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Tuesday,January 4, 2011CupertinoCityCouncil CupertinoRedevelopmentAgency CONSENTCALENDAR 7:10(10) Unlessthereareseparatediscussionsand/oractionsrequestedbycouncil,stafforamemberof the public,itisrequestedthatitems undertheConsentCalendar beacted on simultaneously. 2.Subject:AccountsPayablefor periodendingDecember 17, 2010 RecommendedAction:AdoptResolutionNo. 11-001 DraftResolution Page: 3.Subject:Payrollfor periodendingDecember 22, 2010 RecommendedAction:AdoptResolutionNo. 11-002 DraftResolution Page: 4.Subject:AlcoholicBeverageLicense,TogosSandwiches,21267StevensCreekBoulevard, Suite 314 (OaksShoppingCenter) RecommendedAction:Approveapplicationfor on sale beer StaffReport ApplicationforAlcoholicBeverageLicense Page: 5.Subject:AlcoholicBeverageLicense,FlightWine&Food,20333StevensCreekBoulevard (Cafe Torre) RecommendedAction:ApproveapplicationforOn-SaleBeerandWineforBonaFide Public EatingPlace StaffReport ApplicationforAlcoholicBeverageLicense Page: 6.Subject:AlcoholicBeverageLicense,OneEyedSpirits,19200StevensCreekBoulevard, Suite 200 RecommendedAction:ApproveapplicationforDistilledSpiritsImporterandWholesaler StaffReport ApplicationforAlcoholicBeverageLicense Page: 7.Subject:QuitclaimDeedandAuthorizationforUndergroundWaterRights,Vivekanand KarnatakiandDeeptiNaik, 10122 BretAvenue RecommendedAction:AdoptResolutionNo. 11-003 Description:ThepropertyownersofthisresidentialdevelopmentagreetogranttotheCity therighttoextractwaterfromthe basin underthe overlying property Resolution QuitclaimDeed Map Page: Tuesday,January 4, 2011CupertinoCityCouncil CupertinoRedevelopmentAgency 8.Subject: MunicipalImprovements,KellyGordonDevelopmentCorp., 10231 AmeliaCourt RecommendedAction:Accept MunicipalImprovements Description:Municipalimprovementsincludesidewalk,curb&gutter,drivewayapproach, pavingand new utility services StaffReport Map Page: ITEMSREMOVEDFROMTHECONSENTCALENDAR(above) PUBLICHEARINGS 9.Subject:Appeal ofanapproval ofawireless servicefacility on ResultsWay 7:20(120) RecommendedAction:ConsideranappealofthePlanningCommissionapprovalfora personalwireless servicefacilityattheexistingResultsWay office park Description:ApplicationNos:U-2010-03,EXC-2010-04,TR-2010-31;Applicant:Dave Yocke(AT&T);Appellants:AllenWang,GraceChen,GuoJin;Address:ResultsWay(rear parkinglot);APN:357-20-042;ApplicationSummary:ConsideranappealofaPlanning Commissionapprovalforapersonalwirelessservicefacilityconsistingoftwelvepanel antennastobemountedona74foottallmonopineandassociatedbaseequipmenttobe locatedattheexistingResultsWay office park StaffReport A.Councilappeal staffreport dated 11/1/10 B.CityCouncil Meeting Minutesfrom 11/1/10 C.Letterfrom property owner EmbarcaderoCapitalPartnerstoAT&T dated 12/3/10 D. Emailfrom property owner ECI TwoResults,LLCtoCity&AT&T dated 12/16/10 E.LettertoApplicantandPCRes. #6604 F.PC Meeting Minutesfrom 9/14/10 G.PCStaffReport dated 9/14/10 H.Appeal ofU-2010-03, EXC-2010-04& TR-2010-31 dated 9/28/10 I.SCCSheriff'sLetter dated 6/23/10 J.Photosimulations ofmonopine(3) K.AT&TFacilityAlternateSitesAerial Map L.Communicationsfrom TICCommissioners M.PublicCorrespondence N.AT&TMobilityProposedBaseStation(SiteNo.CN3242A/ResultsWay,Cupertino, California/Statement ofHammett& Edison,Inc.,Consulting Engineers, dated 10/26/10 O. ExistingandProposedCoverage Maps P.PlanningCommission-approvedPlanSet Page: Tuesday,January 4, 2011CupertinoCityCouncil CupertinoRedevelopmentAgency 10.Subject:AppealoftheDirector'sdecisionallowingaparkingpadtobelocatedataduplex 9:20(60) locatedat 967 MillerAvenue RecommendedAction:Considertheappeal Description:Application:DIR-2010-30;Appellant:ErwinWolf;Applicant:LindaShen- Jung(GLSAA,LLC);Location:965-967MillerAvenue;APN:369-19-052;Application Summary:AppealofaDirector’sMinorModificationdecisiontoallowpavinginthefront yard ofanexisting duplexforthe purpose ofa parking stallat 965-967 MillerAvenue staffreport A.PlanningCommissionResolutionNo. 6619 B.Director's Minor ModificationDIR-2010-30 dated 9/23/10 C.AppealPetitionforDIR-2010-30 dated 10/5/10 D.PlanningCommissionStaffReportforAppeal ofDIR-2010-30 dated 12/14/10 Page: 11.Subject:Applicationformodificationofanexistingmixed-usedevelopment(M-2010-08) 10:20(20) locatedat 19501-19507StevensCreekBoulevard(Metropolitan) RecommendedAction:ConsideraModification(M-2010-08)totheUsePermitforthe Metropolitanmixed-use development Description:Applications:M-2010-03,EXC-2010-03,TM-2010-03(EA-2010-04); Applicant:JaneVaughan(CupertinoHousingPartners,LLC);Location:19501,19503, 19505,19507StevensCreekBlvd(Metropolitan);APN:316-49-111and316-49-112; ApplicationSummary:Amendment(M-2010-08)toaModificationapplication(M-2010-03) ofapreviously-approvedUsePermit(U-2003-04)toamendConditionNo.2(Parking)to allowtheparkingrequirementstobeincorporatedintoanappropriatealternatelegal documentasdeemedacceptabletotheCityAttorneyandDirectorofCommunity Developmentinlieu ofthecovenants,conditionsandrestrictions(CC&Rs) StaffReport A.PlanningCommissionResolutionNo. 6620 B.CityCouncilActionLetter ofOctober 7, 2010 C.Applicant'sJustificationLetter D.DraftParkingLicenseAgreementforBuilding A E.DraftParkingLicenseAgreementforBuilding B F.PlanningCommission staffreport ofDecember 14, 2010 G.Declaration ofRestrictiveCovenantforBuilding A H.Declaration ofRestrictiveCovenantforBuilding B Page: Tuesday,January 4, 2011CupertinoCityCouncil CupertinoRedevelopmentAgency 12.Subject:PlannedDevelopmentOrdinance 10:40(20) RecommendedAction:Conductthefirstreading ofOrdinanceNo. 11-2073 Description:Application:MCA-2010-06;Applicant:CityofCupertino;Location:Citywide; ApplicationSummary:MunicipalCodeAmendmenttoChapter19.48(Planned Development)tobeconsistentwiththe2010HousingElement;"AnOrdinanceoftheCity CounciloftheCityofCupertinoamendingChapter19.48(PlannedDevelopment)ofthe Cupertino MunicipalCodeto beconsistentwiththe 2010 Housing Element" StaffReport A.OrdinanceNo. 10-XXXX B.PC ModelReso C.PCStaffReport of 11-9-10 D.DraftPC Minutes of 11-9-10 E.StrikethroughversionofproposedamendmentstoChapter19.48,PlannedDevelopment (P)Zones F.StrikethroughversionofproposedamendmentstoChapter19.72,PrivateRecreation(FP) Zone G.StrikethroughversionofproposedamendmentstoChapter19.124,PlannedDevelopment Permit,ConditionalUsePermit,andVariance H.Strikethrough version of proposedamendmentstoChapter 20.04, SpecificPlans Page: UNFINISHEDBUSINESS NEWBUSINESS 13.Subject:Councilassignmentsforlocalandregional organizationsandagencies 11:00(10) RecommendedAction:Selectassignments Page:Nowrittenmaterialsin packet ORDINANCES STAFFREPORTS COUNCILREPORTS ADJOURNMENT 11:10 Tuesday,January 4, 2011CupertinoCityCouncil CupertinoRedevelopmentAgency REDEVELOPMENTAGENCYMEETING Canceledforlack of business. TheCityofCupertinohasadoptedtheprovisionsofCodeofCivilProcedure§1094.6;litigation challengingafinaldecisionoftheCityCouncil/RedevelopmentAgencymustbebroughtwithin90days aftera decisionisannounced unlessa shortertimeisrequired byState orFederallaw. Anyinterestedperson,includingtheapplicant,priortoseekingjudicialreviewofthecitycouncil’s decisionwithrespecttoquasi-judicialactions,mustfirstfileapetitionforreconsiderationwiththecity clerkwithintendaysafterthecouncil’sdecision.Anypetitionsofiledmustcomplywithmunicipal ordinancecode §2.08.096. IncompliancewiththeAmericanswithDisabilitiesAct(ADA),theCityofCupertinowillmake reasonableeffortstoaccommodatepersonswithqualifieddisabilities.Ifyourequirespecialassistance, pleasecontactthecityclerk’s officeat 408-777-3223atleast 48 hoursinadvance ofthemeeting. AnywritingsordocumentsprovidedtoamajorityoftheCupertinoCityCouncilafterpublicationofthe packetwillbemadeavailableforpublicinspectionintheCityClerk’sOfficelocatedatCityHall,10300 TorreAvenue,duringnormalbusinesshoursandinCouncilpacketarchiveslinkedfromthe agenda/minutes page on theCupertinoweb site. