01020093 CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION:. BUILDING DIVISION . PERMIT / PERMIT NO. V BUILDING ADDRESS • } il(>T nThIC1.111DTL1- ny 3�CT L'mTC_` mL�T�_ Thl:-..r—c i.0cctonc, OWNER'S NAME - APPLICATION SUB DATE >.–l!^rn"•,'a .T.`ZI'".?=3 T ET I'1L }7 —T..,nlnrr:^nom,:,-n6 !lllc ONE SANITARY NO t` NTROL D. iZ-:3: 22'33 7201 s Z ARCHITECpIENGINEER; BUILDING PERMIT INFO O OF - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH aZ: S ti LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION � Job Description ' ,Z". I h,u by nmrm that Into bcemcd nndcr plovl+lam of Cmpm,a ammnenc:% Is , -¢O,F'. wnb Serum 70(shat Dlol+ma l nl the III...rns and lhule+snms CuteMuni,heenw ' , °•e z 6 License Cloa,and effect Lac A , ' ti06 Date eentmner REPLACE 40 GALLON GAS WATER HEATER 3 n b- ARCI11 CECr'S DECLARATION - - !'i=O I understand my plans shall be reed as pnbim mv.ol, E o OWNER BUILDE R DECLARAI ION [a 1 hems""from that I all exempt from she Contractor's License 4tw for the , h a following reason (Section 7031.5,Business and Prrfe+so m,Code Any city or county - Y S G xhmh requires a perms to cunswn,alter,improve,demolish,or repair uny+trucwm 63CQ prior to its issuance,also reclaims the applmant tot uch permit file a signed Gatement ,bar he.+licensed pmsamIn he pooloon,of the Curiosities Li,em<eL,w(Couple,9 . Sq. Ft.'FloorArea Valuation mommrncing wnh Section 7sN0 ul DI1,Q n 3 of the Bmmew and Prola+von+Code) - n.than he is exempt thnerom and be basis ar the allcgvd r.mn,nun-Any lamas"" n1 Swom 7031.5 by any apploaml Inn,perm",uhRV t+Roe nppbcan,to a nod penal" nrnat mom than rive hundred danam.u50(I APNNumber ' Occupan 0 1,asaxncrafthe propeny.ormy employees was vs.,,l stheir,adve upensation.Will do me work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.]BM, - — 3tr=b40 @ru 1 t q"6`i Rusmce,and Porm,siam Code"11m Coppactnr',Lmcr+c law does not apply to an RegUlred Inspections six r of property Who M1Wds ar improves therein,and who does such work hhn,elf r Innmgh I..+oxn etnp o,,,,; inn,deJ that n,.,h inpmvenienfs arc....I ism"Jed or , offered or sale II.ouseven the budding or nnpnwenent I, old xi(h,n one ar of •502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY completion,purpose of sale) x.11 have the buNeu al pnn'.ng that he did Sat build or 505 — GAS TEST ' tmpmve for PuHxs+e of,ale) + ❑I,is awes"o]the I..19, 111u.sloole"cnn(ranng xath hecrad limitations or, 507 — FINAL PLUMBING aomwct the pm eel(Sec.7044,Bmme,s and Pmlexmrs Cash,)The Connector's Luer+e I,aw does ur ,,l l to tin uxne,of pwpcdy who ) mr sir.I ou thereon, . .and who us due, fur sock project+wnh a cnm.:mdml+) i d,meA'punu"nt in the Contrti hireme Law' , ❑lam exempt ender Se B&P C tar this seven Oxoer Darn WORKER'S CUA1PIib,SA'I'ION DECLARATION G/ I hereby"flies"under PcnahY nl penury ones ul the following Jed.v:ninth I 1 hale slid off mamma.. r Certificate of Conan( u, +,If.....I far Worker's ! Compen,auon, as presided far by Section y]q) of the Lhor Cole, fur the - /• + ' performencc of lM1e work for xhi<h(lies pcmtn t+iswal � ' ❑1 have and will maintain Wo,cr's Cum'doolion Inami ,as required by Seven ' lief)of the I.,for Code,Inn the P111unnanen of the wok for whmh thus pemmt'.s ucd My Wororr'+Compcn+al.n I h,roulle carrier and Popp numh"r are' . ^ Carrier Policy No, ' CERt'IFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' -. COMPENSATION INSURANCE. ITlu+section need not be cronplemil If the Iwcrmn Is for one htmdmJ dollars I$100)n.fins) - I certtty that in he felt omi...me of the work tor whuh this pronto is issued.1 " shall not employ any soom in any manner m as tit secure subject to the Workers' C..I,n,.t a U.,of Calif..,. Dare Applicant NOTICETO APPLICANT If.ul(er nmk.ng(lire Crn.rca(e of Exempunn,you shnold M1eaime mblcci w.he WnrAer'e Cnmpcnsmum Pnrvis.nn+of the Lahor G,Je,you.nun OO fonhxnh n,.nply wish melt pr,ko ns at this pcmth shall be helped monked,., (/y CONS'(RUCI ON LENDING A017NCY ' � > I hereby affirm IN,there,,comtiurtnn lending agency fur the pertunmanee s ' of me work for whmh this"oil Is.....d(See YN7,Cs C.) 11 A Under's Name 5 z Lender',Address UFO+ Ieeody than l have read lh.supphnan.n,:.nl+('m than me:mnec.nI.......I n.+ , rood I agree e,comply sink ill city and county ordinances and stmt law+rehtmg t.7 to bn.ldmg cunantnion,and heresy umhnnec rcprc+enmuve+nFthis v."wester upon , the 'u'rty Io m"t,...purpua, 176 (We,nitrite to save.indemnify and lecp barmle+s the City of California against s In liabilities,rydgraems,costs and expenses which may in any silly actual,against said U .zi O"in cnnw,ryence of the 6nortin,of this permit APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: ^ Date - SOURCE RECIULATIONS. Y• - - SimulateofAppfitaMConnacmr Date Re-roofs x'dlthe app)HaZARIU..m buds ng MATERIALS DISCLOSURE, su up andle th—fdo smarrall Type of Roof ' ' as defined by the Copeni..Municipal Code,Chapter o 12.and the Halm and Safety Came.Senian 2551200il FJ Ye" - clo All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. W.Il the upphcanl sir larum his Imn,......m nse egmpmenfo,dnvme,x hI,h If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove inn ha<arJom air crnmminenn e,defined by the Buy Area Air Quality Management is . . all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and wilt comply with OYe+ °No all non-point source regulations. I lime rc:W the hakdam mmenals reyuiremcm+under Cltapu.•r.f.95 of(he r. ' Cnldemia If"11h&SAll,Code,Semmo,25505,25533.mJ25534 1 midcnund thus , if the In dmgdeer, no enncdey have,craft,that it is lily re+pon+md'my to notify the , awpant of the requirements xItch mire be met prior."issuance of a CeniErate at Ocra aney' - Signature of Applicant - Date, Ox ner or atimon.ed agent . ,Date All rooficoverings to be Class'"B" or btter. 'OFFICE