CC Resolution No. 185RESOLWION NO.
W11"FR the City Council has received numerous complaints
from citizens concerning the accumulation of weeds, r refuse,,
cuttings and other combustible trash upon the hereinafter describ-
ed property, and
the City Council has been unable to obtain the coop-
oration of the owners of said property, and
WIIFRi AS, it Is to the best interest of the City.
That weeds growin upon the hereinafter described property
and situate alonz the streets within the City and the accumulation
of Earden. refuse, cuttings and other combustibl trash are hereby
declared to be a public nuisance.
The land herein referred Is described as follows:
D at a point on the southerly line of Stevens
Creek Road as the same was established by the Deed from
Southern Pselfle Company a corporation, to the County
of 3►nta Clara, dated April 5, 1937 and recorded Decem-
ber 7. 1937 in 3ook 8 53 of Official Rocords, at page
11 41 .�W
Z4z, Santa Clara County Records., distarit thereon , Borzoi a
89 54 pest *6.51 feet from a one Inch Iron pipe at
the intersection thereof wilth the westerly 'Line of
Jlaney Avenue, as It formerly existed J�.O feet wid
thence alM6 said southerly line of Stevens Creek Road
and runninf, parallel with the westerly line of Blaney
Avenue South 273,65 p t1hence paralls]. with said south-
arly line of StevensGreeic Fio►d,, Worth 690 54 fast
7,_' -00 feet; thence parallel with the westerly line of
Blaney Avenue North 273.65 feet to the point of beeirmt-
in6 bein6 a portion of the Southeast one-quarter of
Section 13 Township 7 South, Rams 2 - ,eat, Mount Diablo
Base and Meridian,, and beir4; a portiot. of the lands shown
On the Map of Record of Survey on file in the office of
the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara State of Cali•
fornia,, In Book 91 of Maps, at page 3,*
,.0 4
FA 2:
BZGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Stevens
Creek Road., as established by the Deed from Southern Pacific
to a corpo Santa Clara
Company,, ration,, the Courty of S ant
V.0 , by
deed dated April 5. 1937 and recorded December 7. 1 937 in
Book 853 of Official Fecords, page 24 8, distant thereon. South
89 54 West 421w5l feet from a one inch iron pipe set at the
point of intersection thereof with the westerly line of Blaney
Avenue, as it formerly existed 40 feet wide; thence along said
line of Stevens Creok Road,, South 8 9 0 54' West 200.00 feet to a
one inch iron pipe set at the 11orthwesterly corner of the par-
cpl of land conveyed by Frank Maral, a single man, to Fred
Lawrence, at us, by Deed dated October 31, 1952 a. recorded
November 3. 19512 in Look 251.9 of Official Pei: ordo, pa6a 46;
thence leaving said line of Stevens Creek Road and rurviing along
the West line of said parcel. of land so conveyed to Lawrence,
South 353,,65 feet to a one inch iron pipe set at the south•
westerly corner thereof; thence along the southerly ine of
said parcel of land so conveyed to Lawrence, North K9 54 7 ast
621.51 feet to a one inch iron pipe set at the southeasterly
corner thereof on the westerly line of said Blaney Avenue,, as
the sam-o formerly existed 4O feet wide; thence alone said line
of Blaney Avenue, North 80.0 feet to a 3/1+ Inch Iron pipe;
thence leaving; said line of 31aney Avenue and running parallel
with the southerly line of said parcel of land so conveyed to
Lawrence, South 89 54A 14est, 4-21*51 feet to a 3/4 inch iron
pipe* thence parallel with said line of Blaney Avenue, North
273#65 meet to the point or beginnin- and being a portion of
the northeast 1A of the sot;-theast 1�4 of Section 13, Township
7 South Range 2 West MoDebo &- V#
That the present owner of said property are Michael H. Myers
and Mary Myers,, his wife located at 377 Atherton Avenue,, Atherton,,
1. That the Chief of Police is hereby instructed to notice
of this Resobition by delivery of a copy thereof to the owners alorw_
with copy of Notice which is anntxed to and made part hereof.
2. The tL-ne and place for bearint7 on any objections to the
proposed abatement and proceedln7s shall be held on Monday, October .