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ ÅÅÅÙÇÌ×ÊÈÓÎÍÍÊÕ CITYCOUNCILSTAFFREPORT Meeting:January 4, 2011 Subject AlcoholicBeverageLicense, Togo’sSandwiches,21267StevensCreekBoulevard,Suite 314 (OaksShoppingCenter). RecommendedAction ApproveapplicationforOn-SaleBeer. Description Name ofBusiness:Togo’sSandwiches Location:21267StevensCreekBoulevard,Suite 314 TypeofBusiness:Restaurant TypeofLicense:On-SaleBeer(40) ReasonforApplication:Original&AnnualFees,State&FederalFingerprints Discussion Thereare no use permitrestrictions orzoningrestrictionswhichwould prohibitthis useand staff has no objectiontotheissuance ofthelicense.LicenseType 40 authorizesthe sale of beerfor consumption on the premiseswhere sold. _____________________________________ Preparedby:TraciCaton,PlanningDepartment Reviewedby:GaryChao,CityPlanner;AartiShrivastava,Director ofCommunityDevelopment ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachment:ApplicationforAlcoholicBeverageLicense COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ ÅÅÅÙÇÌ×ÊÈÓÎÍÍÊÕ CITYCOUNCILSTAFFREPORT Meeting:January 4, 2011 Subject AlcoholicBeverageLicense,FlightWine&Food, 20333 StevensCreekBoulevard(Café Torre). RecommendedAction ApproveapplicationforOn-SaleBeerandWineforBonaFidePublic EatingPlace. Description Name ofBusiness:FlightWine&Food Location:20333StevensCreekBoulevard(Café Torre) TypeofBusiness:Restaurant TypeofLicense:On-SaleBeerandWineforBonaFidePublic EatingPlace(41) ReasonforApplication:Original&AnnualFees Discussion Thereare no use permitrestrictions orzoningrestrictionswhichwould prohibitthis useand staff has no objectiontotheissuance ofthelicense.LicenseType 41 authorizesthe sale of beer& wineforconsumption onthe premiseswhere sold. _____________________________________ Preparedby:TraciCaton,PlanningDepartment Reviewedby:GaryChao,CityPlanner;AartiShrivastava,Director ofCommunityDevelopment ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachment:ApplicationforAlcoholicBeverageLicense COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ ÅÅÅÙÇÌ×ÊÈÓÎÍÍÊÕ CITYCOUNCILSTAFFREPORT Meeting:January 4, 2011 Subject AlcoholicBeverageLicense,OneEyedSpirits, 19200StevensCreekBoulevard,Suite 200. RecommendedAction ApproveapplicationforDistilledSpiritsImporter&Wholesaler. Description Name ofBusiness:OneEyedSpirits Location:19200StevensCreekBoulevard,Suite 200 TypeofBusiness:Restaurant TypeofLicense:DistilledSpiritsImporter&Wholesaler(12, 18) ReasonforApplication:Original&AnnualFees,State&FederalFingerprints Discussion Thereare no use permitrestrictions orzoningrestrictionswhichwould prohibitthis useand staff has no objectiontotheissuance ofthelicense.LicenseTypes 12 and 18 are non-retaillicenses. _____________________________________ Preparedby:TraciCaton,PlanningDepartment Reviewedby:GaryChao,CityPlanner;AartiShrivastava,Director ofCommunityDevelopment ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachment:ApplicationforAlcoholicBeverageLicense RESOLUTIONNO.11- ARESOLUTIONOF THECITYCOUNCILOF THECITYOFCUPERTINO ACCEPTINGQUITCLAIMDEEDANDAUTHORIZATIONFORUNDERGROUND WATERRIGHTS,VIVEKANANDKARNATAKIANDDEEPTINAIK, 10122BRETAVENUE,APN 375-11-040 WHEREAS,VivekanandKarnatakiandDeeptiNaik,haveexecuteda“QuitclaimDeed andAuthorization”,whichisingoodandsufficientform,quitclaimingallrightsinand authorizingtheCityofCupertino,CountyofSantaClara,StateofCalifornia,toextractwater fromtheundergroundbasin,underlyingthatcertainrealpropertysituateintheCityofCupertino, more particularly describedasfollows: AllthatcertainrealpropertysituateintheCityofCupertino,CountyofSanta Clara,State ofCalifornia,as shownintheattached Exhibit“A”. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,thattheCityofCupertinoacceptsaid “QuitclaimDeedandAuthorization” so tendered;and ITISFURTHERRESOLVEDthattheCityClerkisherebyauthorizedtorecordsaid “QuitclaimDeedandAuthorization”andthisresolution. PASSEDANDADOPTEDataregularmeetingoftheCityCounciloftheCityof Cupertinothis 4th day ofJanuary, 2011, bythefollowing vote: VoteMembers oftheCityCouncil AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST:APPROVED: _________________________________________________ CityClerkMayor,City ofCupertino ïðïìï ïðïìð ïðïíë ïðïíì ïðïíì ïðïëï ïðïëð ïðïêï ïðïêð ïðïìç ïðïìè ïðïìè ïðïéï ïðïéð ïðïêí ïðïêî ïðïêî ïðïèï ïðïèð ïðïçï ïðïéé ïðïçð ïðïéê ïðïéê ïðîðï ïðîðð ïðïçï ïðïçð ïðïçð ïðîïï ïðîïð ïðîðë ïðîðì ïðîîï ïðîðì ïðîíï ïðîïè ïðîïç ïðîïè ïðîëï ïðîëð ïðîêë ïðîéð ïðîêì ïðîêë ïðîêì ïðîéë ïðîèð ïðîéè ïðîéè ïðîéç ïðîéë ïðîèë ïðîçð ïðîéê ïðîèë ïðîçë ïðîçî ïðíðð ïðîçí ïðîèë ïðîçî ïðîçë ïðíðë ïðíïð ïðîçë ïðíðê ïðíðé ïðíðë ïðíðê ïðíïë ïðíîð ïðíðë ïðíïë ïðíîë ïðíîð ïðíîï ïðíîð ïðíîð ïðííð ïðíìçïðíëð ïðíïë ïðíîë ïðííë ïðííð ïðíëë ïðíìð ïðíîë ïðíëê ïðííì ïðííë ïðííì ïðííë ïðíìë ïðíìð ïðíêï ïðíëð ïðíêð ïðííë ïðíìë ïðíìè ïðíìç ïðíìè ïðíëë ïðíëð ïðíêé ïðíêð ïðíêê ïðíìë ïðíëë ïðíêë ïðíêðïðíéí ïðíêî ïðíêí ïðíéð ïðíéð ïðíêî ïðíëë ïðíêë ïðíéë ïðíéç ïðíéð ïðíèð ïðíéê ïðíêë ïðíéê ïðíééïðíéë ïðíéê ïðíèí ïðíèë ïðíèð ïðíèë ïðíçð ïðíèî ïðíéë ïðíèë ïðíçï ïðíçë ïðíèð ïðíçð ïðíèï ïðíèð ïðìðð ïðíèè ïðíèë ïðíçë ïðìðë ïðìðï ïðìïï ïðìïð ïðíçî ïðíçì ïðíçë ïðíçë ïðíçì ïðìðë ïðìïë ïðìîð ïðìðë Í«¾¶»½¬æ Ï«·¬½´¿·³ Ü»»¼ ¿²¼ ß«¬¸±®·¦¿¬·±² º±® ˲¼»®¹®±«²¼ É¿¬»® η¹¸¬ô Ê·ª»µ¿²¿²¼ Õ¿®²¿¬¿µ· ¿²¼ Ü»»°¬· Ò¿·µô ïðïîî ïðìïë ïðìðè ïðìîë ïðìðç ïðìðè Þ®»¬ ߪ»²«»ò ïðìíð ïðìïë ïðìîë λ½±³³»²¼»¼ ß½¬·±²æ ß¼±°¬ λ±´«¬·±² Ò±ò ïïóÁÁÁÁÁò q ïðìîî ïðìîí ïðìîî ïðìîë ïðìíë Ü»½®·°¬·±²æ ̸» °®±°»®¬§ ±©²»® ±º ¬¸· ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¿¹®»» ¬± ¹®¿²¬ ¬± ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ¬¸» ®·¹¸¬ ¬± »¨¬®¿½¬ ©¿¬»® º®±³ ïðìíë ¬¸» ¾¿·² «²¼»® ¬¸» ±ª»®´§·²¹ °®±°»®¬§ò PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ ÅÅÅÙÇÌ×ÊÈÓÎÍÍÊÕ CITYCOUNCILSTAFFREPORT Meeting:January 4, 2011 Subject MunicipalImprovements,KellyGordonDevelopmentCorp., 10231 AmeliaCourt. RecommendedAction Accept MunicipalImprovements. Discussion TheapplicanthascompletedCity-specifiedimprovementsintheCityright-of-wayincluding sidewalk,curb&gutter,drivewayapproach,pavingandnewutilityservicesasrequiredbythe improvementagreementwiththeCity. _____________________________________ Preparedby:Chad Mosley,AssociateCivil Engineer Reviewedby: TimmBorden,Director ofPublicWorks ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachments: ïðíïê ïðíïð ïðíðð ïðíðð ïðîèì ïðîíç ïðîíç ïðîðð ïðîíï ïðîðè ðïêî ïðîíê ïðïëï ïðïíð ïðïìï ïððçð ïððëë ïððéç ïððéð ïððêç ïððëð îîîéí ïððëç ïððíð ïððíí ïððëé ïððéë ïððéé ïððéç ïððèë ïðïðï Í«¾¶»½¬æ Ó«²·½·°¿´ ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ô Õ»´´§ Ù±®¼±² Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ ݱ®°òô ïðîíï ß³»´·¿ ݱ«®¬ ïðïðê ëç λ½±³³»²¼»¼ ß½¬·±²æ ß½½»°¬ Ó«²·½·°¿´ ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ò ò ïðïïï îîîðè ïðïïë êç ïðïîêïððêî ïððéð ïðïìë ïððéî ïðïîë éç ïèç ïðïêï ïðïíë ïðïìë ïðïêë COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ ÅÅÅÙÇÌ×ÊÈÓÎÍÍÊÕ CITYCOUNCILSTAFFREPORT Meeting:January 4, 2011 Subject Appeal ofanapproval ofawireless servicefacility RecommendedAction StaffrecommendsthattheCityCouncil denytheappeal ofthePlanningCommission’s September 14, 2010 approval, based upon thereferencedattachmentsandtherecord ofthis proceeding. Thiswill permittheApplicanttoconstructa personalwireless servicefacility consisting oftwelvepanelantennasto bemounted on a 74 foottallmonopineandassociated baseequipmentto belocatedattheexistingResultsWayoffice park. Description Appeal ofthefollowingPlanningCommissionApprovals: UsePermit(U-2010-03)requesttoallowapersonalwireless servicefacility,consisting oftwelve panelantennasmounted on a 74-foottallmonopineandassociated baseequipmentlocatedatthe ResultsWayofficepark. Height Exception(EXC-2010-04)requesttoallowantennasto bemounted on amonopineata height of 67feet orlesswhere 55feetisallowed. TreeRemoval(TR-2010-31)requesttoallowtheremovalandreplacement offourCoastal Redwoodtreesassociatedwiththe proposed personalwireless servicefacility. PropertyLocation:ResultsWay(rear parkinglot)/APN 357-20-042 Applicant:DaveYocke, Trillium Telecom(forAT&T Mobility) Appellant:AllenWang,GraceChen,GuoJin PropertyOwner:ECI TwoResults,LLC Discussion Background OnNovember 1, 2010, theCityCouncil heardanappeal ofanAT&Tpersonalwireless service facilitydesignedtolooklikeatreeattheResultsWayOfficePark(AttachmentA-Council Appeal staffreportdatedNovember 1, 2010).Discussionandtestimony duringthemeetingcan bereviewedintheCityCouncilmeetingminutes(AttachmentB). TheCityCouncil directed thattheapplicantand propertyownerconsideranalternate siteforthe personalwireless service facilitylocated offtheResultsWaydrivewayentrybehindBuildingsNo.1& 2 attheentrance of the officecampus.Withtheapplicant’sconsent,the hearingwascontinuedindefinitelytogive the property ownerandapplicanttimetoevaluatethealternate site. Theapplicantandproperty owner havecompletedtheirevaluation ofthealternate site,withthe applicant suggestingseveral differentfacility designsforthelocation. Theproperty owner reviewedthe siteand designs overthelastmonthand hasrejectedthealternatelocationasa site fora personalwireless servicefacility(AttachmentC).Otheralternative sites have been suggested on thethreepropertiesthatcomposetheResultsWayOfficePark(AttachmentK). Thesealternate sites have been discussedatthepublic hearings, neighborhoodmeetingandin the staffreports(AttachmentsA&G).The propertyownerhasreviewedthesealternatesand feelsatthistimethatthe onlyfeasible siteisthe site