02070130 CITY OF CUPERTINO - ' - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT .,CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO 20803 ALVES DR 02070130 U "�/ MEN S CHRISTIAN ASSOC F APPLICAn R�%p22002 "ONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. a z ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: O O BUILDING PER-MIT wF0 "i BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH N z c U r L.-I LJ E,i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION t�P ,z_o I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing INSTALIa.$O�UnND �Llis�RF1OItOOT L•• with Scction7")of Division 3 of the Business and Pmfessions Code.and my license u'ON� is in full fore and effect. :z x a Liccnu Class Lic.tr (�® I u.U Data SDECLA �e ON �� ARCH ll h,used as ub rcT.m I anamrsiane my plan:anal bo arca as sabre rtcoms OCT 2 4 2002 i E:p O Lmensed Professional OWNER-BUILDERtI.. rp,fr DECLARATION R J Sus 3 1 h.... M.on 1 1. .Beane from the Contm Co License law for theUpL®QIyCi $2 0 0 t < followinguiresa(Sealot ]onstru Businessand Professionsh.Code Any city meounry Y F O which requires a permit re vires%e alter,improve,demolish ore a sig any strvemrt ts.rli 3m --pdonoslissuuntt,alwrcqui res thevisions tit for such Compactors LiceseLaw(Chaptem• _ Valuation — that hem itpSectiinto Ns Provisions Ne the Biomass License Lew(Chapter) ''yy��,,6& do�Afk ...... (commencing that bs eiim §eniom7r-and the J of the Business and Any Vi Code) r,.,��s'y k.'a•, Valuation or that be is 31.5 bt Nd applicant and the basis for the alleged exemption.fiut Any violation ' of our no]OJ n five hu dred doll for aycrmii mbjests the vpplicam t...ivil penNty torn"t meR then roe nanaace eeBara(ssw). API`IN - Occupancy Type— ype❑ICI 1, ,as whet" the vrepeny.nrmy employees wimwages a.their solemmpcn=ntinn. 102 - PIERS ,will do the,work:and the suubmrc is not imcnded o,offered'rb,ulc(Sec.-]044;' _ 'Business and Pmfcsvions Cade:The Conrractor's Limum Law does not apply to an Required Inspectiolis'"' "- owner of propeny who wilds or improves thereon,amid who does such wom himself 104 - REBAR - '&or Nrou ,ha own employees. WildingNat ppm im art is sol am not ontendede year or 10 6 - SEWER & WATER 1rde rale:1(,htiwevcr:the wavinge;urdenf„wvisrolahedida.,yearof- ` ._ .. .-... 105- ANCHOR'-BOLTS--- completion,the ocm mfs.le.).will have the burden of thvr he did not build or improve for purpose of sale J. proving _._._.o_.._—..ePst .. exclusively_..—__. _...._ ting wit ` ---- 02-------UNDERRLOOR--PLUMBING---- f3i:asowner ohne p(Sm.7i.am Buinesand PrecssionstCmensehe,Cod con to to ro ,:'.D�'.'iL'n comwcr the Project Isec.lora.Business and Protesalons CoeeD The Contractor's 2 03 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAli;'f n,�_;,, .. License law docs not apply to an owner of propcny who builds or improves thereon, _and.who contracts fm.a«h.projecu.with a.contranorts).licensm p irsuant.ro.thn.. ._....__-.__2 04 . --._UNDERFLOOR.._FRAME._._.