24105 'APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PIRRMI7N0. i Benamgneare^�ebl7G�`7� 24105 . Uweer.Name:` a Pnone: AI'1UL IIUN SUM111111ALOAle CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION ' �, Contractors Name: - - LIc.No APPLICATION 1 PERMIT 9—(`'l'ae-(��. l G. • 1 ON F CG'11.'57 K-2, I c y t BUILDINGELECTRICAI PLUMBING-MECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL p Amhihct/Engineer: Lk.Net L ;BUILD!NG,PERMIT INFO' QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT" re " Addss:3 Yk3 C/18rt hir 5•/4evjr'4 C16kn I PERMITISSUANCE tlLll(. ILIA.( I'LUMU �r��T1 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION hemby Secdo 70(salamslost3 ffluBupessand of Cssions oda,annmc-1 MPLIANCESRESIDEN7IAL ingwhh In 7000)onde elon3o(the9uelnesaand ProfmdonsCode,and my license b In full force eras effect. PANES Date Clam -• Lk.p - - Date r'onbador U 1-10DO PS' ARCHITECT'S haute used as public OVER00AM_I".R I �02 Iundentnd my ptra shall be used upubecremrda DYER 1000 AMPS � �1 �•I� /\ I� _ � � ASa.FI,FLOOR AREA � f/5(j;FI', 'V Licensed ProfemiO.1 SIGNSELECTRICA �, 1) el OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/ ('-cJ tl vl 2r' a Iherebyaffirmthat l am exempt frornthe Contractor's License Law for the o followingI reasrn.(Section 7031.5,Buslnses and Profession Code:Any city or O z IIIdP.METER OR POL county which rcqulresa issuat tOmrutmd,alt theaprovnt ormpair - anystmcturepriortoltbwaancgaborequireatheappliont forsuch permit to ppyygg DEV[CFS , ilia a signed statement that M b licensed pursuant to the provisions of the O Du, Contrador'a License Lew(Chapter9(com ccbgwlth Sectkm7 000)o(DIa- SWAIMING TOOL ELECTRIC LAS slon3oflhe Buelneseand Pro(embru Code)arthat hetsexemptthere(mmana VALUATION `�a'Sp+yyyy the basis(or the alleged excmptlon. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any I OO applicant lore permit subjects the applicant to a evil penalty anet vnretban OUTLETSSWITCHESFIXT'URES V five hundred dollars(SM. �n I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR c"Q Ff,I I STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION compensation,will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for O sale(Ste.7044,Business a ed Professiora Code:The Contractors Llmme l.aw (1d3$ does nut apply to an Owner of property who build$or Improves therver,and - whodonauch work himself or through his Own employees,provided that such OCC,GROUP RES.UNITS . t improvement are not intended Oroflered(or sale.ILhowever,thebuildingor TOTAL:I� � improvementbsoldwlthRoney earo(compldio theowner-budderwi:[- - th,L4+rden aproving that he did not build or improve for purpose a(sale.). IQTY.1" "ll..IPLUMBING PERMIT }I t1'17EE •1 FLOOD ZDNE APN IJ L as owner of the property,am exclusively contract re contracting with Rnsx' PERMIT ISSUANCE contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business and Pro(essims Code: ' The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) builds or lmprovm thereon, and who contracts for such ptO)ede with is cg0.t{ador(s)Ilanxdpunuanttothe Contractors Lkenae law. 1I : ,FEE SUMMARY' 1_I I am exempt under Sec. B&P C for this reas BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE on I' I ,FEE errG Owner Da,. DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,CON). ' I SANITARY Y N— WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECEIPT p ❑I hereby or( m that I have o lmumne of consent to"pytheren or a FIXTURES.PER TRAP I I SCIdIX)L TAX Y N- mrtlBatof Workers Comperaatlon lrsunnaoraartllicd mpythelmf(Sec. 1 ' RECEU'fp GA FA. INCA I IPARK FEE Ymoo, abc) RECEIPT X Polly p 0 V _ ray GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES Cem(led copy Ls hereby famished. the city CREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR I / PLANCFIECK FEE q edified copy t filed with the city inspection division. - 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRM I PAID C� COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200FT.' Date Rccei Tfhlaeemon need rat be COMPENSATION NI permit t(oronehundred dollars Pt# ($1(0).elom.) WATER I{FATE2 W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y_ N I certify that in the performance o(the work for which this permit ie issued, I — I shall not employ any person In any manner en se to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TRFAI]NG L Worken'Compenntmn Laws of Gll(omia.Date I :(PAID a 0 Z Applicant ff]] Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.FT. I 111 Date Receipt# _ should become sub)eet to the Workers''Compensation proWicrs ofthe Labor I / TOTAL: I W CWa youmust(orthwithmmplywlthsuchprovlslomorthbper ta .11Itc y deem d revoked. BUILDING FEE - ap CONSTRUCTION emis a LEwDING AGENCY - SEISMIC FEE p _ lhcrebyalflrmt hat there taconatrudlon lendingagcnry(oaths perform- TAI; ELECTRIC FEE and of the work tar which this permit b issued(Sec.3097,Cie.C.) (.) 0_ Lander'.Name - a. r PLUMBING FEE 14, 1- Lenaera nadrcea q'rY. „MECHANICAL PERMIT t 1. "E MECI-IANICAL FEE ' U• I artilythil l have read thlaapplicationand s atethattheabove information O W bcormet.I agreeto comply with all cityand county ordinances and sate law.I PERMIT ISSUANCE I / FEES PAID: 'I } 1 relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this F4, city to enter upon the abovcmenaoned property(or Inspector,purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. I , S 1 Z (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cu pertin.. Dale Receipt# O against liabilities,judgment,cmtsand cxpnesss em lch may in any wayaceme AIR HANDUNG UMTIG6 I a"CEM) I I SUBTOTAL: I agairstioddC In consequence of the granting of this permit. :7,4- j" 2 AIR HANDLING UNITIOVER 10,000CN- ) I' I CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgnattya Applicant%�ractor T3ete EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) I (CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building Occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) Date RCCCIPt# material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the I - IlealthandSa fety Code Section 25532(a)? HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: ❑ Yes I]No "'S�C111 Wlllthcapplicant or future building Occupant use equipment or devmes VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) I ISSUANCE DATE which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? ., I BOILER-COMP CHPOR 100,000 BTU) , I PAID q Yes No Tvc read Health&r et n ode,t Lions ement 5533 and 255 . I of I BOILS&COMP(OV[R 100,000670) I the Ghandt Heahh&Satety Code,Sectkna25505,25.t3and25534. I AUG 18 1992 uspoovindthat oally the mmpoes not a rreuirenrves which that b Lamy NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT� resporslbllityiO ndifythe occupant o(the requircmnnt which must be rant �� , prior to issuance of a Certificate ofOmpanry. , a- I CITY yr vurc/n�uwU . Owner or authodzM agent Data TOTAL: �ISSUEDBY:�Z_ / ' OFFICE COPY