02070044CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR -INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: 0072 AMADOR OAK CT 19ATER HEATERS ONLY PERMH'070044 OWNER'S NAME: RED SNIVELY 70 E. MAIN ST, SUITE 200 APPLI 1%"Osii9A�P002 PHONE: 1z, (415)566-2209 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: a- C BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MECH 1z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 20 IherebyaFrmthat Iamlicensed under ProvisionaofChapter 9(commencing JJi�bb p� -w with Section 70(10)ofD.,ia,m 3 oldie Business and Pmfessionscale, and my license y REPLACE WATER HEATEFZscription is in full farce an ffce3 Lic, p ucenaeC a< J 4 Dat Cmamnor ARCHITECT'S UECLARATI <j 1 under,e nd no, plans shall he used an public records i O --owd Peresswrad Hca OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION or 1 hereby affirm that 1 am eaempr from the Condee i, License Law for the a following reason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county, = CO which requirem s a permit consumer, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any Orucmte $700 Poor tell, .. ante n'4 the ,,,licam, Initiate perm t to rile a signarrivirement '- part W is lsed jamormtl the;pmsminesIf the C t License Law (Chapter 9(commencing witht ,n 7000)ofu o 3 of the Bane. dPof zynCdde)Or th h ' 0'oo8rea Valuation t h xempr te f add the basis for he allcjpon ,34 - -2. of Sen ion 703 1. 5 by any nppllcan, fell a permit vuhjn-,, t5, r oPplimal m a civil penalty If not more than five hundred delta" 5500) ! 502 A-Vf1plyr PLUMBINGI ENERGY. Occupancy Type ❑I,ow—act of the property, ur my ennployees will, wages as their sale compea,miom, rill Jo the work. and ',be structure is not intended or offered for .dile (sec.'7nu - AS TEST - Business and Professions Gale: The Conuactor's License Law dden nor apply ,d an owner of Property Who builds or Impreves thcteom _ 5 0 7 - FINAL PLI � �T&}Inspeetions - - - and who does such work himself or Through his own employ«s. provided that such improvements arc nor intended or r offered for sale. IL however, rhe building or improvemcni is sold within one' ear o F y_.. ... .. . ". "-_. op ov ei owner -builder will have the burden of previn6 thio he did not buil) or ..... for improve fell Puryna of sale.), 111 f the Property. am enclu, ly i g lh larsuld coal a t n Id .. .. .. .. ..... -.. ounromartLa p sect (sec ]'Ian Own dProfession,CW JThc [ mrs I tv d of apply to an own f property h bu p th ��sta � fs�r lq�® .' Gs.a, d arta who rs contracts for sucn.pm3«rs M a contractors) licensed purwam to the ontr is die Cnnwcmis Liccns Law. LLii .. ❑ 1 am esnmpr under Sec. B&PGfor thlsrcannn Owner � ... .... ... .... .. _. NOV '0 C 2002 Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby alfitm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations:- P G BUiLDICiLIVtA ❑ 1 have and udI manmain to Cenilieme of Cerium m self-imu , for Worker's I Cnmprn>mion, as provider) Ru by Section 37W If the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ��p(l1 hacc and will triennium Worker's Compensation Insurance, as reymoed by Sccrm /f 700 of 0e Labor Code, for the perfornwnce of the for work which his permit is issued My Worker'C pert , ell c m dP 1 eaa Bran /6F5 V z.3 .. EX CERTIFICATIONCOMPENSATION s,', " r"r�. h_�ery t !'1'[j y' ' . _ COUPENSATION INSURANCE � ' � � INSURANCE t -' ' •" r � ' (This s -Lon need nm he compineJ if the permit is for one hundred dollars 131 W)nr less.) ; I ernify ,bar in the performance of the work for which this permit is iaueJ, shall nor employ any Person in any manner sn m hcenmc as subject m rhe Work, Campom.ni n Lawn Of Cablian in Dnm ' Applicant NOTICETOAPPLILANT.If. aper maknng thn Cemficme or Eampridn, you should bocome su en m ihe Worker's Com on Provisions of the Layout CoJ<, you thud fort r hwith comply wltM1 r:ucM1 pnwiaine,,ns or or l this pennir mall fw deemed revoked. • ' ' 9 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCI' I hereby affirm thauhem is a constructions lending agency for the performance of the work for which this ,air is issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.) Lenders Name Lender's Address I cemify'b„ I nave read thisapplication and name that the above infurmilum is 1S , dl, II J county ordinances d sr r I sus relining I. building 1c ., cion dhe by a nu prenative for tyt cmc upon the M e t ,, Luc. ay f molter Lion pairs Iry . ed ri It c (W uagreet, t le ri fy m, pfaint .s the Cip fC ycrrino'ug,iI,, 1 which may in lin 3 Jgmnce cons and V ' Ciit ing of nes any way acerae aeainsr said . '. CityinC consequence of the of t'I Lenoir.. UNDERSTAND ,SOURAPPLICANTEEUV ATIONSN'OS AF 'ILL CO.\I Y R'1TH ALL 6r N -P NT SUUkC[REGUI„\TIO,NS. -1Issued ) �r t by: O Date tiignaturc nr ApplicanUCommn-; ar, IIA2ARDOUS SIATF.RIALS DISCLOSURE � j Re -000f$ ll the applunt future b slain, oecp tI' or. simile luadlonsnamral' as d 1 Wd by th C p i bl n' 'p I 0 d Lh pr 9.1 nd the Health end Safety Type of.Roof.. ... .. C adi, Section 25532(m,..•\ Will - ..... - .. .”. ..tin fgI to, Al] roofs shall be inspected prior to.any.roofing t future building -which calandll, allcomminution, r a nm annasdefincdb) hp BayA-;4P Q rltyMouageme material being Installed. ._. _ 1f a roof Is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I s. pyu� agree to remove all new materials for Inspection, Applicant understands and will comply with hazardous all non-pointsource regulations. --ve rcSJ rhe mmeriak rtyuirtments un r Chapter 6.95 of the ealth & Safely Code. Sleridns 25505.35533 and 2 531. I undernanJ thioin8 does nor cunenrly save a,nraa,. rhm i, is myresnvihilirymnmifthef he rhe rcyulrements which must be me, prior m issu Ice of aCe ifa .oSignature of ApplicantDate °rag"' - a,e• All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better .. .. OFFICE