__._.: - - - convano L nseLaw 205 - UNDERFLOOR (-INSULATION y7leme pt ndSm 1 tom' '' B'&PCT this•mason . Owner Date 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING RIS COMPE�',SA'tdON DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER Y qs I hereby affirm v ser Penalty f pcpury ane of Ne follow ng declarations: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have and will"maimuin a 6rulione'af Cmeeoi to self-Timm for Worker's 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, as-provided-for by Section 3]00of the Labor ewe, for 305 - FRAME performance of the work for which this permn is issued; O l h ve and II maintain Work 's Compemat I ipraiee,u rq Tied Dy s«tion 306 - HOLDOWNS 3700 of the labor code for the psixformance of the work for n ch this permit is 307 — INSULATION ', e4 My W ke s Compc uon Ins tic aMe end Pohcy mbo ' _ - .SHEETROCK::... C aiieri „ qa si,r.: ,.:Cs .PoIrYNo ”' L . _.:.._ ,. CER�TIFICATION of exEMPnoNFROM.WORKERS- - i. `, i. `309 ;,—r.E$TERIOR LATH, comeervspnod INSURANCE-� .�. 310_. ..INTERIOR.. LATH...._ ..---_____-_-,-. 9.5,:11tL un on ncadnot ba mmplmed if the permit neun s fm ohundred claim 311f"'—­`'SCRATCH COAT moojal > n«nrNrnn 502 FIONALNPLUMBING ENERGY _- y pert m � �f�i< k f r which this smut t d'1 ....s__._ h=li a employ any m5 YnMyd v t c e.ibinmNeW krs 501 FINAL ELECTRI'CAII',ENERGY:." A t w rc I 1 D - `1142T - N ro—pPn.Se�p rat , ngNacenrgteorE stn ...:anole 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL.'-1ENERGY --- ti rdi ub3eeno theWorker's Compensationprovisions f d Labo Code you must O 0O tonhwNco ply vvilh inch provisions this perms shallbed ee nwked. 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY y " ! � LENDINGAGENCY 505 'FINAL ELECTRICAL- CONSTRUCTION -- - "" Ihcrtby firmM. — III, a se�onswct led gagcncy fm the per(o ahem' 506 - GAS TESTorum s ss ed(S<c'J09] C CJ ''"'`:._. µ .. . 507-.._.,-FINAL_'PLUMBING---=-- -Z - jDate O 508 FINAL MECHANICAL:'Ic mfy Na lhdNis appl uon ends uth Rhe ebo informationg509 - FINAL GRADEWF abreed i gee to comN II city ane co iy a nences a a i m le rtlering O.T� mbuilNng mnximnioereby authorize rtpr«nmuvs o(Nis sty to Inmost'. 510 - FINAL PLANNING the above menuoned pfo spat ov p rpousp�. 4i N' emnfy and keep hamdcuiw Ciiy of CLperuno against 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKd scums wh ch maY anY way mecum egaurt acidC.) z t ng of N i perm rS ApD R'1 ONPLY N'p'H'pLL NO PoINi vOI„/,] Issued by:// � .//SBL 3ylarvrc of Apph`H oRDOUSMATERIAL5 DI5CLOSURE'4i�;'aiDate:;moi`;, Re-roofs .e-Willt ..Type of.Roof_ the ipplicant m f Tart wildin%ompant arae a handle haaaddic a material C d f ed io N C pemvo Municipal Cod Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety yP - Code.$ t 255JNe) . _ oY I V frr(III�N :��llj yur Y 1 � 2 kfr'- : _All.roofs shall.be inspected prior to any roofing material being mstalled..�. :` bon n ppicanio Tum wldgg« a na reeaAir caro devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspec[iairi,=1 agrfieao remove Laurie?t heard s 4, c ntaminant az deft ee by N Bey Arta Air Qual ty Management g ... all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with �t u'y ” gNo f all'non point source regulations --' 'I have read tho'.tis d u annals rtqu remenrs'under Chaps r 695:of Ne l l rt"i 1 ' Caliromu Health&Safely Code,Swtibns 25505.25533 and 25534ha e,6.95understand Net accupbuildingereqccur ,i. are lyhvve a tenant.Nat itis my respovvibi iymnmdythe - Ocbpma of Ne rcquiremc-a which nun be'met poor ro,issuevice of•Cenifio¢of n Signature of Applicant Date . . . -. _ .. ._ _. .5 ...... All roofcoverings to be Class."B" or:better .:xi .i.. ..:.