proposedbytheapplicantandapprovedby thePlanningCommission(AttachmentC&D).Other off-sitealternate sites have been discussedinthePlanningCommissionandCityCouncil staffreports(AttachmentsA&G). ThePlanningCommissionreviewedandapprovedthis project on September 14, 2010 (4-1 vote; Miller voting no)(Attachments E-resolution,F-hearingminutes,G-Commission staffreport, M- publiccorrespondence&P-approved planset)anditsapprovalwasappealedbythreeresidents onSeptember 28, 2010 (AttachmentH). The primaryconcernsraisedbythe project opponentsattheSeptember 14, 2010 Commission hearingrelatedto perceived hazards ofradiofrequencyenergy.However,aradiofrequency study determinedthatthecumulativeradiofrequencyexposure(existingand proposed emissions)werewell belowfederal safety standards.Federallawprohibitscitiesfrommaking wirelessfacility decisions based on theenvironmentaleffects ofradiofrequencyemissionsthat meetfederal standards. Responsesto Appeal Points Theappeal pointsare describedwith staffcommentsinAttachmentA-CouncilAppeal staff report dated 11/1/10. Height Exception TheWirelessCommunicationsFacilitiesOrdinancerestrictsthemaximum height ofa personal wireless servicefacilityto 55 feet,exceptin situationswherethefacilityismounted on atall buildingwherethewirelessfacilitymay betenfeettallerthanthe building. Inall otherantennamounting situations, suchasamonopole(treepole), utility poleor utility tower,wheretheapplicant desirestomounttheantennasabovethe 55feet heightlimit, he/she mustapplyfora heightexceptionthatmay begrantedbythePlanningCommission. The height exceptionisreviewedandmaybeapprovedatapublic hearingiftherearepractical difficulties, unnecessary hardships orresultsinconsistentwiththe purposeandintent ofthis ordinancefrom strictapplication oftheregulations. Theexceptionalsomust notresultinaconditionthatis detrimental orinjuriousto property orimprovements, not be detrimentaltothe public health, safety orwelfare,and notcreatea hazardousconditionfor pedestrians orvehicletraffic. Staff hasreviewedthePlanningCommission’sactions on wirelessfacilityheightexception requests. To date,theCommission hasapprovedten heightexceptionsand denied one. The heightexceptionapprovalsrangefrom 60feetto158feet. Inthe onecasewherethePlanningCommissiondeniedthe heightexception,the decisionwas appealedbytheapplicant, butlaterwithdrawnwhentheapplicant discovered development conflictissueswiththeSantaClaraValleyWaterDistrict. ThePlanningCommissionfindingsfortheapproval ofthe project heightexceptioncan befound inResolutionNo. 6605 (Attachment E). _____________________________________ Preparedby:ColinJung,AICP,SeniorPlanner Reviewedby:GaryChao,CityPlanner&AartiShrivastava,CommunityDevelopmentDirector ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachments: A.Councilappeal staffreport dated 11/1/10 B.CityCouncil Meeting Minutesfrom 11/1/10 C.Letterfrom property owner ECI TwoResults,LLCtoAT&T dated 12/3/10 D.Emailfrom property owner ECI TwoResults,LLCtoCity&AT&T dated 12/16/10 E.LettertoApplicant&PlanningCommissionResolutionNos. 6604, 6605 &6606 F.PlanningCommission Meeting Minutesfrom 9/14/10 G.PlanningCommissionStaffReport dated 9/14/10 H.Appeal ofU-2010-03, EXC-2010-04and TR-2010-31 dated 9/28/10 I.SantaClaraCountySheriff’sLetter dated 6/23/10 J.Photosimulations ofmonopine(3) K.AT&TFacilityAlternateSitesAerial Map L.CommunicationsfromTICCommissioners M.PublicCorrespondence: EmailsandLetters N.AT&T MobilityProposedBaseStation(SiteNo.CN3242A)/ResultsWay,Cupertino, California/Statement ofHammett& Edison,Inc.,Consulting Engineers,dated 10/26/10 O. ExistingandProposedCoverageMaps P.PlanningCommission-approvedPlanSet Attachment A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ §öûä STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. ____ Meeting Date: November 1, 2010 Subject Appeal of an approval of a wireless service facility Recommendation Deny an appeal of a Planning Commission approval for a personal wireless service facility consisting of twelve panel antennas to be mounted on a 74 foot tall monopine and associated base equipment to be located at the existing Results Way office park Description Appeal of the following Planning Commission Approvals: Use Permit (U-2010-03) request to allow a personal wireless service facility, consisting of twelve panel antennas mounted on a 74-foot tall monopine and associated base equipment located at the Results Way office park. Height Exception (EXC-2010-04) request to allow antennas to be mounted on a monopine at a height of 67 feet or less where 55 feet is allowed. Tree Removal (TR-2010-31) request to allow the removal and replacement of four Coastal Redwood trees associated with the proposed personal wireless service facility. Property Location: Results Way (rear parking lot)/ APN 357-20-042 Applicant:Dave Yocke, Trillium Telecom (for AT&T Mobility) Appellant: Allen Wang, Grace Chen, Guo Jin Property Owner: ECI Two Results, LLC Background On September 14, 2010, the Planning Commission reviewed and approved (4-1 vote; Miller voting no) a proposal for a 74-foot tall AT&T wireless service monopine located in the northwest corner of the parking lot at the Results Way office park (Attachments B-resolution, C-hearing minutes, D- Commission staff report & L- approved plan set) The Commission noted that most of residents’ concerns related to perceived hazards of RF energy, and a radio frequency study determined that the cumulative radio frequency exposure (existing and proposed emissions) were well below federal safety standards. The commissioners noted that federal law prohibits cities from making wireless facility decisions based on the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions that met federal standards. Generally, the Commissioners felt that the monopine was well-designed and given its location and context, the facility would not be visually obtrusive. Commissioner Miller voted no on the project. He felt the monopine was too visible at the proposed location, being over twice the height of the existing trees. The Planning Commission hearing was well attended and comments were received from both supporters, as well as those who opposed the project. Please see Attachment I for the numerous emails and letters received. For a detailed Planning Commission hearing discussion, please refer to the September 14, 2010 Commission meeting minutes (Attachment C). The Planning Commission decision was appealed by three residents on September 28, 2010 (Attachment A – Appeal Request). Discussion The basis of the appeal is described below followed by staff comments in italics.Where the applicant has provided the response, at the request of staff, the comments are so noted: 1. The application does not meet the minimum aesthetic requirement established in City of Cupertino’s Wireless Facilities Master Plan. Appeal Point 1(a): It violates the following policy: Policy 6-1: Personal wireless service facilities should be sited to avoid visually intrusive impacts as viewed from the public right-of-way and from residential neighborhoods. “The artificial tree will be highly visible especially from nearby residents and pedestrians, passersby and commuters who traverse Bubb Road and McClellan Road.” Staff Response: The Glossary of the City’s Wireless Master Plan (p. 38) describes a visually “intrusive” impact as a wireless facility “that visually contrasts with its surroundings to the point of conflicting with it, but not to the extent of visually dominating the surroundings.” The project does not visually contradict its surroundings as it has been camouflaged as a tree and it is sited in a large landscape strip with other trees of similar shape. The Facilities Master Plan Siting and Design Guidelines for Lattice Towers and Monopoles recommends that: “Intrusive and Obtrusive monopoles should be camouflaged as artificial trees. Since such artificial trees appear more authentic when placed next to real trees, the planting of larger trees near the monopole may be a project requirement.” The project is already sited in a wide landscape berm with other trees of similar form (Coastal Redwoods). The Planning Commission approval included the rehabilitation of the irrigation system and the planting of three 24” box Coastal Redwoods in the northwest corner of the property. Trees planted in this location would have the most beneficial effect in screening views of the project for nearby Astoria residents. 