- 19 1 12590 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City of Cupertino
Offices, at the regular meeting of' the City Council,
ADGPT! this 5t: day of October
by the following vote:
A Y : Councilmen
NOESt Councilmen
ABSENT: Councilmen
City Clark Administrator -2-
'I'Ot. flichael ! !dyers and Mary Myers, his wife
377 Atherton Avenue
Atherton, California
NOT!_ IS ',-F'REBY that on Uctober 5. 19jU pursuant
to the provisions of Section 2 oC Ordinance No., of the City
of Cupertino, the City Council o► said City passed Resolution
No. 161, reference to which is by reb, made to on -inal on file
In the office of the City Clerk declaring that all weeds, garden
refuse and cuttings grow in upon your private property or in the
public street or alley adjacent thereto as defined in Section 1
of said Ordinance No. 53, constitute a public nuisance, which
nuisance must be abated by the destruction or removal thereof,
The property Is described ai3 followst.
PARC7;'L 1:
BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Stevens
Creek Road as the same was established b the Deed from
Southern Pacific Company, a corporation, to the County of
Santa Clara, dated April 5, 1937 and recorded December 7,
1937 in 3ook 853 of official Records, at page 24 Santa
rlara County Pecord distant thnreon South 89 0 n A -1 'Nest
34 feet from a one inch iron pipe at the Intersection
thereof with the westerly line of Blaney Avenue,, as It
formrly existed 4 feet w1de* thence alon iz said southerly
Creek Rd
line of Stevens Creoa '.3outh 89' 5 ' 8
41 W t 75-00 feet;
thence leaving Stevens Cree.k Road and runnino parallel with
the westerly line of Blaney Avenue, South 273.65 feet; thence
parallel with said southerly line of Stevens Creek Road,
North 8 9 " 54 2ast 75. feat; thence parallol with the
westerly line of Blaney Avenue North 2 73* 6 5 feet to the Point
of beginning, being a portion of the Southeast one-quarter of
Section 13, Township 7 �outa. Range 2 'pest, Mount Diablo Base
and Meridian, and beingr a portion of the lands shown on the
Map of Record of Survey on file in the office of the Recorder
of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 91
Of Baps, at pave 35-
BFGIVNIN04 at a point o1a the southerly line of Stevens Creek Road., as established Dy the Deed from Southern Pacific
Company, a corporation, to the County of Santa Clara,, by deed
dated April 5. 1937 and recorded December 7, 1937 In Book
353 of Official Records, paEa 48, distant thereon South
89 54. 'West li21.51 feet from a one Inch iron pipe set at
the point of Intersection thereof with the westerly line of
y A
31ane k%venue, as It formerly existed 4.0 feet wide- thence
along said line of Stevens Creek Road, South 89 �
,4 West
200.0 feet to a one Inch iron pipe set at the Northwesterly
corner of the parcel of land conveyed by Frank Maral, a
single man, to 1 T,awronce,, et us, by Deed dated October
31, 1952 and recorded November 3, 1952 in Book 2519 of
Official Rocords, paZe 1 thence leaving said 'Line of
Stevens Creek Road and runninE, along the West linA- of said
parcel of land so conveyed to Lawrence South 353.65 feet
to a one Inch iron pipe set at the southwesterly corner
thereof; thence along the noutherly line of said parcel of
land so conveyed to Lawrence, North 89 54 East 621-51
feet to a one Inch Iron. pipe set at the southeasterly corner
thereof on the westerl line of said Blaney Avenue, as the
same formerly existed 0 feet wide; thence along said line
of Blaney Avenue,, North 80.0 roet to a 3111 Inali iron pipe;
thence leaving said- line of 3laney Avenue and running parallel
with the southerly line of said parcel of land so conveyed to
Lawrence, South 89 54 West 1121,51 feet to a 3/4 inch Iron
pipej thence parallel with said. line of Blaney Avenue., North
273- 5 feet to the point of beginnink; and beink a portion of
the northeast 1/4 of the southeast 1A of Section 13, Towadhip
7 South Range 2 'Nest,, M.D.6. & M.
NTUG' 1'6 r UPTIU'h GIVEN that you as property owners shall, with-
out delay, remove all such woods etc., from said property, and the
abutting; half of the street in front and alloys, if any, behind such
property, and between the lot lines thereof as extended, or such
were will be dostroy•d or removed and such nuisance abated by the
City authorities, In which case the cost of such destruction or re-
moval will be assessed upon the lots and lands from which, or from
the front or rear of which, such woods shall have been destroyed or
removed; and such cost will constitute a lien upon such lots or
lands until pal and will be Collected upon the next tax roll upon
which 3enoral municipal taxis aro collected. _[f you havo, any ob-
jections to thA proposed destruction or removal of such weeds, you
are hereby notified to attend a meetInr.:, of the Council of said City
to be held In the City Office, City of Cupertino, on October
1959, at 8. 00 P.M., wham and where their objections will be heard
and given due consideration.
DATE this _ 5th day of October, 19�2.
Chlef of follgo