54721 lnq�F_ Cb• g a� Trac+ No. y�j—Y Lot No. L CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APP (CATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT _ Date k13 D , 19-&7t] Permi+ No. Application is hereby made for a permit to /✓N i /./ a story, Type 'eS, din //� Use Zone at O Occupancy to be occupied on 4 Yt�/. Parking Space in accordance with Plan Specifications and Plot-plan filed herewith. Fire Sprinkler Estimated Value ofr ve $ _ya5�%a Exemption from req u,re a S4 fe of r7 i�rn o act Li nse is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement f,ad ❑ Undersigned attests that his State of California Contractor's License # is in full force and effect and properly authorizes this application. San Jose City Business License # y /6 Jl u611 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner 14 Address SA& N S. `T Address l� 99/5-W01-I-OBL w,°i — Z — ys:w� 000n}s �1r�n�9 9 dZ � we"id .� uoilepunoj V N01103dSN1 dO OVOOM .