2 The monopine is most visible in the vicinity of Imperial Avenue and Olive Avenue. It has limited visibility to McClellan Road as it is separated by over 1,400 feet of landscaping with tall, mature trees and over 650 feet of intervening landscaping and buildings to Bubb Road. Appeal Point 1(b): It violates the following policy: Policy 6-2: Personal wireless service facilities shall be appropriately scaled to fit harmoniously with the surrounding elements of the site and neighborhood. The proposed 74’ tall cellular phone tower will be significantly taller than its surrounding buildings. Existing surrounding structures do not exceed 30 feet; the proposed monopole will be more than 40 feet taller than existing structures. The proposed tower will be an eyesore, as it is significantly taller. Existing landscaping has a height similar to the surrounding buildings of approximately 30 feet. Staff Response: It is more appropriate to make height comparisons between the proposed monopine with the existing vegetation, rather than the buildings. The project lot is large and the topography varies. While the redwood trees (25-35 feet tall) immediately around the monopine (74 feet) are much shorter, the closest building is 265 feet away and is on a grade 10 feet higher than the proposed facility. Ideally to make the monopine blend better with the surrounding, it should be located near those existing trees of comparable height in the landscape strip; however, those taller trees directly abut residences and the 75-foot setback requirement between a wireless facility and a residential property line could not be met. The 74-foot height for the monopine is needed for two reasons: 1) The monopine must be tall enough to see over the buildings in order to provide cell coverage to residential neighborhoods and schools south of the project site; and 2)Provide an opportunity for another wireless carrier to collocation its antennas on the monopine. The City requires wireless carriers to consider collocation opportunities when they propose new monopoles in order to reduce the proliferation of new wireless facilities and if it will reduce the visual intrusiveness of having more new facilities in the area. Given the difficulty of finding suitable wireless facility sites in this area and the fact that two other wireless carriers are looking for a Monta Vista location, makes this monopine a strong candidate for collocation. AT&T has indicated to staff that the 74-foot height is the minimum height needed for the carrier to meet its coverage objectives for the area, regardless if whether the collocation of antennas is permitted in the future or not. Appeal Point 1(c ): It violates the following policy: Policy 6-3: Personal wireless service facilities shall be compatible with their surroundings so that their shape, size, color, material, and texture blend with their surroundings. It does not blend in with the current landscape. Existing landscapes have height similar to the 3 surrounding buildings, of approximately 30 feet….The proposed cell tower will be significantly taller, does not visually integrated, and does not enhance the natural appearance. Current Cupertino City Ordinance – and specifically the Monta Vista neighborhood – does not allow structures or buildings exceeding 30 feet. Staff Response: The difference in height between the monopine and surrounding structures has been answered in the previous response. The Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (CMC Section 19.108, Attachment G) permits a maximum structure height of 55 feet. Taller structure heights may be allowed with a height exception approval. New wireless facilities with similar heights have been approved by the City in the past. The wireless facility has been designed to be compatible with its surroundings with faux bark, branching limbs and needle covers on the antennas to hide the antennas (Attachment F- photosimulations). Additional conditions were approved by the Planning Commission to give the monopine a more natural appearance. They include mottling the green color of the artificial needles and shaping and adding branching to give it a more natural appearance. Another condition requires the applicant to perform regular maintenance to maintain the appearance of the monopine. 2. The application does not meet the safety requirement established in the City of Cupertino’s Wireless Facilities Master Plan. It violates the following policies: Policy 7-1: The City reserves the right to require applicants to prepare radio frequency radiation assessments for personal wireless service facilities when the general public is in reasonably close proximity to such a facility and to determine compliance with FCC Guidelines. Policy 7-2: The City shall require a radio frequency radiation assessment for all co-located antennas. (The concern is for cumulative emissions exceeding the FCC Guidelines). The radio frequency radiation study done by Hammett & Edison, Inc. Consulting Engineers, dated August 20, 2010 is outdated and was based on twelve antennas mounted at an effective height about 65 feet above ground. A new study should be done based on the bottom elevation (about 56’ above ground) of the lower tier of the antennas proposed and also the bottom elevation of future antennas proposed at lower elevations. A radio frequency radiation study should be done to calculate the combined emission by all carriers and sources at the proposed location and future towers planned by AT&T and other carriers. AT&T has not established the need for twelve antennas for this application. In last year’s application, AT&T had proposed six antennas. The City should not approve more antennas than actually needed to improve coverage. Staff Response: A last minute design change lowered the height of six of the twelve proposed antennas from 65 feet to 56 feet. An updated radio frequency study for the revised 12-antenna design (Attachment J) with the lowered tier of antennas demonstrates that the radio frequency energy exposure plus the contribution from the existing, next door, Sprint-Nextel personal wireless service facility is still well within the Federal safety standard. The maximum calculated cumulative level of radio frequency emissions at ground is 0.73% of the maximum permissible exposure (MPE). 4 At the second floor elevation of any nearby residence, the exposure is 0.92% of the MPE. On the rooftop of any nearby non-residential building, the exposure is estimated to be 2.4% of the MPE. According to the applicant, the number of antennas has changed from the initial six requested in the 2009 application to the 12 requested as part of this application because it would allow AT&T the flexibility to add additional antennas as new technology is deployed. The proposed 12 antennas have been included on all drawings, photo-simulations, project descriptions and in the City staff report. Furthermore the Hammett & Edison radio frequency energy report based its analyses and conclusions of the facility utilizing all 12 antennas operating at maximum power levels. Also, as stated in the Planning Commission staff report, staff will require a new radio frequency energy study when a future antenna collocation proposal is made. Staff normally requires a new radio frequency study whenever an antenna collocation occurs, but the City Council may add it as a requirement to its action on the appeal. 3. Planning commissioners, city staffs and residents have never seen a correct coverage map based on the proposed location. An updated coverage map with the proposed monopole correctly placed on the mentioned site should be studied and reviewed. The City should not approve a wireless facility application without even seeing a correct coverage map based on actual proposed location. Three different coverage maps have been available: The first coverage map included with the Planning Commission staff report shows the proposed facility near the intersection of Imperial Avenue and McClellan Road. If the facility is incorrectly placed on the map, then the proposed coverage area is likely wrong too. The second coverage map from AT&T’s website (www.wireless.att.com/coverageviewer/, with zip code 95014) shows good coverage for most of Monta Vista. The third coverage map was presented by AT&T’s representative at the September 14, 2010 Planning Commission Hearing shows that at the proposed facility site that there is no/limited coverage. Staff Response: Please see Attachment K for the updated coverage maps (showing existing and proposed coverage) with the location of the facility accurately depicted. The applicant states that its website (www.wireless.att.com/coverageviewer) coverage maps were developed to allow existing and potential AT&T customers the ability to view the general level of coverage in a geographic area. AT&T included a statement on the website to ensure viewers understand the limitations of the website, noting that actual coverage area may differ substantially from map graphics, and coverage may be affected by such things as terrain, weather, foliage, buildings and other construction, signal strength, customer equipment and other factors. AT&T also noted that the maps shown on the AT&T web page are intended for use for the general public and are not as detailed as the radio frequency engineering maps submitted to the city and discussed at the planning commission public hearing. The radio frequency coverage maps are based on data taken in the field and sophisticated computer programs and models that provide a graphical representation of existing coverage as well as coverage if the proposed facility is built. Wireless 5 networks are dynamic and their performance is influenced by a number of factors including the geography of the surrounding area, heights of existing trees and buildings, locations of surrounding sites and the number of users accessing the network. The level of coverage in a geographic area served by a wireless facility is also impacted by these factors. 