20006 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Id ti(1 shoes PERMIT NO. "Building Address: 2 0 0 0 6 �38ov u p yrs I , 13 P� F} rcn area: one: APPLICAA FJZu &Q-cuil CITY OF CUPERTTNO-BUILDING DIVISION q APPLICATION I PERMIT 1 . ^' At 3 N BUIL.IXNGELDCTRICALPLUMBINGMCCFIAMCAL CATECARY CONTROL II ArcA'eG/Fsly �1 C7Na C, 5--), ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address SS(QVb' ('_ e� F PFRMTEISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSEDCC)NTIIACTOR'S DECLARATION Thereby affirm thatlam l{cmaeduMer prwWone of Chapter9(carn�m APPWANCESRESIDFNTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION ingwith Sedbn70W)of Dhi m3oftk Budru-nandPmfe maCode,and lirenx is In fulljpr,and effect, ' //et, PANELS I ►la-{-(�+� l�--51 I- L'vnxClase Lb Y =7p�a-----. AMTS Date_ ��ah�JContndor Y1�+•FIW D ARChall br s ECU ION z ZT I undeuland my plan aha8 be used es public recoNs OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. °y�Q� ED Z�j Lbcrund Professional SIGNSELECTRICAL rrIRK•ar Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 , r � 7pr�� Iherem�Sy.M.that texampfrom the Contrador's Lkense Law for the 9TCIALCRtCIRT/MISC U- TCT.a/ folbwing noon.�eatlm 76715,Bualnm aM l'ro(mloru Cody.Mydty or K 7�F- cvuntywhicA im requapermktommemcl,alter,Imprwe,demoWh,orrepair TEMP.METER OR POLE MST. q anysmdurtpdwmlta bararcp,alwrtquimtheapp8antfwauNpermHto POWER DEVICFS g file•signed statement U he b licensed pursuant to the provbbm of the poI Contndm"llcenx law(Chapter9(mmmendng"hSe on7000)of DW- SWIJA INGIWL ELECTRIC F- ebn3oflhe Businmand Prof mbm Code)orthathebevemptthen maM VALUATION Q �'�, lk basis for the alleged exemptkn. My viblatbn of Seribn 7m15 by thany OUT ETSSWITCHFSFIXTUR23 QQappeom fora permit wbjaYsthcappecanttoa tivll peroltydnd moman 06undyed dnllan MM. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQJT. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCDON <, I,sa awrcr of the property,or my empkryen with wages r there sole t� compensation,will Sualraek workandthesmdurtheCne0 not ade.ed Limner for Law p sib freedoes pply to.. and Pp.partmCode:Tk Contrtdora I.Irerne Law whodo"sech tom ownerdpmpenywho nemporlmprovnted that such OCCGROUP RFS AMTS whodoe" am h tin d throffe hifmwn .Ithow,provdrdthatarch impmve msart not Ntanom Proffered(prole.ILhonorer,theerl tngve TOTAL: Mprovemem iswld wlthinor�eycaro(c pldbn,thewvnerbullderwBl have t rare prpmdngthnkdd mtbuildorimprowfwpurposeo(sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT - FEE L j Las owner d the property,am ex,hulvely mnvaNng wkh Ibnued FLOOD ZONE APN mntractan PERMIT ISSUANCEto comtrud the project(Sae 7044,Bustnm and Pmfeaee ns Cade:The ComnGorb Lksrue Law don not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN kVETT-WATER TEN toads or Improves thereon,and who wn rads for such ptoJects with a rypjEaRa(a)licensed pursuant to the Contndors Live.Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I am exempt urder Sec 8 k P C for this reasonOUTSIDE Hr' Owner para DRAINS FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANITARY Y_ N_ WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RM= euby aHbm thrt 1 love a IF mrdca 6m d e.nt to calf-issuers,Q a f�NFS RPER TRAP `SCIR I TAX Y N_ RILI]I'I' 38 Nate of Workeni Campematlonlrouranm wa artlRed ropy theno!(Sec. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INCA OUTLETS PARK IEE Y N 3800,Lab G) Cooney#,K/3yQ (7 RECEET Is CAS 1:A.SYSTEM-0VER 1(EA) FyBUILDING DIVISION FEES CedHied ropy b he fumlahed. GREASE/MDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE ('QCertHied mpy is filed ith the cfly iropection division. T CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCESEWER.SANITARYSIORM EA.2(IRT Date Remi til (fids welter need not be a orplded If the per it bfor hundred dollars f3100)wim') WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECIR ENERGYFEE Y N 1¢not that In the podornunrxof ny m nark for wto lb this pemdt a IwN, I aloe not empty any penwn In any manner at u to become ubJed to tk WATER sys1FA(/TRFAnNG Wwkm'Compenvtlnn laws Of California.Date PAID C• Z AppilunNOITCEt NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.FT. Date Reoei ht Z O N'07TCE TO API'I.ICAM:It,ager making thisCertificate of Exemption,you should become abject to the Wonken'Compensation provisions of the labor - TOTAL: CC N Code,you must forthwith comply with such pmrisio ,or this pemJt shall be, W > deemed re.otrd. BUILDING a f] CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE of the work bacomtis Issued laMingagcuy(artk perform TOp� ELECTRIC FEE Z Larder'. work for whkhthb pemde btaaed l5ec.30Y7,Civ.C) O IaMela Nime LL H Landeres ,Addre QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE O w 1art"at l have read this appeatlon and sate that he above lnformanpn - MECHANICAL FEE CTCI-30 bmrrea.lagreetocomwply .Udtyardmuntyordirunmmdaatelaws PERMIT ISSUANCE I�X FEES PA I6. } N relating to building mmemWon,akk authoriumpre,etutb pfthis - F Z citytorrecrupon vcmentb rty for lro ion purposes: ALTFRORADDTOMECFL Dale Rttei t47 V _ (We)agrm t ,IMrmN n d p harm) n CRY of Cupertlro agawthabl8 ,hs rrcnva, card perm may Lnanywayamue AIR 1ANDLiNG UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL- agalrutvl uy ren rce of gram permit. _ ALRHANDUNC UNIT(OVER 10,600 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX ✓ CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: S of Appkont r Date FJUTAIJSf HOOD(W/DIJCO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WL,dasdppncdb the building omipal Csorehhard 9.haurdmn HEATING I1N7T(IO]00,000BM Date Revel tit l 1,cit alas S fired by tk Cuprelno Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1j and the Health and SafdyC Seaton 2953TW7 HEATING IJMT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: Rill oodd4L��,�����I''INJoo . Til the applla�ture bu0ding oavpam ux equlpmem wdevlm VENTILATION FAN SLNGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE which eMt Eaaa nI. a taminunts n deRrud by the Bay Area Air T� QualHy hTanagemem�7 BOILER{OMP OEPpR 100,0(s)9117) Yn have read theh anutedab nequlrcmenb underChapterg.95 of BOILFR-0DMP(OVER 100,000BN) f(f( I��O the GBlomla liwHhh fety Code,Sedbv 75505,5533 and 25534. I UVL uid.und that bulldin notmrre have.tenant,that It is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFT respomibBl o Ify the tdthe memo which runt be met prior to dace pto. I GI 1, I^ .riirn 7 3/ 9d SUP AtiJtL �L+� ner orawhW agent Date Q� TOTAL ISSUED BY: ,A.J OFFICE COPY