00010138APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE SALL POINT PEN ONLY 00010/ 3 9 BUILDING - ELECTRICAL CITY DI CUI'ERION PLUMBING. MECHANICAL. HmLD]NCyurvISION APPLICATION /1'ERMI'C /r,:� BInLDING PRw1:C1'.mF.NTIFIGTUm ^•;:rgyrl" PERMIT NO. C �J DU 11 INGADDRISS: /oBo2 A /der6141 k /one SANITARY NO, APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE NER$�Nq{ M.,G 1'HON': /J 1YlA GYr1U/ V — — t CON TOR'S AMID L1 NO /f7 p(J / N/C ❑ CONTROL# ARCHITECT' /ENGINEER: LIC NO ADDRESS:6r ) five, C' —n /ter �i Y/VO lXI l[A CONTACT: PHONE: ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) 'f'rl!4r',f if 6UILDING,PERMIT INFO,!' :- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ❑ ❑ d ❑ - LICENSED CONTRACTOkS UECLARATION I herch Iran neat 1 .nr licensor under yn pup enama9m mice sins Z whM1 Ser;nn ]IX)0panrvisimr none nn,Nexn rarer orenn nn a,de. and yliawxe is O in (all (arcs and elfat. I" License lass Lich 4Ul Dwc. •n Cnroolic IQTY I ''r(fj ' f - ELECTRIC PERMIT: !1 I : - - .. r fl 'f If ter 1( I'Ee / u/ JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL' ❑ShIJWL E3 KITCHEN REMODEL []ADDITION ❑ PLUMBIWG RE -PIPE ❑MULTI-UNIT []STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑IMROVE ❑ CHI MNEYREPAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑ BATH REMODEUREPAIR DEMOLITION OTI {ER PERM]) ISSUANCE APPLIANCES — RESIDENTIAL H CHI TECT'S DECLARATION ZZ 1 under.mnd my proms shall he axed as public records pgNF.IS UP TO 20(t AMPS u] Lirenred Profesfionul OWNER- yUUDERDECLARAImeo R I hereby affmi that I nor exempt frmn the CantrroCoa License Law far me U following reason (Serino 7031.5. Business and Podessinn Code.: Any city nr coumy ya prior rM1 its issuance, x u permit to requires the applicant nt forsa, demolish, ore asigned i any t temare alle" J at he its sense WSO mgaims thovi,to ca ItheChpermiuoicens w(Clumem (commencing cing with pursuant m One of Disinio of the COm sines License Law fC orris) 9 (comic eiag,,O,h.eJnn9IXp) ofDivisi frofatcgrd w.forEProfessions Code) or e that Section is 70315 b faeref ium and foe basis fns be alleged applicant to Any l Penalty of tt.a,,(mrethanve hundred dollars subjects the epplicummvcivil penalty of any � not more then live M1UVdrcd dollars ($SqB. C] Las owner of the pn)peny. or my employees with wages as their sole compenation, e will do the work, and thannicure is not intended nr uffered for sure (See 7(W. Business so and Professions Code: The Confracmr's I.icense Law Lines not apply to an owner of progeny who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended oz orfared or sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within cneycm mfcompletinn ,fhe caner,mulder will have (lie burden of proving that he :lid not build or hnpove for pvr- ,,e of m1eJ. ❑ I, as owner of (he popany, am csdnsively mmmcdng with Ikcnsed contractor to cony OM1 project (Se 70X48 and P fe. :Code:) M C t t La woncause Law does f apply loan fpr p ny n b'ld p : th d mrdcrx for.xnchp ices with a comr mr(s)Icened pursuant to the Commcmrx License Law. I am warp, under Sea. ,B& P C forth]; rwxan 201- IwOAMPS OVER I" AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. ME? Ell POLE INST. COMMERCIAL' ❑NEW SLUG /ADDITION ❑ DIiMOLIMON El TENANT Cl FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑OTI IER POWIiR DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTLETS — SWITCHES — FIXTURE NF.W kE51DENTIAL ELECTR SQ SQ. FI'. FLOOR AREA $ /SQ: F, Lo QTY. lI 'r ,rs- �(k.:f t'(� PLl1MBINC PERMIT, k. (frlr' 'r rr,'• 6',•t. •fF_`I PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER — DRAIN &VENT — WATER (EA) f 'ne r Doc VALUATION L�'/'1I'l M J 00 CO WORKERS COMP12NSNYEON DECLARATION I hereby offrm under penalty of perjury one of the following deelamfion: ❑ I have and will not sCenircamof Cnncnt w rialf- insure for Worker's Cooper- xafirn, ax pmvidvd hn by Section 3700 of ❑m Labor Code. for fhe peifurranm of the for which Nis permit is issued r rOa and will nwinfain Workers Cnmpunsafion InN mace, a, rapt and by Suction DWn(the LnMr COdey,Wfor the perfarnanee mf the worA fnrwhichfhis perm's issued. so, Ca er:t rtt'1= [J[J[./ lIONYNn.y � Cl I'ICAI E OI: EXIiMPI'ION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('I his section need not he mmplctrd if marputmif is manne hundred dollars or less.) 1 cenify that in the perl'nnnanceof the work far which this psmal is isuad, l shall nor employ any person in any manner sr avo became object ionic Workers'ComNm- ' smimn lawn of Calimmia. Dane Applicant BACK PLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS — FLOOR, HOOP, AREA. COND. STORIES TYPE. CONS'IRUCfION FIXTURES — PER 'rRAP GAS— EA.SYSTEM.I INC.40UTLETS OCC. GROUP APN 9.— O n3 (/ (y GAS —EA. SYSTEM oVEk4(EA) GREASMAIDUSTRI. WASTE INTERCEPTOR - BUILDING DIVISION FE0.5 GREASE TRAP PLANCHECK FEE SEWER— SANI'T'ARY —STORM EA. 200 FC ENERGY FEE WgTFR HEATER WNF.N'1'/ELIiCTR GRADING FEE iNOTICE TO APPLICANT If, afmr, making this Carnicae of Exemption, you hn.5 become at,hj,c, an he Workers Compsnnfinn provisions or the Labor Coca. you must fonhwuh Comply with such provision, or Nix permit shall be deemed revoked. a CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihwebyuairmthe Neick.con'wafimi lending agency for 'he parrnmunce of the work for which his permit is issued (Sec. 3099, Co, C.) Lauder'; Name Lenders Address 1 cenify Nat 1 have read this ppl' a f and state tat the bo ve informanter nrreef I ogres ¢r comply 1M1Ol city do ry d' and .mmP refining t building can,Wrion and hereby authorize reprearatves of this city to enter upon the rhos, mentioned properly for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against luhllion,judgmunts,costs:mJ expcnxcs which may In any wiry namengaind said Ciry in consequence of the granting of this permit. APPLICANT tRSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE kE( -L IONS. O WATER SYSTEMaRBAI'INO SOILS FEE WATER SERVICE PAID NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ. Fr. Dam Reeeipi# TOTAL TOTAL: BUILDING FEE - QTY. - 1' lif4 MECHANICAL'PERMIT 1' f 11 't( kls:r• •. /l tr „ /k /. {{ ' 1 "'E �x / f. r/+ s l.8 SEISMICFEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC FEE ALTERORADUTOMECH. PLUMBING FEE AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO HIOM CFM) MI!CI IANICAL FEE AIR HANDLING UNI'F(OVER 10,000CPM) CONSTRUCMON'I'AN 9ignulure al Appl' nor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building Occupant sore or handle hazardous material as definrl by Nc Cupertino Municipal Code, Chaps, 9.12, nod the Health and Safety We. Section 25532(x)] ❑Ya 1 emit hazardous air contaminants as ddined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Wrdusair onto or building ired by the Area Air moot Mmuraement Uisaim9 ❑Yes �o I M1a ¢read fhe hamNOn mamrialert requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Cali quirtmen p bfnmia Her & Safety Code, Safionn 2550. is my and 255]4.1 Or notify undersold Nc If Ne uilding it currently have be me, pro,, ismycrof.CcciyernrnifDec occupant o[ fh a which must be met prior m issunncv of a CeniOwmuf Occupnncy. EXHAUST HOOD (W /DUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION PEB I IEAI'ING UNIT TO I00.