4. It was mentioned at the Planning Commission hearing that at times cell coverage was good in Monta Vista. It was also mentioned that there was a significant degradation in coverage especially during after-school hours and after-work hours when many parents are calling their children. More than 4,400 students plus teachers and administrators arrive at school and are dismissed within a 30-60 minutes interval. Given this, if this is the problem, then capacity issues may be misconstrued as “poor coverage.” This issue still needs to be explored and discussed. The need for the facility is not clear-cut, perhaps other alternatives can resolve this issue. Staff response: The applicant states that the level of coverage in a geographic area served by a wireless facility is impacted by numerous factors, including the geography of the surrounding area, heights of existing trees and buildings, locations of surrounding (wireless facility) sites and the number of users accessing that facility at any given time. For instance, sites located near freeways usually have peak times that correspond to the peak traffic hours on the freeway. As traffic increases on the freeway, more people in the same geographic area are attempting to make calls and once the wireless network reaches capacity, no more calls can be initiated and existing calls may be dropped. So, even though there may be “coverage” in an area, the level of service may be lower than expected due to an increase in network traffic. Staff notes that the 2007 Technology, Information and Communications Commission survey of cell phone users in Cupertino documented that the Monta Vista/Kennedy Schools/Bubb Road/McClellan Road area was the number one poor cell phone coverage area in Cupertino Staff also believes that the perception of “good” cell phone coverage has also evolved over the years. Historically, consumers used cell phones when they were mobile (i.e. outdoors). Nowadays, consumers expect their cell phones to operate at work and at home (i.e. in buildings). In general, low-power radio signals are inadequate to provide good in-building coverage and wireless networks must be built-up and expanded in order to provide better in-building cell phone coverage. 5. Alternative locations and structures should expand to larger areas. Since the proposed location will not improve coverage effectively, it is necessary to study alternative locations, at nearby parks, near freeways and existing office buildings. It is also clear that a smaller structure, such as roof-mounted antennas at the center of coverage gap may suffice in improving the coverage in this area, instead of the 74-foot tall treepole. Half of Monta Vista area has good coverage, namely from Sprint-Nextel & Verizon Wireless, and yet there is no Sprint or Verizon cell phone tower near the residential area. Why is a 74-foot tall monopole the only viable solution to improve AT&T coverage? Had AT&T really explored all alternatives? Can roof-mounted antennas serve as a potential solution? 6 Staff Response:Sprint-Nextel’s wireless facility is located on Imperial Avenue next door to the Astoria Townhomes; the closest Verizon Wireless site is on the De Anza College campus. Staff has summarized AT&T’s and city staff’s 5-year search and evaluation for a suitable Monta Vista wireless facility site in the Planning Commission staff report (Attachment D). As part of their due diligence, AT&T also approached other property owners in the general area including, the following: Potential Co-Location Opportunity: 10420 Bubb Road, Cupertino – The property owner and AT&T were not interested in pursuing a lease due to lack of room for a facility. Other Alternative Locations Explored: Monta Vista High School - The project was subsequently approved by the city however, due to concerns raised by parents and neighbors, the school board declined to enter into a lease agreement to permit the facility to be constructed. At that time, suggestions were made by opponents of the project and city staff to move the location of the facility out of the residentially-zoned areas and look at commercial properties to the northeast that had sufficient space to accommodate the proposed use. 21495 McClellan Road, Cupertino –The property owner and AT&T were not interested in lease due to lack of room for a facility. Industrial Areas to the East-These were reviewed and had no available space (without taking up parking spaces) or were too close to the freeway where AT&T currently has coverage from existing facilities to the northeast and southeast. Utility Poles – these are used in extreme locations where a standard wireless facility cannot be built (steep hillsides, public right-of-way, etc.). If utility poles are used, height is compromised and it would take multiple facilities to obtain the same coverage that one standard facility (such as the one proposed) can obtain. Sites on Results Way - The applicant submitted an application to the city in 2008 to place the proposed facility near the southwest corner of the office park. This initial site was rejected by staff, so the applicant sought an alternate location in the rear parking lot landscape strip near the building. This site was reviewed at a Planning Commission hearing but the application was ultimately withdrawn because of conflicts with a utility easement. A third location on the property was proposed by the applicant in June 2010 (current proposal). Due to future development plans on the subject property and proximity to existing utility easements and overhead power lines, the current location was ultimately selected as a compromise location that met the requirements of the city while allowing AT&T to meet most of the original coverage objectives. 7 Staff notes that the Results Way Office Park consists of three separate parcels. The entire focus of the current application has been on the rear parcel that is furthest away from McClellan Road. Most other alternative sites on the properties were not feasible because of the property owner’s approved redevelopment plans, utility easements and closer proximity to residential properties. Selection of an alternative site on the other two parcels would require a separate City review. Prepared by: Colin Jung, AICP, Senior Planner Reviewed by: Gary Chao, City Planner; Aarti Shrivastava, Community Development Director Approved for Submission by: David W. Knapp, City Manager Attachments A.Appeal of U-2010-03, EXC-2010-04 and TR-2010-31 dated 9/28/10 B.Letter to Applicant & Planning Commission Resolution No. 6604 C. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from 9/14/10 D. Planning Commission Staff Report dated 9/14/10 E. Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Letter dated 6/23/10 F. Photosimulations of monopine (3) G. AT&T Facility Alternate Sites Aerial Map H. Communications from TIC Commissioners I. Public Correspondence: Emails and Letters J. AT&T Mobility Proposed Base Station (Site No. CN3242A)/Results Way, Cupertino, California/Statement of Hammett & Edison, Inc., Consulting Engineers, dated 10/26/10 K. Existing and Proposed Coverage Maps (updated) L. Planning Commission-approved Plan Set 8 ûèèûùôï÷îè÷ ûèèûùôï÷îèö ûèèûùôï÷îèõ ûèèûùôï÷îèô ûèèûùôï÷îèó ûèèûùôï÷îèò ûèèûùôï÷îèñ ûèèûùôï÷îèð ûèèûùôï÷îèï ûèèûùôï÷îèî ûèèûùôï÷îèí ûèèûùôï÷îèì COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ ÅÅÅÙÇÌ×ÊÈÓÎÍÍÊÕ CITYCOUNCILSTAFFREPORT Meeting:January 4, 2011 Subject Appeal ofaDirector'sApprovaltoallowa pavedparking stallinthefrontyard ofanexisting duplex. RecommendedAction Upholdappeal(SeeAttachmentA.PlanningCommissionResolutionNo. 