01030011 1 CITY OF CUPERTINO - BUILDING DIVISION. PERMITGONTR9CTOR IN ORMATIOO N . r BUILIIING ADDRESS: a • ' PERMIT NO. �r ALVES DR . BCRCH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY01.030011. - APPLICATION SUB DATE OWNER'S NAME A SOC OF -'1650LAFAYETTE ST 110 a3/a�l�aa7' PHONE.. . f' ;, SANITARY NO. CONIROLNO. BUILDING INFO ' �0 0 ARCHITECT/CNCINI BR - -� - , BLDG El ECT PLUMB MECIi ' dP on rile �[ iec+s .r Z S?3 LICENSED CONTRACTOI S DI CLARAd ION - a 'd'- - lob Description- - 11 by d m Guy I licensed d p f Chapter 9(c n,ma a ng OZ ad ads f 9111118�,fr�Ilu� 3 rWeBu dP f,.,ta,Cd dau'licen, �za Isii ,b„url. enndprj_a .'.'GAS LINE •. o n u Dale —s•F4�-' f•j— C,nrad X-.-3u,F„ ARCIII'I'EC'I"S UECLARA or�' I amluuand my plan,shall be fixed a,public.record, r t " p0 Liferowd.P f. blit • RAI ," OWNER BUILDER DECI.AION �i 2 of of 1 Thrifty ,Olin,m n I am exempt Irom he Contractor's License Law far Ne ' 7,Q following (Sect Sous B d Profession,Cwt A r tY many - F G uh h'e'l apemandt 'I t n rant,mord,de dish, p any structure - 3 p( tt)its issuance,alsoI s the applicant lot such Perini[tfile a signeiri.mlemcm . lot,be II .ran,t m p 10 c l- l L 1 (Chapter _ Sq. Ft. Floor Area +' Valgation (co memg th Sehon 9(1001 cf Divi m 3 ofdm B anne,tind Par l e, n,lCode) - or mit he is exempt Ihershom mid We Is....for the alleged eacandinn:Any violation t ofSemion 9031.5 by any eppl,rdl for if pem,il subjects the npplienn to n civil penally - of not mora man Eve hanared dollars($500). APN Number - ' Occupancy,Type 'D1.o,owner'oro fthe pptnay,orny ampinyees wild wage,as their coleealnpemt:tfn, will do the work,and lire.truaute is am Minded or offered for sale(Sec.91144, ➢mins,alae Prnredoux Gum:The Cinamedn'e Tro License.Law does t apply to i n _ Required Inspections'• , ;w f, , ny Wh bodies v;lir d 1 does scM1 kti If - r through i' ply p poniard that such p heal intended Ii 10E — SEWER K WATER offered for If however,the building nnroveneal It within one year of plerammrawnerbmlderwubase the barde,ofprovingthathedid dru Ido, 2a� - UNDERFLOOR..PLUMBING - ilnp fpm f: I.). _ ' _ „?a1 - ROUGH PLUMBING ' ❑l a. nr fd, p P lya exclusivelyruminant,g withlicensed t a oto' onsi an the pn;ect(See 9144.Business and Prod e...tons Ceule.)The Cotlm tors 302. . TUB & OR SHOWER - License Law does not,apply to no owner or property whn bunds or improve,marelm. ..and who contract for such projects with ICconlraton,) licensed pyr.uant to the 5a2 - F I NAL. PLUMB I NG- ENERGY -Combac or',Li,faise l-no - OlanexemptunderS •. B&ICfor hisrea,.n 5a6' -- GAS 'rES•F On;ner hand 507, - FINAL, PLUMBING WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION a'•� pIh ny fE Trp illy Epp 111 f1I i i f El u J will mdml .0 fl l t 3 I t . It' f Worker's ' lothe •' , Co :1 p J ed 1 f r M1y S u 1)00 1 tiro Lubar Code f the , >` ,. ,erforboxcul Dust, A f inchCn or l J. , h J dl ', t W k .0 p l 1 . I dbySection • . r.71 fah L! C,J t In p 1 fah k f h' h.m. p mol d.�My�Woorrkerrs C/�pe t Inai r'rund Dfe�y mmheryVkllll\l L I)''Ql)�L Policy hum, r C[A., �A110N OP EXE NT'IONFROM WDNKC•RS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thia,eclidn need not h.complemd if it'.mrmil i,far one hundreddollars - ($100)orleseJ ' - I ce employ than mine n innrmancc nr the work for which lhj path a issued,1 - - • ' snail nal employ any person in any roll m m become cunjam to the Warkerv.' - h Campcnsutinn haws oI California.Dmo'mc Applicant NOTICE Thin to AN'f:lr.Campo enum ficutly Exempliode, ,ahould a,( - t bermobject d W Bl'C p f p -' flh cordo do you muss, z� Q forthwith unnply with I p'aviapso tlisperntshall hcd d okcd. ^ V1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY„ s' , ` ' • •" _ a ? I It affi-in that 1h di construction lenng agency for the,performance _ -x•' W nfth kf wh end pmui, Swed(See 3119"! Cv C) . - .. Led .Name � z" .Led .Aids _- V 0 1 certifylktlbase allh':fl,li nnand-m, that the h...c raffinumbars' - f W �y founded.I agree to courtly with all city and county ordinances and slate law s mining / '• •. -_QO Ian building .t ( and thereby authorizep n'I fah "lyl I upon me(11 r a&1P' l pn " > fiC cGy [6rJj 'gcl dAe Pla ml :IM1 Cny rC pep 'g elJb colase h 1 wy in a y y a e egj,m sTJ encet1h'p 'l.' "" . . /M _OI DTWILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued by: /Q� /'�"'v���i( G��,.1'' Date. J / Signs P :in Tintrecmr Date Re-roofs , .. " HAZARDOUS MAI(RIALS DISCLOSURE • ,t ` 'll lir 'ppllc t r l nnld'ns ..p' t 1 ,rM1 a1 na�rd sl„atnnal Type'of Roof, ` an de tied by the Cure u nn Municipal Cn a, Chapter 9.12,and d,Hodlit and Safety Code Section 55M1 mf - r ; , �. • ', °Y < All roofs shall be'inspected prior to any roofing material being installed` _ Will the almloind or future hada ng oceupvm use equipment or devices which ['a root is installed without first obtaining an inspection,-I agree to�remove y( emlth/aN ail,coug rallyn d ed by the Bey A,00 A' Quality M,,ug em D"hilt?t �� all new'materia or inspection."Applicant'understands'and will comply with �t ❑Y ❑N' " ullnon-points ur'e'regulations. l I base read the un7jadourfrmilerfus ruidirearrentsd Chapter 6,95 of the CalivMiliffiltutfib& etS Code S h 255115 25533'nd 25594 I made i nd that if hI 'does c11Ym t nlhn t: y Ito 'h ltyto notifythe c pn the re I ment, hich mist be met prior to ismanne,of',Con t emo fiton - T SI a re of pphcant Date oe Demi d ge,l Ram '- All;roof coverings to 6e Class`B" or better-' OFFICE.,,, —