22917APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — uSE RAIL PAINT PFN ANI V Building Project Identification - - -- — _ Building Add...: tv, .-- �--c -° -- - - -- -- PIiI(MIT NO. 22917 � (; w <,,� ens: (08 %-77� - CITY OFCUPERTINO- BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUILDINGELFCTRICALPLUMBING- MFGFIAMCAL A Ti C ° °`•N ue.N SciuLit y pTul�aJ !o Yy3 CATEGORY CONTROLp A M1lteet /Engineee - d � Lie. N. .Pnifil�C I) /'LM4 .Q -'i' r'' 4ELECTRIC PERMIT •' •i' ", ^,FCE ' , •:i "BUILE]INCFERMITINFO ' �,,/ Address: /(Ri a4✓Yl Ui PERMTTISSUANCE - - ❑ a LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l son Bcensed under provisions ofChapter9 (commence ingwlth Sedion7000)of Di ision3ofthe BuslnessandP.fe.IonsCode,an license lain full fora and effect. LlcenaeC LIc.# Date3 ...Contraetor J ARCHITECPS1RL`hARATION I understand my plans shall be used as publierccnrds APPLIANCES RESIDENIAL _ PANELS - JOB DESCRIilON IF /_ X11-1000 AMPS' OVERI000AMP5 SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA ' A'`E � + ^ R Y S /`.Q. FT. ' Licensed Professional OWNERe BUILDER DECLARATION 7 hereby affirm that I nm exempt from the Contractors Professions License Code: law (or the foilowingreason. (SeWoermi1$Bustructandmprove, Code: Any tlty or county cture requlresa permit Issuance, o requi alter, a improve, fors loth, or permit to any atruMVrepaler tells hatt he6 elsose,i Funniest to the rovisihpermite file a signed statement that he V Bansed pursuant to the provisions; of the Contractors License Law (Chspler9(mmmentlng with Section 7000)°( Dial- s1on3of the Budnessand Pro( nsiow Code)orthat he is exempt therefromand the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7ML5 by any applicant fora perm¢ subjects the applicant to a civil penalty M not morcthan five hundred dollars (5500). I,asonerofthe property, or my employe with wages 171 w rs ges as their sole compensation, wllldothe work, andthe structure issue Intended or offered for .sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Ls v does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or Improves thereon, and who does such work hlmseiforthrough his own employees, provided that such improvemcntsare net intended Oro(ferctl (w role. Ithowevegthebulldiagor Improvement heold wllhinoneyearofcomplNlon, theowner- builderwill have t rden ofpsevingthat he did not build or improve ferpurpose ofsale.). LL as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to constmct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an -owner M property who Wilds Or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such pkojects with a on cher(a)Rmne pursuanttothe Contmdor'e License Law. LJ I am exempt under Sec B & P C for this reason SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIALCIRCUIT /MISC TEMP. MEIpB OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC O[JfLETSSWITC}I15FIXTIJRFS #�sf nA TION , lr EW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR `•Q:Fr. STORIES • - TITECONSTRUCTION ` -0CC. GROUP ' RFS. UNITS QTy'. - TOTAL: t'(,]?WmBING PERMIT',, i +, PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER -DRAIN & VENT- WATER (EN '';FEE`,. H'�D lONE APN BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE t ^ +. FEE SUMMARY 't{ 2' FEES Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. FIXTURFSPER TRAP GAS EA. SYSTEM -] INCA OUTLETS _SA SANITARY Y JN RECEIPT# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION 01 hereby affirm that I have a metiBote of consent to self - insure, or a certificate. (Wtrkers^ Compensation Insurance or a certified copy the.( (Sac. 3800, Lab Q Policy # SCHOOL TAX Y N RECEIPT# ' PARK FEE Y N RECEIPT # Co ny �(CortlBed copy V hereby furnished nceatlnea copy v race with the ary wpactl °n arol.mn. the city r CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed lithe Permit is forone hundred dollars fS100)etifyt3 I shall not that In the pensen in any manner an xt hto b this penult c Issued, 1 shall not employ any person In any manner ao as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation laws of California. Date Applicant Applicant NOTICETOMPLICANT; It after making this Ccrtiflrate of Gemption ,you CZ,I,dbe — ol,ject tothe Wurkers'Comperaatlon provisions ofthe Labor Cod°, ymu swat (atthwith comply with such provision orthle permit shall be deemed revoked. - CONSTRUCTION LEIJo ten AGENCY I hereby affirm okfor w there b e const Is Issu d (Sec. agency for the perform area Na a for which this per Mtbbsued (Sec. 3097,Civ. C.) Sander's Name - Lenders Address I ceelfythatl have read thisappBatio.. ad Ante that the above information is worect. I agree to comply with al city and county ordinances and pate laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above - mentioned property for inspection Purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify as d keep harmless the City or Cupertino against hablitbes, judgment, costa and'expenses which may in anywaynccme against said City In consequence of the granting of this permit. \% CAS G.SYS[Qd- OVER4(FA) CREASE /INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECKFEE PAID Date Recei t# GREASE TRAP - SEWER - SANITARY -STORM EA. XOFT.' _ WATER HEATER W /VENT /ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y _ N PAID Date 'Recei t# - WATER SYSTaf /TAE47ING NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB.__SQ,FT, TOTAL: J ING ' ' TO SEISMIC FEE ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAUPERMITi PERMIT ISSUANCE 'ALTERORADDTOMECH, - AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CEM) - •'.'FIB'.- PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAID: Date Receipt# SUBTOTAL.- AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER ]O,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX 9gratam of Appllcant /Contractor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazartlous material.. defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.1 7, and the ❑ Yeed Safety C°de+� —Se saloon 25532(¢)7 Will the Sppliesen or future building omtpant use equipment or devices which of[ hauMous air corn entrants as defined by the Bay Area Air Qu 1hy Management Dwret? q Yes Fl No have read the huar�i ous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califrnia Health &Safety Co de, Sections M505, 75533 and 25534, I understand that lfihe Wilding does not cu rrently haveatenant, that itbmy responsibility is notify the occupant of the requirements which must be met prior to Issuance of a Certificate o(Oceepanry. EXHAUST HOOD (W /DUC'D CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HEATING UNIT (TO 10),000 BTU) Date Reeel I#_ UNIT 1M ilan BTU) TOT FAN fSINGLERESID) ISSLLA� DATE F4 29 1991 b ®M• (a IP�I{ BYA� BOILER-COMP OR 100,0(0 BTU) NSOILER-COMP(OVE�RJ00,090 (OVFR IfilOW BTU) T METH. SQ.FT.TINY - , - TOTAL : ISSUED Owner or agent - Data OFFICE COPY