22379 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bull&nx Prulea 16-11 cation PIi1t.MIT NO. B�uamg naaresa: e G . 22379 coca �o r, sone. one. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION �_ {� A CenlneersName: Lk.No APPLICATION / PERMIT — 1 BMDINGELD=RICA,PLUMBING-MECHANICAL CATEWRY CONTROL Arel fteei/Englneer. Lac No QW ELECTRICPERMIT FEE, BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTLA OR'S DECLARATION Thereby neiIon70that lamllcmaeauMerienssaprovisions of Cssions9(mrrudtr AI'IaT.IANCESRF�ENRAl B DESCRIPTION IngwitI Ifull](100)ofd eff n3oftMeguJroaandlioleWm,Cade,and �aY�e -DVAIe,4 L ,,I,In fuB/ d d(ect PANF35 1 Llany? ywL1c/-'-�Q�D� Date / ''((// ..y �Coritrader C4*- �11J b ARcxITB s DecuRAnoN �'C la000.arse Yll 1 h ��ppuu dOZ ItaderJand nyplea.helbe used apublIcrecords. OVER 1000 AMPS !�SSQ..FFr..FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. Licensed Professional STGNSFI.ECTRICAL _ t wNlaces ' OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION $PFLIAI.CIXCUI.I. _9_a Ihercbya/firm Hut lameaemptfrom the Corarador',LI¢rue Lswfcrthe /M9Sr FF..❑ f ollowing reason.6eNon 7(015,Business and P'=lo Code:My d y or Fey muntywhkh rtqulresapematmmruWd,iltrr,Improve,dertnWh,or repilr ��P'ITER OR POLE INST. q ^J anyammmprbrtolbba ma ab m-qurntheappBantfa m&pe to POWpI DEVICES C1 I. Ole a signed statement the he is licensed pursuant m the pmvblom of the [OS3o� Contndor'a Lfcenle Lsw(Chaptn9(commencingwkh Sectbn7D00)of Divi-O'g SWB,I,ING IDOL.ELECTRIC sion3o(the Builnesead Pro(mbm Code)orthwhebem therefmmand VALUATION the basis for the eleged eaemptlm. My violation of Sectio 7015 by any OUTLETS.SWTICHES.FTXTURES appllont fora permit subjede the applicant to a civil pevNy.(nes more than flvbhun end ddlue($SM. NEW RESIDENTIAL III= SQ SIT CONSTRUCTION LJ I,as owner o/the property,or my employee,with wages a,thetr cob rompewH wllldothework,andthestrumtnbrotLaeMe or offered for Osale(See,7044,Buslness and Pr afmiom Code:The Contractors Wmme law Sid don not apply tom owner d property who builds or improves thereon,and Co aA..DG whodoesudnworkhirrnelf«thrcugh hlsowneerpl gees,pmvded that such ImprvvernenLa nMll ndedorofferndfwmle.I/,howevcr,thebullding« TOTAL: Imprwcr ntbs&dwl oruyurac«nplet theownm- WerwWF w l reinnofpreningthathadd cost bund nr lmpmve f«purpae of sale.). Qr . PLUMBING PERMIT - "L as owner of the property,am erehuWely cntreding with Ite:nsdi ost ora to mmlruct the pmjed(Sec 704A Buerm aid Professions Code: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Contndora Lkeru,Law don not apply In an owner of property who bund,or impnoro thereon,and who coranm fee such pTjecta with a ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER Tin rune pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. FEE SUMMARY LJ 1 am esempt urdar Sec B &P C for this reason BACK FIDW PROTECT'.DEVICE O Owner Date DRAINS-FLOOR ROOF,AREA,OOND. SANITARY Y_ N_ ,...pp{{ WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION R�EII7Y 01 hereby affimn that I have a certlBute of consent to self-Nsorc,or a �R"��' `SCITOOL TAX Y_ N_ mrtlOo(e of Worken'CompermaHon lruunnco«a certified copy thedof Gee. RECEIPT Y 3800,IAb CJ /a�p�7_ GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 NC4OUTLElS PARK FEE Y_ N_ I'dkyl 7 0 / RECEET0 Co v [�is9s a7 �� GAS FA.SYSTEM-OVER4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES certBlea m reby GREASE/NDUSDBL WASTE IN(FRCI]'IDR PLANCHECK FEE Cedl/1ed copy b(fled with tM tlty lapectbn dMJon. CERTIFICATE OF CTEMMON FROM WORKERS GREASETRAP PAID COMPENSATION ANCE SEWER-SANITARY STORM EA 3gFT Date Remi t# (I'hbaMbn need rad tr completed B the pemdt b(more hundred dollvs (SI OTO«ImJ WATERFlEATFRW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N— I Am that emin ploy anyhe erann to an the nneworr so as to 1,numeesubt b bot he I ork rad empby any peramt N any manner at es 10 bemrrc subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING W«licant mpensa[bn L,va o/Gllfomb.Dale PAID Z 0 nnnceiD APPLICANT:If,after m.kingtwcaduwta of Ewmptbn,you NEW RmDe4TLAL PLMB. SQtT. Date Recei t# Hshould become abject tothe Workers'Comperustlon provisions of the Labor TOTAL: cc N Code,you must forthwkh comply with such pmvislons orthb permit shall be `J deemed revoked. W — coNsrxurnons LENm le AGENCY SEISMIC FEE ` CL Thereby.RiscoHutthere bamee Isissnd(See. for perform, ELECTRICFEE .� 2 Lereo/the woh for whkhthb permit bbstted(gee 30Y7,CIv.CJ TOTAL U O c deraName PLUMBING FEE LL H Lender's Addresa QTY. MECHANICAL.PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEEgr O W Imrtl(y that l have read this appBatlonaM statethattheabwebfomeeti« bcomeet.IagreetocomplywlthaDdyardmuntyonlWn and Matelaws PFRMRLSSUANCE FEES PAID: 1 dtytoent rupontheehc m,ntiodhereby rtyfrlurspre:npurpo Z city res )arupon theabovemnify and pmpertyf«Inspe Cit of Cupertino ALTER ORADDTO MIECFL Date Re i t# (We).gra to ave,Indemnify and kap harmim the Clty of Cupedlro , againsn,t llabill Ijrdgrrcnts, ata expenses which my Nan wayarvue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,ODO CFM) SUBTOTAL: against yl o « til antir,g of this pe AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER iQODOCFW CONSTRUCTION TAX slgNnnrsn/Ap cont dor ate oft-IAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: RDOUSMATERIALSDISCLO RE ' WWtheapp ntmfummn ildingar pantdonorl Mkha ous HFATNGUMT(TO100,0)0BTU) Date RCCeI t# r ,at lasdeflnedbythe Cupedlw Murddpal Code,Chapter9.17,adthe I❑ell YnMSifety Cade Nm25537(a)7 HEATING UNIT 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: WWtheappllca « turcbullding ocevpantuse egWprrcm«devlas VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit haaandous Jr contaminants.,defined by the Bay Area M ® Quality Marugement 7 BOILER-COMP OM'OR 100,000 BTU) , Yes No I have'ad the h a materials rttrylrerrcnbundm Chapter 6.95 of BOILER MP(OVER 100,000 BM the Ca Womia Health&SafetyCode,SrV ionla 255M,21533 and 75534. I urderstaM that if the building does not our rrcntly have a tenant,that It b my NEW RESIDENTIAL MF.CH. SQ.FT resporumllNylon fythe para of the requlmmem,whkh must be met prior tvlsay. ace t Parry. n Pvnrroro h gen to ISSUED TOTAL OFFICE COPY