23731APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY' Buildin Pm ed Identification Building Address: 8 s (9-�Ofa4 0 )' - PERMTNO. 23 wnera came: - one: w�') •f wJ CITY OF CUPERTINO- BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION I PERMIT BUILDINGELECTRICA4PLUMBING- MECIIAMCAL A ��/• ry� h^°� Contractor's Name: � Lk. No: So�i17 d Pw �,8! �� la3i1 `f CATEGORY CONTROL N I Architect /Ggineer. Llc. No: QTY •' ELECTRICPERMIT '`• •��FCE�V 1.' BUILDING PERMIT INFO'��' �+ /�,� Address: 7 L I LL-z ij- - CA e i r -Q t V. PERMRTISSUANCII ❑ A�9 ❑ IT7__ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Thereby affirm that l con licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(mmmenc ingwlth5ection700D)of Divielon3o(the0uslnosand Prefic shmaCade, and my license la In fuB�pmge�d sited. p -• Llmnse Clam L— UkeLictl �{�-. Date�2_r2 Contactor ZA4 ^ffl-� ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Ltmosse i Professional OWNER- BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirmthat I am exempt from the Contractor'. License law for the following reason. ( Section 7011.5, Business and Pro /e.slan. Code Anydty or countywhichrequlrnapertMto mnstmd, alter,Improve, Cade: h,orrep or anystrucome priorto its issuance,aborequlrestha applicant forsuch permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9(commenting with Section 7000) of Dlvl- slon3.(the Business and Professions Code) action he is eaempt theenfromand the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fare permit subjects the a pplicant to a civil pedalty of not more than five hundred dollars (5500). nI, as ownerof the properly, or my employees with wagn as their sole compensation, w0ldothe work. and theatcudure b not lnteMed or offered for sole (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who dmasu ch work hlmasUmthrough Ma own employ., provided that such Improvements are not Intended reoffered for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement k sold within oneyearofcompletion , the owner- buliderwill have t"ed en of proving that he d ld not build or improve for purpose of ask.).. LJ f. ate owner of the properly, am ezdusively contraaing with Ilrenxd mntmemes toconstrud the Project (See7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License law does not apply to an owner of property who bu Wilds or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such p(ojects with a cgIlL7�dor(a) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Llanse Law. IJ I am caempt under Sec. B & P C for this reason APPLIANCESRESTDENffAL - JOB DESCRIPTION 1 PANELS UP TO 200AMPS 201 -1000 AMPS - OVER 1000 AMPS SQ, FT. FLOOR AREA • IN- S /SQ. Fr,. - SIGNS ELDCTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT /MISC TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES '+' SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC IVIP ATION OU7LETSSWITC}IFSFIXT[R2ES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQFL 7S40FJES TYPE CONSTRUCTION QTY.- TOTAL: :d'�(, PLUMBING`PERMIT,' r•1•. �� PERMITISSUANCE ' ' ALTER -DRAIN & VENT -WATER (EA) :� IFEE•�APN r1 RES. UNITS I BAIX FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE •.,FEE SUMMARY OUTS1 OF IT—Ls Owner Date DRAINS -FLOOR ROOF, AREA, CONED. IV(T11RFS I'Elt TRAP �a SANITARY Y N RECEB'T a WOR"AN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑1 hereby afflmt that I have a certificate of consent to ul(- inmtre, or a arliflate o(Workrn'Compensatlonlnsurance oracertifled mpy therm /(Sec. 38M Lab c) Po11ryY ST>71� /--N% Gw JLIZ— SCHOOL 7A% Y N_ RECEIPT# ' CAS EA. SYSTEM-VINCA OUTLETS PARK ITS. -Y N EET M Cam any [P Certified copy 6hed with the �Ccni(Icd copykflled with the city Inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EX M. P`HON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thlssectirnneed not becompided iftheperent bforonehundred dollars (810( riflyt.) .4 I llnet that In an personal any crooner so as to ons, subject is tuned, I .hall not employ any Person In any manner m m to become subicd to the s'Compensauon Laws of California. Date APpllant Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT :ILagernmkingth0Cerllfiateof Exemption, you shouldbecomesubFdtothe Workers' Compensation provisions ofthe Labor Code, you most forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there Is a mnstrudion landing agency for the perform ance of the work forwhich this permit is Issued (Sec. 3097, Clv. C.) Lender. Name LendcreAddel Icertlfyth.t I have re ad this application and statethatthe above in formation Iscorrect. l ageeto comply with all city and county ordinances and date laws relating to building a mtrudion, and hereby author an representatives of this city to enter upon the above- mcntloned property for Impectlon purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify an it keep harmless the City of Cu Pert ono agalmtliabilltiea' nt.,caeu. dexpo which may In anywayameue agalnet m\C Incon uenceoflh gr ti ofthl.pemnit. / C ^�• ��. GAS EA. SYSl'EM"OVER 4(EA) GREASE /LNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR -B UIL DING DI VI SION FE. PLANCHECK FEE PAID ` Date Recef t# ES , GREASE TRAP, SEWER SANITARY STDRM EA. ME. WATER HEATER W /VENT /ELECTR ENERGYFEE' Y N PAID . Date Recei t# WATER SYSTEM /TREATING NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB,__SEEP7. TOTAL: - ZJILDINC FEE SEISMIC FEE ELECTRIC FEE QTY. . MECHANICAL PERMIT' FEE PLUMBING FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTE40RADD'TOMECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,(IDO CFM) - MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAID: Date Receipt# SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I CI"CIM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Appllant/Contrador Date " HAZARDOUSMATER1ALSDISCLOSURE Will the applicant or Future building occupant store or handle h.rdous material as defined by the Cupertino Munldpal Code, Chapter9.12 and the I lealth ❑Yaand Safety Cade, Setddloon2S532(a)7 Will theappliant or furore building occupant use equipment or devices which emit haeardoua air ormumdnanta as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Dishid2 4 Yen E No have read the hazar ous materials requirementsunder Chapter 6.95 of the Gll forma Health & Safety Code, Seciions 25505, 25533 and 25534.1 understand that if the building does not currently have a tenant, that it is my rmponslbililytondifytheoccupa Nofthemqulrerr..tewhkhmuatbemet prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Ocapancy. EXHAUSTHOOD(W /DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HEATING UNIT (TO 100,ODO BTU)' - _ D ate Reeei t HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) _ TOTA VENTILATION PAN (SINGER BESIDE ISSUANCE DATE pp PAID D [a "MAY2V 1a7a7 2 CII c r4V ISSUEDBY: BOILER -COMP OHP OR 100,0(0 BTU) BOILER-COMP(OVM 100,000 BTU) NEWRESIDENTIALMECH SQ.IT Owner or authorimd agent , Data - TOTAL: - OFFICE COPY