(X)0 B'I'U) HEATING UNIT (OVER I nIdIXO BI U) PAID VBN'TILA' ON VAN (SINGLE RES O7 Data Racips # OILER— COMP IP 011100,IH)0111 U) TOTAL: �a J BOILER — COMP(OVER 100,01)11 B'PU) AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE - - ISSUED BY: &— m cc'' NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. Owner ores gem ate TOTAL: OFFICE 880 Dubuque Avenue NetClerk, Inc.: e- solutions for the contracting industry South San Francisco, CA 94080 (888) 88 CLERK f Building Permit Application From: NetClerk Inc. Contact Name: Scott Waterbury Phone: Fax Number: (650)624 -0426 1- (877)846 -5888 To: Building & Planning Department City: Cupertino Phone: (408) 777 -3228 Fax Number: (408) 777 -3333' Permit Handling Instructions Please Fax Permit to: 1- (877)846 -5888 Deliver to job site at first inspection I will pick permit up at the Building Department in 5 days LJ Please mail original to Contractor address below Other: Contractor Information Company: Hot Water Inc. Contractor: Address: 2531 Graceland City: San Carlos, Ca. 94070 Phone: 650- 298 -8494 •lax: 650- 298 -8493 Email: Comments: Fax Authorization forms: 2. "Agent Authorization„- By completing and returning the information below, you authorize Net Clerk, Inc. to act as an agent on you behalf To Whom it May Concern: Let this letter authorize NetClerk Inc. and all currently employed and authorized associates of NetClerk Inc. to act as an agent on our behalJ'- signing for any and all building permits and licenses required by our company. Sincerely, 1k Name: A,; s 6t, v la, -Title: 111,13 Comapany: A4 M/c-/U . Y1 n c- Worker's Comp #: 1548386 State Fund State Contractor's License # 763612 C36 Credit Card Information Credit Card Number: 4246- 3115- 0117 -2578 Name on Card: Expiration Date: Visa n Chris P. Guslani 06/00 MasterCard Credit Card Authorization Company Name: Company Address: O Phone: bSL- D9g -8�4~ Fax: / b..79g- J Email: r..] �,Ce Type of Card: --Visa MutelCard TCardholders Name: �3✓69iiS Or/ 5 8 >Iccmdit Card n: Expiration Date: G as By signing below, I give NetClerk, Inc. and all currently employed and authorized associates of NetClerk to sign credit card authorizations for the purpose of permit applications. Cps ;s 6"S)dnf �/AL r. AL n 1s y Contractors Name Signature Data INVOICE" INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE • CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT INVOICE OPERATOR: christya Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: 131k: Lot:36920030.00 INVOICE DATE......: 01/28/2000 REFERENCE ID # ...: 00010138 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10828 ALDERBROOK LA SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............: KRISNAMURPHY, V. ADDRESS ..........: CITY /STATE /ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, CA 95014 -4606 CONTRACTOR .......: GUSLANI, CHRIS LIC W 21311 COMPANY ..........: HOT WATER INC ADDRESS ..........: 2531 GRACELAND AVE CITY /STATE /ZIP ...: SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 TELEPHONE ........: (650)298 -8494 FEE DESCRIPTION CHK TOTAL FEE PAID -TO -DATE BALANCE DUE --- ----- - ------ ___ _________ EPWHEATER P ____________ 9.99 0.00 ----------- 9.99 PPERMITFEE P 35.52 0.00 35.52 ______ ___ __ __ __ ______ 45.51 0.00 __ ___ _ ___ __ 45.51 A ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION ........ ............................ 106 SEWER & WATER ........ 202 ----------- . ------- UNDERFLOOR PLUhIDING 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 302 TUB & OR SHOWER 502 FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 506 GAS TEST 507 FINAL PLUMBING