CC 09-06-95 CC-907A
Cupertino City Council
Regular Adjourned Meeting
September 6, 1995
At 6:10 p.m., Dean called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members present: John Bautista, Don Buruett, Barbara Koppel, Lauralee
Sorensen and Wally Dean. Council members absent: None.
Staff present: City Manager Don Brown; City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Community
Development Director Bob Cowan; City Attorney Charles Kilian; Planner Colin Jung;
City Planner Ciddy Wordell; and Public Works Director Bert Viskovich.
Mr. Ferokh Deboo, 10257 Nile Drive, said the neighbors were concerned that last night's
public hearing on the Torre Avenue "triangle site" was closed before the public had an
opportunity to speak on the matter. Dean apologized and said that he had closed the
hearing in error, but the matter had been referred back to the Planning Commission for
further input. Deboo asked that notice be re-issued to the neighbors and the public
hearing re-opened at the point it was terminated.
Discussion followed on the options available to Council and the public. The City
Attorney explained that any remedial action required all 5 Council members. He
recommended that this request be put on the agenda of September 18, and the four
members in attendance that night can set a hearing date. He said that the project
applicant must have input inw that decision as well.
Deboo also expressed concern about a comment made that "it's only a 2-acre parcel of
land, let's get it over with." Koppel said she had made a remark about that particular
parcel because it had been under discussion for 7 years, and could have ended up with a
much higher density.
The City Attorney called attention to the fact that the triangle property was indeed on the
agenda tonight because it was a part of the specific plan. If the plan is addressed tonight,
it will address the ultimate issue of the triangle plan and therefore that topic would not
need to come back on September 18.
.:. geptember 6, 1995 Cupertino City Council Page 2
I. Application No(s). 81,152 and 9-EA-95 - Public hearing to consider approval of
land use and development character policies and the land use map, streetscape and
other improvements, for the Heart of the City Specific Plan. The Plan includes
properties along or near Stevens Creek Boulevard from Highway 85 to the eastern
City limits. Environmental Detex~finafion: Negative Declaration recommended.
The Community Development Director began review of the key issues listed in
the staff report related to the policy framework.
Bumett said that he felt the Apple Computer World Headquarters project, which
would add an additional 50,000 square feet to the existing 91,000 square feet
already allocated, was a General Plan issue. In addition, there are other
developments proposed for the specific plan area which are also not appropriate
for tonight's discussion.
The Community Development Director said that the proposal had been discussed
by the Planning Commission. All five members felt the increase was appropriate
for the area, although the vote was 3-2 for the particular site in question. He also
referred to principles of the Oeneral Plan set forth on page 2-4 of that document.
He explained that the allocation is for the crossroads/civic center activity center,
and there would not be any other allocation for office R&D, unless existing sites
are underutilized. There is a potential for additional retail.
Sorensen felt it was appropriate to discuss this allocation increase because it
impacts the Heart of the City plan.
Mr. Terry Bottomly, landscape architect for the specific plan, reviewed the
streetscape plan. Discussion followed regarding appropriate tree spacing, pruning
styles, and limbing the trees up to a height of 12 feet.
Planner Colin Jung continued with the staff report review regarding streetscape
and development standards. He said that staff will confmn that conditions
regarding building height and setbacks to residential can be applied to the City
Center, which had many tall buildings in close proximity.
Mr. Bottomly discussed a number of sign types that were proposed.
The Council recessed from 8:45 p.m. to 8:55 p.m.
Ms. Terry Wong said she was with the Apple Computer Design and Coustmction
group. She restated Apple's support of including a 141,000 sq~_mre foot building
at the City Center site as a part of the Stevens Creek Specific Plan. The building
is intended to be Apple's World Headqnnrters. Ms. Wong said the design concept
.:. September 6, 1995 Cupertino City Council Page
was approved by the Planning Commission in FebruAry, and they now had 2 years
to foL~zually apply for a use permit. It was their understanding that the allocation
falls within Tier 1 of the General Plan. She said the proposed structure would be
4 stories, with 2 1/2 levels of underground parking, and they would be sensitive to
existing buildings and pwposed residential uses adjacent to the building. When
this project is approved as a part of the specific plan, Apple will begin their
corporate approval process, including the purchase of the 1.3 acre parcel. Ms.
Wong said she would provide copies of the design concept to the Council
Mr. Gary Schraidt, representing Cali Land Associates, said the company owned
three parcels in the city: The property where the Hama Sushi restaurant is located,
the Blaney Center, and an undeveloped 27,000 square foot parcel to the rear of
those two, which fronts on Blaney. He submitted for the record a copy of a plan
that was approved by Council in 1988 for a 2-phase development plan which
included a lot consolidation from 3-2 lots, a lot line adjustment, and completion of
Stevens Creek landscaping provisions from that time. Phase 1 was completed,
which activated their use permit. Mr. Schmidt discussed the various plans for the
property which had been rejected, and later discussions with staff about alternate
plans. He asked Council for direction as to what they would like to see on that
parcel, since the specific plan seems to eliminate possibility of low-income or
senior housing. The specific plan is quite ambiguous in terms of frontages, etc.