6619) Description Application:DIR-2010-30Appeal Applicant:LindaShen-Jung(GLSAA,LLC) Appellant: ErwinWolf Location: 965-967 MillerAvenue,APN 369-19-052 ApplicationSummary:Appeal ofaDirector's Minor Modificationtoallow pavinginthefront yard ofanexisting duplexforthe purpose ofaparking space. Discussion Background OnSeptember 23, 2010,theDirectorofCommunityDevelopmentapprovedaDirector’s Minor Modificationtoallowthereplacement ofan 11footby 17 footturfareawith pervious stone paversinthefront setbackfor parking purposesforanexisting duplex(AttachmentB). The approvalwasappealedonOctober 5, 2010 by Mr. ErwinWolfwho ownstheadjacent duplexto the north(957-959 MillerAvenue – seeAttachmentC).His duplex sharesacommon driveway withtheapplicant’s duplex. Accordingtotheapplicant,the pavedareawill not only provideadditionalparkingonthe property, butwillimprovemaneuverabilityforresidents of both duplexes,allowing vehiclesto enterandexitatthe sametime,andallow vehiclestoturnaroundand headintotraffic. PlanningCommission OnDecember 14, 2010, thePlanningCommission heardtheappealandrecommendedthatthe Council upholdtheappeal(i.e., denytheDirector’sApproval) ona 3-2 vote(Vice-ChairLee& Kaneda voting no – seeAttachmentD). The draftCommissionmeetingminuteswill be availableattheCouncilhearing. ThePlanningCommission discussedthefollowingissuesatthe hearing: x The safety(to pedestriansand bicyclists) of havingavehicleparkedinthefront setback nexttoa driveway x Potentiallymodifyingthe sizeandthe orientation ofthe pavedarearelativetoits functionsasa parking stallandasa vehicleturnoutandturnaround x The necessity ofhavinga vehicleturnaround since onealreadyexistsatthegarages x The necessity ofhavinganadditional parking stall sincethereisavailable street parking x The precedentand desirability ofallowingparking/pavinginthelandscapedfront setback ofthis duplex The dissentingCommissionerswho did not supporttheappealfeltthat parkinginthefront setback did not posea significant safetyrisk because: x Therewere numerous other duplexes on Millerwithfront setback parking. x Therewere numerousexamples offront setbacklandscapingthat obstructsmotorist’s views ofthe sidewalk. x Thereare noreportedaccidents ofmotorists backinginto pedestrians or bicyclists. x Anyremainingriskcould beavoidedbyredesigningandreorientingthepavedarea. AppellantConcerns Theconcernsandcommentsexpressedbytheappellantare summarized below (Responses are providedinitalics): x Safety –Itis difficulttoexit drivewayinto busyMillerAvenue,especiallyforelderly tenants.Withthe proposedchangeandacarparkedinthe space,itisimpossibleto seethe sidewalkfootand bicycletraffic.Accidentswill happen. Response:There are numerous duplexes onMiller Avenuewith parkinginthefront setback area.There havebeenno reports ofvehicular/pedestrian/bicyclist accidentsinthis area because ofvehicle parkinginthefront setback.Having a car parked atthe proposed areais no differentfromthecars parked on the numerous drivewaysinfront of otherexisting duplexesintheimmediate neighborhood. x Proposed parking doesnot belongin setbackareawithout directaccessandit degradesthe appearance ofthe properties. Response:The duplex design has a largerthan normallandscapedfront setback.The parking stalltakes up 22% ofthelandscapedfront and has direct accesstothe driveway. Parkingis not prohibitedinthefront setback area and the paved areawillimprovethe maneuverability ofvehicles on thelot. Perviouspaverswill retain onsite stormwater runoff. _____________________________________ Preparedby:ColinJung,AICP,SeniorPlanner Reviewedby:GaryChao,CityPlanner;AartiShrivastava,CommunityDevelopmentDirector ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachments: A.PlanningCommissionResolutionNo. 6619 B.Director’s Minor ModificationApproval,DIR-2010-30 C.AppealPetitionfrom ErwinWolfforDIR-2010-30 D.PlanningCommissionStaffReportdatedNovember 14, 2010 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ùóèãôûðð èíêê÷ûæ÷îç÷§ùçì÷êèóîíùû è÷ð÷ìôíî÷ ÅÅÅÙÇÌ×ÊÈÓÎÍÍÊÕ CITYCOUNCILSTAFFREPORT Meeting:January 4, 2011 Subject Applicationformodificationofanexistingmixed-usedevelopment(M-2010-08)locatedat 19501-19507StevensCreekBoulevard(Metropolitan). RecommendedAction ConsideraModification(M-2010-08)totheUsePermitfortheMetropolitanmixed-use development. Description Applications:M-2010-08 Applicant:JaneVaughan(CupertinoHousingPartners,LLC)&JennyCheung Location:19501- 19507 StevensCreekBlvd(Metropolitan),APN: 316-49-999 ApplicationSummary:Amendment(M-2010-08)toaModificationapplication(M-2010-03)of apreviouslyapprovedUsePermit(U-2003-04)toamendConditionNo.2(Parking)toallowthe parkingrequirementstobeincorporatedintoanappropriatealternatelegaldocumentinlieuof thecovenants,conditionsandrestrictions(CC&Rs). Background OnDecember14,2010,thePlanningCommissionrecommendedapproval(Pleasesee AttachmentA,PlanningCommissionResolutionNo.6620)oftheamendment(M-2010-08)as requestedbytheapplicantona4-1vote(CommissionerLeevoteno)withtheadditionalfriendly amendmenttoaddJennyCheung,thenewpropertyownerof19505StevensCreekBoulevard (retailbuildingA),asanapplicant,inadditiontoJaneVaughan,representingCupertinoHousing Partnerswhoistheowneroftheotherretailbuildingat19501StevensCreekBoulevard(retail buildingB). TheCommissionerwho dissented did not provideanexplanationforthe vote. OnOctober5,2010,theCityCouncilapprovedaModification(M-2010-03)toapreviously approvedUsePermit(U-2003-04)andExceptiontotheHeartoftheCitySpecificPlan(EXC- 2010-03)toallowthefollowing: 1.Upto40%ofthetotalretailspaceasnon-retailrestrictedtoBuildingB(19501Stevens CreekBoulevard);and 2.Allowmedicaluseasanon-retailuse,withstafftoworkwiththeapplicanttodetermine thecorrectparkingcountforsurfaceparkingandundergroundparkingtoaccommodate medical use. Oneoftheconditions(ConditionNo.2)associatedwithM-2010-03alsorequiresthatthe CC&Rsofthedevelopmentbeamendedandrecordedtorequireemployeesoftheretail commercialusestoparkintheexistingavailableandunusedparkingspacesintheunderground parkinggarage,andthatsuchparkingmustbestripedforretailuseonly(PleaseseeAttachment B,CityCouncilActionLetter datedOctober 7, 2010foradditional details). Discussion Theapplicants,includingbothpropertyownersoftheretailbuildings,arerequestingapprovalof themodification(SeeAttachmentC,Applicant’sJustificationLetter)toamendtheparking condition(ConditionNo.2)toallowanalternatelegaldocument,aParkingLicenseAgreement (SeeAttachmentsDandE,DraftParkingLicenseAgreementsforbothretailbuildingslocatedat 19501and19505StevensCreekBoulevard)toberecordedthatmemorializestheparking requirements,ratherthantheCC&Rs.TheproposedchangestoConditionNo.2areoutlinedin theDecember 14, 2010 PlanningCommission staffreport(SeeAttachmentF). Thereasonsfortherequestinclude: 1.ChangingtheCC&Rsisdifficultbecauseitwouldrequireapprovalofall107residential ownersandtheirlendersasmembers ofthe homeowners’association. 2.Theundergroundsharedparkingarrangementiscontrolledviaaneasement,notbythe CC&Rs. TheCityAttorneyandstaffhavereviewedandsupportthedraftParkingLicenseAgreementsto fulfilltherequirementsoftheproposedamendedcondition.AsrecommendedbytheCity Attorney,aconditionwasadded(ConditionNo.3)requiringthepropertyownertoprovide advancenoticeofproposedchangestotheagreements,aswellasacopyofanydocument recordedinthefuturerelatedtoparking.Theapplicanthasthislanguageaddressingthis requirementintothedraftParkingLicenseAgreementswhichwillsubsequentlyberecordedif theCouncilapprovesthismodification. Follow up on theDepartment of Real EstateNotificationCondition AspartoftheconditionsofapprovalforM-2010-03,theCouncilrequiredtheapplicanttowork withstafftoreconcilepaperworkthatnotifiestheDepartmentofRealEstatethattheCity recognizesthereareonlytworetailcondominiumunits,consistingoftheretailbuildingAand buildingB. TheapplicanthassubmitteddraftDeclarationsofRestrictiveCovenants(SeeAttachmentsGand H),oneforeachbuilding,thattheapplicantwillrecordandsendtotheDepartmentofReal Estatewithacoverlettertoclarifythatseparateretailspacesineachretailbuildingcannotbe ownedbydifferentpropertyownerssinceeachretailbuildingisconsideredonecondominium unit. _____________________________________ Preparedby:AkiHondaSnelling,SeniorPlanner Reviewedby:GaryChao,CityPlannerandAartiShrivastava,CommunityDevelopment Director ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachments:A.PlanningCommissionResolutionNo. 