DRC 03-31-2011 special Design Review Committee March 31, 2011 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777 -3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON March 31, 2011 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Marty Miller, Chairperson Clinton Brownley, Commissioner Committee Members absent Don Sun Staff present: Colin Jung Staff absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 6, 2011 Minutes of the January 6, 2011 Design Review Committee meeting were approved WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: A resident asked how the City will be getting the information from PG &E regarding where high pressure gas pipelines are located in neighborhoods or where they will be installing emergency shut off valves. The resident also asked if this information will be reviewed as part of a development application. Staff member Schroeder said that he was not aware if the City had any high pressure natural gas lines running through it, but would check on it. CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No.(s): M- 2011 -02 Applicant: Dipesh Gupta (Shashi Corporation) Location: 10165 N. De Anza Blvd Modification of a previously approved Architectural and Site application (ASA- 2008 -07 and M- 2010-07) to allow for minor architectural and site changes Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff member Jung explained that the application is only to modify the previously approved ASA application. The Applicant received an approval for a hotel on the site in 2008 for 5 story, upscale, boutique hotel. In 2010 the application was modifies. to reduce the size and scope of the proposed hotel from a "full service /luxury" hotel to a "select service /business" hotel due to construction lending constraints. This application is to reduce the overall scope of the project to include 128 rooms, 4 stories, 1 2 Design Review Committee March 31, 2011 level parking garage, a smaller service restaurant, and ground level swimming pool and fitness area. The hotel's signage is not part of this application. In addition, the new tenant, The Hyatt Hotel, is requesting some minor architectural and site changes. The landscape plan shows 36" box trees, but 48" trees are required along the frontage as part of the original approval, so the draft resolution includes this requirement. Staff recommends approval of this application. Commissioner Brownley confirmed that the stories of the building will be reduced. Staff member Jung confirmed that the hotel was being reduced from 5 stories to 4 stories, but the height of the structure will remain the same which will make for a more spacious feel of the interior. The side entrance to the hotel has been modified to be less formal, but will still invite patrons in off De Anza to come to the cafe inside. The porte cochere feature will be evaluated at building permit stage to ensure that the solar panel on the top of it is 'smartly' designed and fits the overall architecture of the hotel. The hotel will be applying to be Silver LEED certified. Commissioner Brownley asked for clarification as to the sign and landscaping plan. Staff member Jung explained that the sign design hasn't been planned out yet. Its early in the process for determining signage. The landscaping plan is conceptual as well. Once the construction plans are being drawn up, the applicant can decide what type of trees to place where depending on the growth pattern and elevations of the hotel. The original approval called for larger trees on the frontage that these plans don't show, so the clause was written into the resolution. Chair Miller asked confirmed that the trash enclosures would be screened from the street. He also asked about landscaping. Staff member Jung explained that most of the landscaping would be placed on the top of the parking garage structure. It would be over 2500 square feet once it all goes in. The applicant addressed the Committee. They appreciated the patience Staff has shown in getting their application processed. He reiterated that the porte cochere design feature has hastily drawn, but in final design, Staff's comments will be incorporated. The design will not change, but the materials will. The columns will be made of stainless steel rather than b. plain concrete. He said it was also an oversight in showing small trees on the plan. They intend to adhere with all the conditions of approval from the original approval. Chair miller asked the applicant is they were aware about the new Water Efficiency Ordinance. He said that they were. Their engineer was working on it now. A neighbor of the project asked about sign placement, building colors and screening trees. The applicant responded by showing him where the signs and trees would be placed using the site plans. He also asked about the parking plan. The applicant explained that the parking study they had done indicates that with the onsite parking and valet parking, they will have more parking spaces per room that the other select service hotels in the City. The applicant stated that the hotel design has been approved by the Hyatt Corporation. MOTION: Commissioner Brownley moved to approve M- 2011 -02 SECOND: Chairperson Miller ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2 -0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: c I' Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk