01080089CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT B ,LD1 GADDR SS 591 ASTER LA CUPERTINO PLUMBING PERMIT NO, 01CC0Pf80089 S ATED AND EVA 10297 S DE ANZA BLV 08�T7,T�6A01 PHONE: (408)253-0618 SANITARY NO. CONTROL N0. Z ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH m CJ LJ LJ L_I i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description O _ IM1erebyaffimvhalamlicensedunderprovisions.TonsCde.andmylicese COPPER REPIPE. hh Seciion ]000)of Ulvision Sof the Business and Professions Code. and my license Is m hill force and¢t2/ ` [�p t� y ime Class V Lic.# tPzyYo, F Dam it7T Camractor' 2Je0.t,-y— �'— RCCf'S DECLARAT N J 1 understood my plans shall be uzad an Public records - O Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION To I hereby offina that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the ' G following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county $5000 O which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure f t c t cantor me rmuo eat .ttmm prior9 pP Pe .g ,36%42 EtOFllgor-�.�a Valuation - thyhe31enxdpn mtothpro'.onsoftheConvacto Lc L Chapter moronic, ction]000) of Divumn 3of the Burnt s and Pr fid,,u nsC de) j + ' or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the allegedpxempuort Any violation of Seetion:7031.5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty ofnotmoredimEvehundred dol...S500). 202APNi�M'BRFLOOR PL MBING" Occupancy Type ° 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, 301 - ROUGH PLUMBIN 502 - FINAL PIA34E YITRs�'aAlthBiiQ'Y an is mended offered for sale (sec: iB11 do -thework, -and the d oro t B cid oone Cade The nttrdinten ode:Tstructure Com License to an Law does not apply t0 an aw raf,.,,,y Who builds or improve, and who data such work himself 507 - FINAL PLUMBING or h'. employees, p d d that suchimprovementsmintended _ "offered for 41e:1Cfi'eeglhe timldm ssold wrthnose "f- er fo g rntpr,of yoldo ...__. .._ .._........_.. .. _..._....._.. ___....,.. _... .. :.._.__.... ....... ... .... ___ ., , - - ompletion, tone owner-huilen. will have he burden of pmving that he did nm hold m Pro imprme for purpose of sole.). _ . �FJI a own .,of Chep pent' .. ...I s ly t m tC sed m em m - co t t me i p I t IS ]04J B d Professions C d) Th C t t L L d r ppl3 m o f property h b ild. r mpro Thereon, ..end hoc to ts.f sucM1 P"j", wmh.a. aontrachwad licensed pursuant to fie,.. ... _... .. _.. .. _. _._.... .. _. _. _ _ __. C m t L ceme lm °I mpmuntle S H&PCfomM1ia rcawn 1.%: .• j O e O m WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ' therebyoffin d penalty of pet y cf,h,fallowingdelamra ❑ I ha a and will ma cit C nificm of Consent to elf n for W rker's Compensation; ,provided f by Sect 3700 f the Lebo Code, far the 'peA m o / _ f the u rk f r which thi: permit d 'Q U and will mount n Workers Compensation 1 wmn a required by Section 370 the Labor Code, f the performance of the mk to,which this perrat is ;s d M Worker'd Compensation Insurance chtrief and Policy numtdr are:" MOM N WO KERS ( B CATION OF EXEMPTION PROM WORKERSIs COMPE COMPENSATION INSURANCE _ _ ..___.. ..I t obs wclon need not be completed if the Permits for one hundred dollars s- (51007 or less.) I cert ft' that rt pert f rah w k f r eh t s'is I' i :,+ , e a u ct a p n in any n so as id bctol a subject m the Workers co shall not aim '" ' C m m 'Law's � pensa of California. Date l-mies NOTICE TO APPLICANT 'becamenTOA t the k I' L b C I, ym ust t onsll 'fanM1wuh ci comply with h pmvwonx o this ami t shall he doomed rc ked I s e � A "Itr "' CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY 1 he h affirm Thai to cont m n leasing ag y f the perfen nl � ti Iofine rk fn hich thisR t issuedfS 3097; Cis. C) �'-Le tiers Name r„.. _. .. .,.._ .. .gin __ ..._ ... __.._.__ .. ._... _.. .._.. .. .. ___ �.. ..:.. .. ... ............ ...... ._.. _. ._... .. _.__. ti de - Address -/ 1 i fy that I have read tti �ppl cat a n d sm t that th al information is c'athe m 1 name to comply with all city and county mfirmaces and Stam laws relating j Ito building conswctidn; and hereby bumorize representatives of ethic city to enter upon, �] the abgve-memloned property for, inspection Purposes. _, , _ „ y (Wd)'agme mo save, indemnify and keep harmled+the City of Cupninb ogaina A IibThe,.,.dgmenrs emas d ex once which may in any aI c me agai ,m said ir CitYI 'e Tic ftleg rmM1spint 'A C' ,tin ND ROO SA WILL COMP LY WITH ALL NON -POINT c' P$b i /^701 Issued by: Date o / Eft f gtwt fAppl': m/C at 'm rA ., l- ., t. -Date.: �- Re -roofs __- HAZARD MAT ,ALS DISCLOSURE . T - /. qll th appli t Tum rebuilding oc pani stored hndlh Nous conal srSI e 0 Roof ']I3 of_ ....:.. .. „... ... ,_. .;. _.., -.... - _.. .,�, .,..,,,., a defined by the Cupen Municipal Code, Chapter9,12, d the Health and Safety ,Codes ton 2553,(1 °Y °N " I �_ roofs shall be inspected, prior to.an r p y oofing,material being.installed f - W II The a I c m tut buildingovio em e t devices which 'ch Peam ..All ., t move th mds s mmnt Jcfi by the Bay A'maAirQ alq'M nog cit D, tr ct all new materials for inspection.t Appl cant understands and will c0m p ply with :r OY • ❑No / _ all non- Dint Source r0 Mations. rI h tome Is menta d Ch pier eph of me ha lth gift & Safety Code: Safety Code;avea not 505, 31.1undcrstandtthe rgjirg bar I mains. 1, is voc',nd -, ifm boiWing dagsnt cndvha have nmthtm" to noufy the � �nr.a -- ' bf tfie qi m m s icti iiun b m p for moi wnce arTe fay Cenifcate of O n Y ,Signature of Applicant„ _ _ _ Date All roof coverings to be Class B" or better e aatnon¢edage t , mm� ..OFFICE.._..._... _. ._... ... .. - -