6620 B.CityCouncilActionLetter ofOctober 7, 2010 C.Applicant’sJustificationLetter D.DraftParkingLicenseAgreementforBuildingA E.DraftParkingLicenseAgreementforBuildingB F.PlanningCommission staffreport ofDecember14, 2010 G.Declaration ofRestrictiveCovenantforBuildingA H.Declaration ofRestrictiveCovenantforBuildingB ßÌÌßÝØÓÛÒÌ ß Óóîðïðóðè Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ ÝËÐÛÎÌ×ÒÑ ïðíðð ̱®®» ߪ»²«» Ý«°»®¬·²±ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ çëðïì ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ 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MunicipalCodeto beconsistentwiththe 2007-2014Housing Element. RecommendedAction PlanningCommissionrecommendsthattheCityCouncilconductthefirstreading ofOrdinance No. 10-XXXX:“AnOrdinance oftheCityCouncil oftheCity ofCupertinoamendingthe Cupertino MunicipalCode”(MCA-2010-06)(seeAttachmentA). Description MunicipalCodeAmendmenttoChapter 19.48 (PlannedDevelopment(P)Ordinance),Chapter 19.72(PrivateRecreation(PF)ZoneOrdinance),Chapter 19.124 (PlannedDevelopmentPermits, ConditionalUsePermitsandVariancesOrdinance)andChapter 20.04(SpecificPlans Ordinance) oftheCupertino MunicipalCodeto beconsistentwiththe 2007-2014Housing Element. Discussion OnApril 6, 2010, theCityCounciladoptedthe 2007 – 2014 Housing Elementwithassociated MunicipalCodeAmendments. Througharecentreview oftheZoningOrdinance, staff has identifiedthe needforadditionalamendmentstothefollowing MunicipalCode sectionsfor consistencywiththeapprovedHousing Element: 1.Chapter 19.48 (PlannedDevelopment(P)Zones), 2.Chapter 19.72 (PrivateRecreation(FP)Zone), 3.Chapter 19.124 (PlannedDevelopmentPermits,ConditionalUsePermitsandVariances) 4.Chapter 20.04 (SpecificPlans). AmendmentCategories The proposedchangestothe ordinancecanbeclassifiedintothreemaincategories: 1.Conformance/consistencywith: a.TheHousingElementand b.Otherchapters oftheZoningOrdinance 2.Improvinggeneralreadability 3.Eliminatingredundancies/discrepancies Text boxes have been placedadjacenttotherevised ordinancelanguageforease ofreference (SeeAttachmentA,Exhibit 1).PleaserefertotheattachedNovember 9, 2010Planning Commissionstaffreport(AttachmentB)forthespecific discussions ofthe ordinance amendments. AmendmentDetails Chapter 19.48 - PlannedDevelopment(P)Zones ConsistentwiththeHousingElement,ordinancelanguageischangedtoclarifythat developmentsinPlannedDevelopmentZonesmaybeapprovedwiththeissuanceofaPlanned DevelopmentPermitasopposedtoaConditionalUsePermit. Additionally,sincetheplanneddevelopmentpermitprocessisdescribedinChapter19.124 (PlannedDevelopmentPermits,ConditionalUsePermitsandVariances),informationrelatedto processingaplanneddevelopmentpermithasbeenmovedfromChapter19.48(Planned Development(P)Zones)toChapter19.124.Thisisbeingproposedtoimprovereadabilityand eliminaterepetitionsintheZoningCode.Noamendmentsareproposedtothe process. Chapter 19.124 – PlannedDevelopment Permits,ConditionalUse Permits and Variances Theapplicationrequirements,processing,approvalauthorityandfindingsfortheissuanceofa planneddevelopmentpermit,conditionalusepermitoravarianceareprescribedinChapter 19.124.Thissectionhasbeenre-arrangedtoenhancereadabilityandclarifyrequirementsfor eachpermittype. TheCityAttorneyhasadditionallyrecommendedchangestothefindingsforvariancesinorder to beconsistentwithStateLaw. These have beenincorporatedintothe draft ordinance. Chapter 19.72 – Private Recreation(FP)Zones ThePrivateRecreationOrdinancecurrentlyreferstoChapter19.48fordevelopmentsrequiring ConditionalUsePermits.TherevisioninthissectionmovesthereferencetoChapter19.124 (PlannedDevelopmentPermit,ConditionalUsePermitandVariance). Chapter 20.04 – Specific Plans Chapter20.04currentlystatesthatzoningdistrictsthataregovernedbyaspecificplanmustbe designatedPlannedDevelopment(PD).TheCity’sZoningMapdoesnothaveaPDdesignation. ThisreferencehasbeencorrectedtostatethatsuchzonesmustbedesignatedasPlanned Development(P)zoningdistrictsconsistentwithChapter 19.48 andChapter 19.124. PlanningCommission OnNovember 9, 2010, thePlanningCommissionreviewedtheproposed ordinancechangesand unanimouslyrecommendedthattheCounciladoptthemodificationas proposed. EnvironmentalConsideration The proposed ordinanceamendmentsareCEQAExempt undertheGeneralRule Exemption (Section 15601(b)(3)).Thisexemptionisallowedfor projectswhereitcanbe seenwithcertainty thatthereis no possibilitythattheactivityin questionmay havea significanteffect on the environment. _____________________________________ Preparedby:GaryChao,CityPlanner Reviewedby:AartiShrivastava,CommunityDevelopmentDirector ApprovedforSubmissionby:DavidW.Knapp,CityManager Attachments: A.OrdinanceNo. 10-XXXX B.PlanningCommissionModelResolution C.PlanningCommissionStaffReport,November 9,2010 D.DraftPlanningCommission Meeting Minutes,November 9, 2010 E.Strikethrough version ofproposedamendmentstoChapter 19.48, PlannedDevelopment (P)Zones F.Strikethrough version ofproposedamendmentstoChapter 19.72, PrivateRecreation(FP) Zone G.Strikethrough version ofproposedamendmentstoChapter 19.124, PlannedDevelopment Permit,ConditionalUsePermit,andVariance H.Strikethrough version ofproposedamendmentstoChapter 20.04, SpecificPlans A ATTACHMENT OrdinanceNo. 10.XXXX ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCUPERTINO AMENDINGTOCHAPTER 19.48 (PLANNEDDEVELOPMENT(P)ZONES), CHAPTER 19.72 (PRIVATERECREATION(FP)ZONE),CHAPTER 19.124 (PLANNEDDEVELOPMENT PERMITS,CONDITIONALUSEPERMITSAND VARIANCES)ANDCHAPTER 20.04 (SPECIFIC PLANS)OFTHECUPERTINO MUNICIPALCODETOBECONSISTENT WITHTHE 2010 HOUSING ELEMENT. THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCUPERTINOORDAINSASFOLLOWS: Section 1.StatementofPurpose. Thisordinanceamendmentclarifieslanguageregardingstorageandparkingof vehicles. Section 2.CodeAmendment. 1.Chapter19.48,entitled“PlannedDevelopment(P)Zones,”oftheCupertino Municipal Code, is amendedtoread asshown in Exhibit 1; 2.Sections19.72.040and19.72.050inChapter19.72,entitled“PrivateRecreation(FP) Zone,”oftheCupertinoMunicipalCodeareamended,toreadasshowninExhibit 2; 3.Chapter19.124,entitled“PlannedDevelopmentPermits,ConditionalUsePermits andVariances,”oftheCupertinoMunicipalCodeisamended,toreadasshownin Exhibit 3; and 4.Section20.04.040inChapter20.04,entitled“SpecificsPlans,”oftheCupertino Municipal Code is amended,toread asshown in Exhibit 4. Section 3.Severability. ShouldanyprovisionofthisOrdinance,oritsapplicationtoanypersonor circumstance,bedeterminedbyacourtofcompetentjurisdictiontobeunlawful, unenforceableorotherwisevoid,thatdeterminationshallhavenoeffectonanyother provisionofthisOrdinanceortheapplicationofthisOrdinancetoanyotherpersonor circumstanceand,tothatend,theprovisionshereofareseverable.TheCityCouncil declaresthatitwouldhaveadoptedthisordinanceandeachsection,subsection, sentence,clause,phraseorportionthereofirrespectiveofthefactthatanyoneormore sections,subsection,sentenceclause,phrasesorportionsbedeclaredvalidor unconstitutional. Section 4.EffectiveDate. ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinforcethirty(30)daysfromandafteradoption as providedbyGovernment CodeSection 36937. 1 Section 5.Certification. The City Clerkshallcertifytothe passage and adoptionofthisOrdinance andshallgive noticeofitsadoptionasrequiredbylaw.PursuanttoGovernmentCodeSection36933, asummaryofthisOrdinancemaybepublishedandpostedinlieuofpublicationand postingofthe entiretext. Section 6.CEQA. Becausethisordinancemakespurelyproceduralchanges,andimprovementsto readability,thisordinanceisexemptfromCEQAreviewpursuanttoCEQAGuidelines section 15061(c)(3). Section 7.Continuity. TotheextenttheprovisionsofthisOrdinancearesubstantiallythesameasprevious provisionsoftheCupertinoMunicipalCode,theseprovisionsshallbeconstruedas continuationsofthose provisions andnot as amendmentsofthe earlier provisions. INTRODUCEDataregularmeetingoftheCupertinoCityCouncilthe____day of___________2011andENACTEDataregularmeetingoftheCupertinoCityCouncil onthis ____ of __________ 2011 bythefollowingvote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST:APPROVED: City ClerkMayor, Cityof Cupertino E1 XHIBIT CHAPTER 19.48: PLANNEDDEVELOPMENT(P)ZONES Section 19.48.010Purpose. 19.48.020Applicabilityofregulations. 19.48.030 Establishmentof districts–Permitted andconditionaluses. 19.48.040ZoningorPrezoning. 19.48.050PlannedDevelopmentPermit. 19.48.010 Purpose. A.Theplanneddevelopment(P)zoningdistrictisintendedtoprovideameansof guidinglanddevelopmentorredevelopmentoftheCitythatisuniquelysuitedfor plannedcoordinationoflandusesandtoprovideforagreaterflexibilityoflanduse intensityanddesignbecauseofaccessibility,ownershippatterns,topographical considerations, andcommunity designobjectives. B. Theplanneddevelopmentzoningdistrictisspecificallyintendedtoencourage varietyinthedevelopmentpatternofthecommunity;topromoteamoredesirable livingenvironment;toencouragecreativeapproachesinlanddevelopment;toprovide ameansofreducingtheamountofimprovementsrequiredindevelopmentthrough betterdesignandlandplanning,toconservenaturalfeatures,tofacilitateamore aestheticandefficientuseofopenspaces,andtoencouragethecreationofpublicor privatecommonopenspace. 