00100014 `CITY OF CUPERTINO " e' " " ' BUILDING Drv,SioN pER1VIIT, CONTRACTOR'INFORIVIATION: BUILDINGADDRESS: + .� � - >, + n PERMUNO 2 .CT `. r'. .- '',WATER HEATERS & MOR7 :PLBG.I0010eBa1,4 '. l� . ' OWNER tiNAME: ._t' + • " APPLICATION SUB DAI C I. WFTT7hiiANNoARTH I LAND Its ANCY, J' ' '1163 .CHESS'.DRIVE; S 1ITE-''KI.0/03/2000 . PHONE:. - 'r - ' - SANITARY NO, " CONTROL NO (650): 522-9287, O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER - , _ "f BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH - w n ' hICf.NSLI>CONTRACTORS DECLARATION - p Cz c da a p rcnpt 9tenne g 'Job Descriptio m lh Sect' 9a1N1) fD' 3 flKe Bu IP f,'o C d d nyl' to EJ I:' rllf Irfel 1 pX,xw.a u,turw Cin,,. :REPLACE, 50 GALLON WATER _HEATER' ^, . rX C U Dnle c about., •• .of ,AIiCHITEcr S DECLARATION •�5 w - I nativist I mY pl ,'shall be ii,tal.,puldhe mccans y O O 1:cc sed Pmreslmod ' k ^'a °J o OWNER BUIER DFCI ARAI ION - , u7v, 1 thereby a S3[30 yp pr h i aft rtn I,,I"n ee theC I L ; L traffic loll oA (Section9135ctrms andProfession,Cd An, a tY h require, P m ll C eI t 1 p e Lh poy mm ,gJ'I warnil 1 ik lxmile hillen tt P att1 1 (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. FloorArea Valuation t,m 6 with Sect 9000) f Do 3 f d Bas au d P o,s .,Code) v l i , orthe,h a thembnor saildre.basis. l thealleged epa "AY lairme - '$0 ,. .or Sewn 90315 b,anyppl' mfor a pc "n,umira,the app) to a all penalty nrnm roam than fivehundred doll.,(s500).. . .APNNumber _ - OccupancyType - ❑I work, t erm s to wimxo wall d IM1 k o 0a,structure :p i mended e e L d for sal (S 91144 " Bn, dP r, to Code The Contractor,Llhdn so d Irk human r Required Inspections x f p ph ry en n ec improve,IM1 d h e 1 k intended csl ' ^ .„a foram -ply the provided n improvements l t year or 5x2.,— FINRL-PLUMBING,-'ENEI comoffepletion, ul ion,the if ho hold the lIsivebuildingimprovement rovin Id he handid nuc ywr or _ - r nmplatn,n,me owner-bailaer will bare ale seen nrnrnring that he die not build or .506 'GAS 'TEST improve roe Purpose of sada). _ " ..- +--.vy,I , ..bs '. 907. -' FINRL PLUMPING is 01 a,owneroflhc Pn pent un exchis ly nraainy wl161' 'd eonwem-t ;f _ .. con„mm me protea(Sec.9044,Buslttass tad Profe,. e,,anCode:p The Cnmfnmor's '. -e Lice: 1 d not apply t an 'his of pP ty -h land - p the ” .f'+' ., ranA ,no commentfar inch projects wiN t' I (.)1' d p at m the S _ y. Contractor Liters,Lw h a + ❑1 no,crumqu madt,r Sec ,B&PCf this onson Owner Date sI r le WORKER S COMPENSATION DFCL ARAI ION " I hereby affiric underpenalty lly t perjury one of0 following d 1 "I �011 + 1 will anartalo.Cell 1 rC . ii If f W k Cmmpamsatimn, as provided t by Section 3700 of-the Lahm.Cmli, for thep r ' ,perforations,of the workf..which this p t :'..0 J t 'f] . ❑1 have and ,It ma nt Workers Ccahwhoution Insurance,as required by Section 3700 of the Luhor Cafe,far the perforntonce of the work for which this knot is t ;sued.My'Worker's Compensation Insurance eurticr tntl.Prilihy number are: ' , - i ts, Carrier: Policy Nn.'. CERTTFICATIONOF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'. - - 1 a 5:, COMPENSATION INSURANCE. (Tin section need not be completed if the P tis ma one hrandacd dollar, + _ Ieri den inth Inerme,we Mlle k'fr whichlh pention,".sudl _ shall not employ any piavien in any mann m became uiIqcrr,mEc W..orm Compensation Law,of California Dae - - .i " Applicant e '. NOI ICL IOAPPLICANT ,O Oheeomceuhjecl to theN k C p vat nP v ns nr lh I b C J y u .t forth ih-rnnply xnh acM1 prnvis non or lht,perntsht 11 betl nod rcvnked . 7 ' - -'^ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY F' an� 1 hereby affirm that Ili re . construction lending agency r the performance fine work for which thispermit s sr ad(Sec 3097C"v C) - h " .) t a Lenders Name Z- Lendrs'Adam, t. I cornyfair il 'd Ili ' d athat lwes b information tlate - t (~ orr 1 I. 6 1 ply tM1"11 ly IY I tYtdt' d t t I 11 g . - C) thea to g '1 l dl by In P tt M1h etymaucrupa IM1c+b ` [� el dP petyf f P M: - - - " I,y a (We)agreet e 1 fy dk Iunatics,theCity wa fC p a against y, _": e , +y lianil l 1 dg e o sl d p u.which "Y a any way 'quina 1 :a U 7�. etr adeynrnhe Deer fishing of ibis permit., � APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT SOURCE REGULATIONS - ISS, y:- iWte signatam of ApplicarrUConhncter .• :Date i Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the app)east future haddho,ocaustlt,mre ar handle ib',mdoa,rramairj" '. T e of Roof a,refined by the Cupertino Municipal Code Chirpier 9.12 and the health rid Safety yP,, Oodc 6 f n 25532(x) ,` ��.' f� .. ry r °Y DN - All roofs shall be inspected prior to"any roofing'material being Installed. will the i 1 n w" s occupant use equipment ordevaces'which If.a roof is'installe'd without first obtaining an irispection;I agree to remove emit h dial v}eon[ m nL is defined by the Be,Arca A Quality Management District^ a .. all new materials for inspeciion:'Applicant understands,and.will comply with ❑Yei ,.❑No ."� 't o'sall n_on-point source regulations.. '` 1 brave mad the hazardous m nen N requtrcicas underChapter 6.95 or the, - _ I - - bhf H bl Cycle,S I ,.-25505 25533 and 255311 de lad that' e - �ifthe budd'ngdoesnot c mad,have aeraanl that ts my re,Ponsbd"lyto lorry the W• + n _ occupant pf the god nn t. which must fourth Prior it,ass f.Conunnav f. 1 , Signature of Applicant ',.•: +' ' ,, Date. r. - I ou,nc,nraatnorxcdagnnl . • Date _ 'All roof coverings to be.Class'`B"or better: OFFICE .. ,