DRC 05-05-11Design Review Committee May 5, 2011 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777 -3308 ACTION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON May 5, 2010 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent Staff present: Staff absent: Marty Miller, Chairperson Clinton Brownley, Commissioner Don Sun Simon Vuong Gary Chao Chad Mosley IO= APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 7, 2011 Minutes of the April 7, 2011 Design Review Committee meeting were approved WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: ORAL COMMUNICATION: CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No.(s): ASA- 2011 -07 Applicant: Rachel Matalon (Gorman residence) Location: 20199 & 20203 Camarda Ct Architectural and Site approval to allow EL 831 square foot addition to an existing 3,480 square foot residence in a R -2 (duplex) zoning district Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff Member Vuong explained that per Ordinance, any changes to a property on the R -2 Zone, needed to be approved by the Design Review Committee. The applicant is proposing a small addition to Unit 1 of their duplex. The existing garage will be replaced with a two -car garage. The second unit will remain unchanged. All exterior walls, windows and roofing will match the existing structure in color and materials. The property owner lives on site. The 2 Design Review Committee May 5, 2011 proposed project is to provide additional living space for another family member. Staff has received two comments from neighbors following the required neighborhood noticing. One comment is related to construction noise rather than design or privacy concerns. The project will need to follow existing standard construction requirements during construction. These requirements include noise mitigation. The other comment received was regarding the addition being too large for the area and blocking out sunlight. Staff member Chao stated that the proposed addition is within the required setbacks per the R -2 Ordinance, further, it is in the allowed building envelope. It is also a single story addition so will not cast shadows to block sunlight. Staff supports the project as it conforms to the R -2 Ordinance. Chair Miller asked about the existing fence on site. Staff member Vuong stated that the fence would be being removed. That is where the new addition will go. Chair Miller asked about the drainage issues raised by the neighbors. Staff member Vuong stated that the plans were reviewed by the Public Works department. They had no concerns at this time, but would be working with the applicant during construction to make sure the grading and runoffs were constructed properly to not cause ponding or drainage onto neighboring properties. Staff member Chao stated that there is a standard condition of approval to address appropriate drainage. The Public Works department will review the (required) drainage plan submitted during the building permit process. The neighbor is encouraged to contact the Public Works department during the plan review phase. Staff member Mosley, from the Public Works department, was asked about the existing drainage culvert and what sort of drainage mitigations would be required. He stated that the existing public works storm drain water easement would remain intact, to be maintained at the current level. They may require a dry well on site to divert water, they may require sloping from the back of the property to move the water to the street or they may require a sump pump to collect the water to pump it to the street. Mr. Kopels, the neighbor, asked for assurance that the current drainage issues would not be made any worse as a result of the new construction. Staff member Mosley said that they would work with the applicant to come up with a solution to the problems and felt confident that they could come up with a resolution that would not only not make the situation worse, but will make it much better for everyone. Mr. Kopels also asked for some consideration of the neighbors during construction to help reduce noise, dust and parking. He submitted some specific concerns in writing and provided pictures for the file. He also asked that the portion of the property line fence on his property not be damaged during construction. Staff member Chao stated the project is not large enough to require that the entire scope of the Best Management Construction Management Plan be in place, however, there are existing construction guidelines that are applicable to this project which mirror this Plan. The Design Review Committee has the authority to include in the conditions of approval extra mitigation efforts. The City does not have the authority to restrict construction hours and noise above the Municipal Code and Building Code Ordinances. Staff member Chao suggested that the neighbors and applicant to work together to come to a compromise to make the project run smoothly for everyone. The draft resolution will be modified to include additional provisions from the Best Standard Construction Management Plan to help mitigate noise, dust and debris and parking concerns. 3 Design Review Committee May 5, 2011 MOTION: Commissioner Brownley moved to approve ASA- 2011 -07 with the above mentioned changes to the draft resolution SECOND: Chairperson Miller ABSENT: Commissioner Sun ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2 -0 -1 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: / s /Beth Ebben Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk g:planning/DRC CommitteelMinutes050511