03050053Y OF CUPERTINO N".ttACOR x1�U12MA TUNS �.. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT n�a `g7gl� ,:i• 4a,„ �, surSK, � BUILDING ADDRESS: WAGNER ROOFING CONTRACTORS'TffeD03050053 OWNER'S NAME: 12242 SARATOGA-SUNNYVAL RIE'79713 /2003 NA BUTT NE: (408)777-8331 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT(ENOINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH l� O >� LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Job Description yFF S 1 hereby eRlrm thel I am licensed under provisi eS of Chapter 9 (cammeainj with Saline 76'10)orcivirian 3 ofthe Busirres and Pmfesdom Code. end my licenm is �'�0.\n /A LEO �VVNNA LWE oro In full farce end e(Rat y 6729��- C^39 REROOF i= Lk...Clash Lt.. i 2 Dam Conusslor ARCHI7ECT'SDECI.ARATION MAY 2 7 2003 i 1 understand my plane "I he used As public memds BUILDING Licensed Profcsrional DECLARATION Oat I am exempt, from Ince Contormrs License Lew for the I hereby .(Sero the I jo t. Any city ormumy ire moon. (Section 7o I.S.Besfter. end $ ri repair any mCmM improve. demolish. Or which a permit re Comtcucs, W. Improv, tic which �n ermit t. its issu o ment prior b its iuueae. Jw requires the applicant for permit ro Ole a signed wtemenl p Contractor's License Law 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area �< that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions at the (Chapter $8Vylll®tion -$ (commencing with Section 7003) of Division 3 of the Business and Profession Cade) or that be is exempt do mfrom and the bub for the alleged exemption. Any violation of 3 2&413Qi6i15cr0 0 Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not marc than fiw hundred dollen ($500). ❑ I, AS owner of she properly, or my employees with wages AS their sole compensation, RR r d IDS actions p will do the work and tim.n.bm knot intended oro@rod far ale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: Than ContortaY, License Law don not apply to an Owner of build, improves dace wart himself or through his 307 - I NSULAT�F� property who m thereon, and who ouch Own employees. provided thnwch impronements arc not intended oraffeed for gale. If. 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF however, the building or ImProwmem b Sold within one yew of Completion, the owners builder wN new lite burden of proving that he did em build or improve for purpose of 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL Sale.). 603 - ROOF BATTENS 01, AS Owner of the properly. am exclusively contorting with licensed comencl0rab 604 - ROOF IN -PROGRESS Construct the toneless (Sec. 7044, Business and profeselors Code:) The Cormacbr's Li ..A Law does net apply ro an owner of properly wlm builds or Improves thereon, and . who contorts for such pmjem wish a contractor(s) licensed pursuant b be Contractafs License Law. ❑ lamexemptueder Sec ,BAPCfarthisr On Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury oro of the following dalatationa: Thew and bineCW of Cenatmb selfai fa WaM'ace for of the forScotian 3700 of the labor Colic. for the performance a( the .anon, provided fPe 3700 r mi work for which Wa permit is Wtutl. 0 1 lave aM will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, Co excited by Section 3700 of the labor Cade. for the performance of the wok for which this permit is issued. My Workds Compensation Inaunnce aniv and Policy number are: Carvin: Policy Nu: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Iltlaseedm need rot be constricted if de result term oa hundred dollars (SIM) or less.) I certify that in ba perfmmanm or the wart for which this Permit is issued, l shell not employ any some in any manner b mesu Wo 'Compar. on Lew of Califomie. Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this CcnlOam of Exemption, You shemid become subject on the Worker's Compensation provision, of the labor Code, you must O fomhwib comply with such provision or this permit shall be domed revoked. ,y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY affirm that them h e covwctinn lending for she Performance or 3097, Civ. C.) A Wad s NameIhereby she work for which this permit Ie d (Sec. 0 Lendrs eNurse Lenders AddrcCo 5/ Q 1 certify that I have sad this city and coon and rote that the shove Information Is mesa. l agree c comply with all city and county ordinances and cum Iowa rotating e bbovingcanewctloeand hereby suthon be / !1� i 3�U U ahovn(We)ned for prepresenWivesofbbshymentorupon properly W (We) ego m Cosa indemnify And keep harmless the City of ageit rA indmnify An keeph. City Ih ma againsts smiteh may In anywyaante egalnn said inconeascruxmentaecaetaenof this I ",� AcPLICANca of the RSTAgrantingof this permit. F -I APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCERE LATIONS Re -roofs Type of Roof noun ofApplic ZOAE RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will lira applicant or future building occupant cmc or handle heundouc material Co defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.13, W be Health and Safety ede.Sectionu533(e)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes C] No If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will she applicant or future building Mcupsm use equipment or devices which mit bavardom air Communanta As Claimed by the Bay Aro Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Diwict7 OYce No In readithoordnu,mated bmqui..M antic,Chapm,6.95ofbe Califon 1 D� nicer . aru133hifity nosh cups building Jan nos cum:mly hew a tenant that it b my responaihillly b testify the occupant of the. no, currentlybusam, dualIt my the uentlyY am mqulremen Inch be met 'Or uana ora Catilcateof Oce Sia re of Applicant Dat 6 ,91 oof coverings to be Class "B" or better 0. 41". authorised agent te CI 10300' Avem apW" G 9loWUM Tdl*= (408)7774= PW crap m -33n . Building Department Rerooftpallyforthestyofa1PU, 2. Prior to pit jo� 2 .N41114 � aPa�ca�Wft �� �+h 1M vac staaar�a „n w� a°D a `� � f agPW witi'°`8 f A obtaining � n zrkd a aPPW'at shall be obtatlladulrdiV A 9ne1 fnepaM{on and Wading when the reroofing is & All roofs MIUD be MeMaRem t To receive a final ft � �B POCUCM and/cc � � +6 sopa are required jppgovaL 3) PhW k%xcdoi approval. approval. a) SPA& armee d. Any roafing wrequire " P&d without & °bWM WM proper be an the a�attdrg so ti,at the DAPORTANTi L Ed roofs anlet there is no a mn of it' slops and dww u mte that 2 An LC,H.p, rap is the job site at the time of bWpWU= We madessland the above pohfay on reroofing and wM comply wlth this Policy.. HCUMMMIMMIName: W1: 41,;vf Address: /06S-7 ,Imu ter pi, Applicant « ,. 62fA1 ■ . CITY OF OFRTINO CUP INO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN ff Elldit Permit Fees 32tfl -Y3- 067 Date:�3 �.w3 Building Address: BUILDING /ObS7 fi97NLt% Ag. Seismic Fee Res Owner's Name: BSEISMICOM BPLANCHK Seismic Commercial Plan Check Fee Phone 0: BUSLIC Business License COnft=tW. PhonO li/ License if: l2 .�:r✓� reMhs 7Z 1 t 9 Contact: Phone O Ste.& / Cupertino/2 Business License (f: 7771 933 Type of Root Covering: 0 Built-up Roof Proposed: uilt•Up roof O 9�ptult Shingles O Asphalt Shingles wood Shakes O o wood shingle. wood Shakes Oto (Specify))L0 whoa Shingles0 %rs/•'.R T/LN Other fy) of existingcoverings O —-- Provide l.C,B.O. Report N To be Removed O Provide Mfgr. Imtallation Specs. I Have Read,Understand and WillCom i With Cu o's Tear Off Policy; Job Description: Re, jav a bil9.Ye ,@e, X;1667+ to A, C",'- 5b ya.pa. t/R-IS '.9 "�6ex, oe" i..P i/� �tGc, GtS3 S�+ 4S. UA,*Cee MW.4 At' -?e .9•S -7-M W.,014 O.;B.t ''iy4.v-F/as 4. hyj-r. Residential commercial O Fire Zone: Yes C3 No Confirmed with Planning if there are any restrictions: C� Pmject: Type of Construction: 89y0. Occupancy gyp. Qty. if Aoolicable 1p . T BPERMFEE Elldit Permit Fees r= %jnM BUILDING BENERGY BUILDING MEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM BPLANCHK Seismic Commercial Plan Check Fee BUILDING BUILDING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING ,Z �