59694 1520 Aster Building Permit Confirmed 19" \ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE ;� BUILDING DEPARTMENT . n APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT / Date-----._...-----------......----c -� 19.?J:/Pernnif No._ /...6_.: .. ------ . . 3 The undersigned herab as epplic �f ecfri I Inspector ify of San Jose fore permit to install rice xf a an �w' ng I' a on so da. Exemption from r qui of a ornia ( r C f c}ors Mons. is hereby claimed by undersigned: as caner statement filed Undersigned attests that his ata of California C0ntracfor's License # C>C+ is in full force and effect and properly authorizes this application. r� San Jose City Business Li me` x` I certify that in }ha pc r ce of �fhe,w hi is ey issued I shall net employ any person in any man r ore y+R of California. W 1 � OWNER ADDRESS rsa &-T S L , USE OF BUILDING t FIRM, m 's-- �✓ SIGNED -2d0-201n 1 . 15ZC1 �ister Electrtc ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old Outlets Panels, Cabinets Size Service Conduit 7�� Switches vZ Switchboards Size Service Wires ReceptaclesPanelboards Size Service Switch 1410 Fixtures Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits Signs - Transformers Motors Number of Meters HP Phase —Ampere Loads G J- Lighting Power Miscellaneous1M Rough Inspection 3-- 2- ' Bim. Fri Final Inspection '�-7- �78 .STFlly BRemarks: 3.2-7eS'FIW 3-17- 280-201n