of the work far which`dlis permit is Ell b eaiidwil4'm5 ntnWorker's Compo sat ,rviranc asrequiredtiY Section ,,. 3700 of th<Lat ur C de for the pert ima f N k for which his pe t s r.issued MyW rk Compensation In.0 n it d Policy mb r arc it C0 No '•, .::. t ; . ... tax" 'N't,?CERTIFICATION.OF EXEMPTION FROM.WORKERS y 14'14 1, g '+, b.._ �. (This sect on need no0i be EomP'ClmNf Ne pe�NCEfor one hundred:t: ..-_. ....,.... .,..,,._ .... ......._ _ ..___.... _... s ub : dollars- -`,'.' h, ,.'l:•: ru,-.,., , I i i cent y than in the perfo e" f the rk for wh h N permit ip orkers I t ._ ,..n. ,tib ..., shall am Cmploy nny,pe y man c bkom len idthe Worke Ca penmw Lewd of Calf 'Dare' - -'App, ant -- - " e NOTICE TOAPPLICANT B afler N C' of pton _. o zsie s bl v he W rker Comionsanon rnsi.., th.LatiNCmie,youmas, Q forth th ply nth h Provisions or shall e d< km. "CONSTRUCTION LGN ;°, TCY h h co sn herring agency f rrhe perfohnnceIherey af0 m that c '., ._.--. .... ._ _... ..... _ ._........_. ' - r �vbrk'f( h ch tM permu ed(g 3W7 Cry C W 'Lender Name: u . . -.,. ;. u i ..:..I . . . .._.. ...-_ . .. . _. .. . _. ... - 1 _ LenJesAdde S .. .. ,d,:.._. .. ; tT'[ c.mo t 1 D agree to comply,with «ad all c lfcity and t county andysNm¢inachnacresthand bsocvaem ilawsrelating Erbraiding conswntdn:antl hereby'authorize repoesematives of this city to corecupon s the abwe-mardionedp penYf ly and rip hart (We)ogre m sol a nJe Ify and keep hw Ie s the City ofCaperion,against C Fir V1 liab I 3 dgments,c v d expenses ses h h may m any ay amrve again t said, U z Ci neo sequence df the gr n g f th pp ran : /� TANDS ANp,NILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT `� Issued by: Date 1)0 -01- ac to ofAPPI can n cc r� 'v ':"' ce"' Re-rOOfS a ❑Yes eCanadian an mmfeN' Type Of ROOT': US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE me Serio 25532( 7 6 Idin6 occPm t h dl hemtd s ,._�.. ._. ...�_. I' y pe A n c pal Code Chapter 9 12 e d th Health and Snfety d Will thea Icato ft _ s defined b the Cu nm Mu T v �t t4 :tJ r'} t"t : a`t, t : 1t- 9�ry fh o' ri wy# hs-�j t. I 'gym t n doacm�contamtnamk a�derneab to ea 9-e :1, I t Management All roofs shall.be inspected.prior-to any roofing material being installed. � t i + ' s _. { Will the app,cant r Tut r b Id g p t use ies p t dMana which If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an'mspection;I!agree:4o remove District, y y t8 all new materials for inspection _Applicant Understands and will comply with _ ❑Ys " - ' 1' °N all ion-poor[source iegUlanonsr , g quo fthe d n des notcurrently ch ave a tenant, helm t norms undo Chat .not of Ne Iha o&Safer Code.SWorts2550525533 end 255341vnderstand that t e azallo materials regoveme Calf m N trh is mY responuM1 I ty t notify the '- g All roof coverings to be Cla 2 - _.. « tP i oan P Centficete df Signature of Applicant Date !Gane q authonxede cSS B OI;liatter r -, .OFFICE .. ... ... ............. . ... ... _. r �+