Since the lot consolidation has not yet been done but the parcels are within the
Stevens Creek corridor, their undeveloped parcel measuring 80 ft by 336 ft. could
be very restricted in terms of future development. The specific plan limits their
ability to come up with an alternate plan to develop mixed use or residential use.
Mr. Schmidt said the Chili's building is on the property line, and that remodel was
done a little over a year ago. Now Council is discussing setbacks which would
make his company's rear lot economically undevelopable. He asked Council to
add language for exceptions to the setback requirements. Mr. Schmidt also asked
about the status of their project in relation of the pool of development. The
Community Development Director explained that the General Plan has a column
showing space that has been committed by virtue of approved special use permits,
and this project is included in that list of committed space. Dean said he would
like staffto follow-up about the Chili's building on the property line. Cowan said
that is permitted under the current roles. Mr. Schraidt said the most recent plans
were to add about 5,000 sq~_mre feet of retail to the Blaney Center, and build
behind it low-income and/or senior center housing.
Ms. Donna Lawler, President of the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, addressed
medians and landscaping as described in the plan. The Chamber asks that
existing landscaping be trimmed and cleaned up in general to address visibility
problems. They recommend that the median be planted all at once and not
piecemeal. They asked that low bushes and grass be planted on the median, that
September 6, 1995 Cupertino City Council Page
trees be high enough to provide visibility to businesses, that there be regular and
consistent maintenance, and the maintenance will be done by. the city and not the
Mr. Tom Hail, Economic Vice President of the Chamber of Commeme requested
that Council make'it a guideline and not a mandate to identify 8 sites as residentiai
when redeveloped. The market should address whether residential development
is appropriate. Also, he asked that the requirement for 1 tree for every 5 parking
spaces be changed to a guideline, and that it be left up to the landscape architects
to design it to suit the building's structure
John Statton, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, said that in
general they were very supportive of the plan. He asked that parking lot
landscaping be set forth in guidelines and not mandates, and that the property
owner should would have the responsibility of proposing the most effective
design. He felt the one-year redevelopment trigger was the most fair, and ailows
businesses to plan for the effect.
He discussed the sign aiternatives and said that No. 2 is their preferred aiternative,
to move the existing signs out to the median. Although there may be some safety
issues to be addressed, when designing from scratch you can build around that to
increase visibility. Plan No. 4, the existing plan with a row of trees in front of it,
is the next preferred alternative. In Plan No. 1 the signs were too small, and No. 5
was unattractive. Plan No. 3A is unusual and may create a safety issue for drivers
looking up to see signs.
Bumett suggested modifying the landscaping plan so that one or more of the trees
in the second row near the opening was moved farther back to provide better
visibility to the sign at smailer openings. Mr. Statton said that would be an
Mr. Albert Hoffman passed around a photograph of West Harbor Boulevard in '
Houston, Texas, that is similar to the proposed streetscape. He said the signs were
right out front and it was very easy to identify the businesses. He hoped that it
was not the intention of this plan to place a lot of residential uses aiong the
Stevens Creek transit corridor.
Mr. Ferokh Deboo, 10257 Nile Drive, showed a transparency of a letter which had
been published in last week's Cupertino Courier and presented to the Planning
Commission. The letter was dated August 22 regarding 9-U-95, 8-Z-95, and 16-
EA-95, and it expressed concern about more residentiai development ailoted in
the plan ending up in the City Center areas. He said that the neighbors are not
completely opposed to development. They supported the 120-unit complex
recently approve for 12 units of affordable housing, and in the hopes that
additional development on the corridor would go in other locations in a more
,. September 6, 1995 Cupertino City Council Page 5
balanced manner, because a lot of density has already gone in the City Center
area. He asked that there be a (~eneral Plan Amendment to keep the triangle as
open space. Mr. DeBoo added some personal comments that were not on behalf
of his neighbors. He said that a lot of time was lost because key people and key
meetings were not planned in advance. For example, the Planning Commission
could have used legal counsel during these proceedings.
Mr. Douglas Aikens, 300 Hamilton Avenue, Paio Alto, urged that Council
schedule the earliest possible remedial hearing to respond to neighbors desire to
speak on the issues.
Koppel asked if it would be appropriate for Council to hold a closed session on
the triangle parcel. The City Attorney said he did not see a basis for a closed
session. He added that since the applicant's representative had arrived, and the
item was on the agenda, Council could delete the triangle from this hearing and
adopt the specific plan. Or they take a straw vote on all the issues and continue the
specific plan to the date when the remedial hearing is held. Discussion followed
regarding the triangle property.
Council concurred that the Planning Commission is directed to proceed with
analyzing the merits of the plan and will then send it back to the Council.
Burner said he wished to remove the Apple World Headquarters building from
consideration. Council had not seen any drawings and did not know what it
would look like except that it is immediately west of a large apartment complex
which will block views and sunlight, and will tower over buildings on the other
side of the street. It was inappropriate to include something like that when the
triangle is being removed from consideration. Koppel said there were many other
buildings planned for that area that were nnknown. Council was only basing their
decision on the sqnare footage for allocated areas. Bautista said there was already
91,000 square feet allocated, so the real issue is whether Council would agree in
principle to transfer 50,000 square feet. Burner said he was not willing to do that
at this time. Bautista said it would be subject to the approval of the design.
Burner said it appeared there was not Council support for his suggestion.
The City Attorney conf-ssied that the consideration of the potential for
development on the triangle property is being deferred until the future date, but it
would remain in the specific plan. The hearing date on the triangle property
would be October 2, and staff will send additional notice to all the neighbors
Council concurred to accept the recommendations in the staff report, with the
following changes which were made by straw vote:
· Assign 141,000 square feet of office development to the City Center area
for Apple Computer's World Headquarters (Burner voted no).
September 6, 1995 Cupertino City Council Page 6
· Plan for up to 500 new housing nnlts along Stevens Creek Boulevard
· Designate a density range between 8 to 35 units
· Accept Chamber of Commerce recommendation to be flexible and make it
a guideline and not a mandate to identify 8 sites for housing should the
sites redevelop
· Change double-row pattern of trees at narrow driveways to change the
angle and possibly eliminate one or more trees
· Limb trees to a height of 12 feet, install 36-inch box trees, and space the
oaks at 40 feet, pears at 25 feet, and ash at 35 feet
· On page 26 of the staff report, change the distance between trees to 120
feet maximum
· Discuss bus shelters on September 18
· Regarding gateways, etc., Bautista and Bumett agreed that their priority
was the landmark feature, the orchard park, and the gateways. Sorensen
agreed, and suggested that the landmark feature be referred to local artists
for a design. Koppel said she did not care for the sundial, and would
prefer open space to the orchard park.
· Landscape easements shall have a 12-month development trigger.
· Maintain flexibility in the number and type of trees in the parking lot
depending on the building. Cmidelines are I tree for each 5 to 10 parking
spaces with emphasis on shade trees.
· Decisions about the type of street signs will be postponed until the
landscape drawings for alternatives 2 and 4 have been updated to reflect
the changed tree pattern. Bumett asked that there be consistent street
number signs and that the shopping center ~ame be included.
· On page 24.C add the wording '~nless a commonly owned development".
Al[er discussion, Council concurred to implement the plan in phases by infilling
and doing medians, and focusing on areas where the work would have the most
Sorensen moved to approve a Negative Declaration (9-EA-95). Koppel seconded,
and the motion carried 5-0.
The City Attorney read the tide of the ordinance, and said that the body of the
ordinance would be amended to reference the additional language discussed at the
meeting. Sorensen moved and Koppel seconded to adopt file No. 81,152, Heart
of the City Specific Plan, in accordance with the proposed ordinance; to read the
ordinance by title only, and that the City Attorney's reading would constitute the
first reading thereof. Motion carried 5-0.
.. September 6, 1995 Cupertino Ci/y Council Page 7
Bautista referred to the Planning Commission's recommendation to amend the
General Plan to allow the Heart of the City residential allocations of 500 dwelling
units to be placed anywhere in the specific planning area at the City's discretion.
Bautista moved that staff be directed to schedule this General Plan text
amendment proposal for public heating. Sorensen seconded, and the motion
carried 5-0.
Burnett discussed the activities of the Stevens Creek Q~!orry committee. He said that it is
the Santa Clara County counsel's opinion is that night-time truck traffw does not have to
be allowed and it should be controlled by the quarry operating pem~it which runs from
6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This matter would be raised at the County Planning Commission
on the following evening. Koppel discussed complaints about speeding trucks in that
area, and said that it did not appear that the speed limit could be reduced legally. Bautista
moved to authorize Bumett to speak on behalf of the City Council at the county meeting
to ensure that the trucks must follow the same rules as the quarry. Sorensen seconded,
and the motion carried 5-0.
At 10:20 p.m. Council adjourned to 6:00 p.m., Monday, September 18, 1995, Conference
Room A, to conduct interviews of candidates for Fine Arts Commission.
City Clerk
NOTICE IS I4~.REBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the
Cupertino City Council held on Monday, October 2, 1995, was
adjourned to Monday, October 16, 1995, in Conference Room C&D at
6:00 p.m. City Council will be meeting with' the Affordable Housing
Committee to discuss changes to the Housing Mitigation Manual.
Following the joint meeting, Council will adjourn the Council Chamber
at 6:45 p.m. for a regular adjourned meeting.
Dated this 3rd day of October, 1995
Roberta Wolfe, Deputy Cify Clerk
Roberta Wolfe, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That
she is the duly appointed and qualified Deputy City Clerk and that on
October 3, 1995, she caused the above notice to be posted near the door
of the Cupertino City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino,
California. ~
Roberta Wolfe, Deputy C~ty Clerk
Cupertino, California
10300 Torte Avenue, Cupertino, California
(408) 2524505
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular adjourned meeting of the
Cupertino City Council held on Wed., Sept. 6, was adjourned to Monday, Sept. 18, in the
Council Chambers of City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, beginning at 6:00 p.m.,
to discuss interview applicants for the Fine Arts Commission.
Dated this 7th day of September, 1995.