19.48.020ApplicabilityofRegulations. Nobuilding,structureorlandshallbeusedandnobuildingorstructureshallbe erected,enlargedorstructurallyaltered,ordemolished,inanyplanneddevelopment zoning district, exceptin accordancewiththe provisionssetforth inthischapter. 19.48.030 EstablishmentofDistricts–Permitted and ConditionalUses. A.Planneddevelopment zoning districtsmaybe established,modifiedorremoved fromthezoningmap,andtheregulationsapplicabletoanyplanned development districtmaybeestablished,modifiedordeletedinaccordwiththeprocedures described inthischapter. B. AllPdistrictsshallbeidentifiedonthezoningmapwiththelettercoding“P” followedbyaspecificreferencetothegeneraltypeofuseallowedintheparticular planningdevelopmentzoningdistrict.Forexample,aplanneddevelopmentzoning districtinwhichtheusesaretobegeneralcommercialinnature,wouldbedesignated “P(CG).”Aplanneddevelopmentzoningdistrictinwhichtheusesareintendedtobe amixofgeneralcommercial andresidentialwouldbe designated“P(CG/Res).” C. PermittedusesinaPzoningdistrictshallconsistofalluseswhichare permittedinthezoningdistrictwhichconstitutesthedesignationfollowingtheletter 1 coding“P.”Forexample,thepermittedusesinaP(CG)zoningdistrictarethesame useswhich are permitted in a CG zoning district. D. Conditionaluses inaP zoningdistrictshallconsistof alluseswhichrequirethe issuanceofaconditionalusepermitinthezoningdistrictwhichconstitutesthe designationfollowingthelettercoding“P.”Forexample,theconditionalusesinaP (CG)zoningdistrictarethesameuseswhichrequireaconditionalusepermitinCG zoningdistrict.EachconditionaluseinaPzoningdistrictrequiresaseparate conditionaluse permit. E. ThegeneralcategoryofusesinaPzoneshallbedefinedatthetimeofthe conceptualplan,andshallbeconsistentwiththeadoptedGeneralPlanrelativetothe propertyintheapplication.Thedevelopmentstandardsandregulationsofthe permittedandconditionalusesshallbeestablishedinconjunctionwiththeapprovalof theconceptual and definitive plans. 19.48.040ZoningorPrezoning. A.Application-TheapplicantforaPzoningdistrictshall,atthetimeofthe application,submittotheDirectorofCommunityDevelopmentaconceptual developmentplan,whichwillincludeageneraldescriptionoftheproposeduses,the proposedtraffic-circulationsystem,atopographicalmapofthesiteandtheneighboring properties,alandscapingplan,andanyotherinformationrequiredbytheDirectorof CommunityDevelopment,thePlanningCommission,ortheCityCouncil.TheDirector ofCommunityDevelopmentshallprovidetheapplicantwithadetailedlistof informationrequiredfor a conceptual development plan. B.Process andReviewAuthority– 1.Applicationsforthezoning,prezoningorrezoningofpropertyshallbe processedinthemannerprescribedinChapter19.120-,AmendmentstotheZoning MapsorZoningRegulations. 2.Uponfinalapprovaloftheapplication,theCityCouncilshallenactanordinance zoningorprezoningthesubjectpropertyorpropertiesasaplanneddevelopmentzone, incorporatingwithinsuchordinancetheconceptual plan andconditionsof approval. C.Findings–Nosuchordinancemaybeadoptedunless,inadditiontomakingthe findingsrequiredbyChapter19.120,AmendmentstotheZoningMapsorZoning RegulationsOrdinance,,thefollowingfindings aremade: 1. Thattheconceptualdevelopmentplanattachedtotheapplicationisconsistent withboththeGeneralPlanandanyunderlyingzoningdesignationwhichregulatesthe site; 2. Thattheconceptualdevelopmentplanprovidesforanorganizedandunified systemoflandusesandlanduseintensitieswhichwouldbecompatiblewiththe surroundingneighborhood; 3. Thattheconceptualdevelopmentplanforaresidentialuseensuresthatthe proposeddevelopmentprovidesadequateactiveandpassiveorientedopenspace withinthedevelopmenttosatisfytheneedsoffutureresidentsand,further,thatthe proposeddevelopmentprovidesadequatelandscapingthatwillfunctioninamanner whichwill enhancethe individual development andthecommunity as a whole; 4. Thattheconceptualdevelopmentplanensuresthatthelocationofthesitewith respecttomajorthoroughfaresandusesoutsidethezonewouldnotcreateundueand unreasonabletrafficcongestion inthe area; 5. Thattheconceptualdevelopmentplanmakesprovisionsforadequateparking, waste disposal andundergroundingofutilities. D. Modifications-Any modificationoftheconceptual planrequiresthe submissionof a rezoning application. 19.48.050. PlannedDevelopment Permit. A.ProcessandReviewAuthority-Priortoanydevelopmentwithinaplanned developmentzoningdistrict,theapplicantmustobtainaplanneddevelopmentpermit approvingthedevelopmentpursuanttotherequirementsofChapter19.124,Planned DevelopmentPermits, ConditionalUsePermits andVariances. B. CombinedApplications-Nothinginthischapterisintendedtoprohibita combinedapplicationforzoningandplanneddevelopmentpermittobeconsideredat thesamepublichearing.Combinedapplicationsshallbeprocessedandreviewedas providedbySection 19.04.090, CombinedApplicationfor LandUse Entitlements. E2 XHIBIT CHAPTER 19.72: PRIVATERECREATION(FP)ZONE 19.72.040ConditionalUses–Use PermitRequired. Thefollowingusesmaybepermittedinprivaterecreation(FP)zones,subjecttothe securingofaconditionalusepermitineachseparatecase.Attheinceptionofa rezoningtotheFPclassification,suchrezoningshallbeaccompaniedbyasimultaneous requestforusepermit approval.Theusepermitreviewprocedureshallbe asdescribed inChapter19.124,PlannedDevelopmentPermits,ConditionalUsePermitsand Variances. A.OutdoorUsesPermittedbyConditionalUsePermitIssuedbythePlanning Commission: 1. Equestriancenter includingriding academies,stablesandhorserental, 2.Practicerangefor archeryorfirearms, 3.Golfcoursewithorwithout drivingrange, 4.Swimandracquetclub, 5.Swimming, divingorrelatedsportscenter, 6.Picnic areas, 7.Racquetsportscenterfortennis,racquetball,badminton andsimilar activities, 8.Specialtyoutdooractivitycenterencompassingoneormoreofthefollowingor similaruses: a.Rollerskating, b.Skateboarding, c. Lawnbowling,bocceball, d.Miniaturegolf, e. Waterslide, 9. Commercial athleticfieldforoneormoreofthefollowingorsimilaruses: a. Baseball,softballorbattingcagetraining, b.Football, c.Soccer, d.Volleyball, e.Fieldhockey, f. Basketball, 10.Amusementparkswithorwithoutridesor live entertainment, 4 11.Bicyclemotocrosscourse/go-carttrackorsimilarspecialtyraceway,but excludingfacilitiesforracingof automobilesormotorcycles, 12.Airsportsfieldforhanggliding,ultralightaircraftorballooning,butexcluding commoncarrier passenger aircraftservice, 13.OtheroutdoorrecreationuseswhicharefoundbytheCity CouncilorPlanning Commissiontobeofsimilarintensityandcharacteristicsofusetothoseenumeratedin thissubdivision; B.IndoorUsesPermittedbyConditionalUsePermitIssuedbythePlanning Commission: 1.Museums andgalleries, 2.Theatersforfilm,stageormusic entertainment, 3.Specialtyindooractivitycenterencompassingoneormoreofthefollowingor similaruses: a. Bowling, b.Videogames, c.Pool,billiards, d.Martial arts, e.Iceorrollerskatingrink, 4.Personalfitnessorsportstrainingcenterwithprimarylocationoffacilitiesand equipment enclosedwithin a structure, 5.Dancehallorfacilityfor dance instruction, 6.OtherindoorrecreationuseswhicharefoundbytheCityCouncilorPlanning Commissiontobeofsimilarintensityandcharacteristicsofusetothoseenumeratedin thissubsection. E3 XHIBIT CHAPTER19.124:PLANNEDDEVELOPMENTPERMITS,CONDITIONALUSE PERMITSANDVARIANCES Section 19.124.010AuthorityoftheDirectorofCommunityDevelopment. 19.124.020Applicationfor planned development permit. 19.124.030Applicationforconditionaluse permitorvariance. 19.124.040ActionbytheDirector. 19.124.050 Noticeof publichearing. 19.124.060ActionbythePlanning Commission. 19.124.070Actionbythe CityCouncil. 19.124.080Planned developmentpermit andconditionaluse permit–Findingsand conditions. 19.124.090Variance–Findings andconditions. 19.124.100 Effective date. 19.124.110 Expiration,extension andrevocation. 19.124.120 Expansionof planneddevelopmentorconditionaluses. 19.124.130Changeofuse. 19.124.140 Concurrent applications. 19.124.010AuthorityoftheDirectorofCommunityDevelopment. Subjecttotheprovisionsofthischapterandgeneralpurposeandintentofthistitle, theDirectorof CommunityDevelopmentmaygrantthefollowing: A.AnydevelopmentpermitswhichareauthorizedtobeissuedbytheDirector pursuanttoanyprovisionofthistitle.Allotherplanneddevelopmentpermitsand conditionalusepermitsshallbeissuedbyeitherthePlanningCommissionortheCity Council, as providedbythistitle; B.Avariancefromthesitedevelopmentregulationsandparkingandloading regulations(exceptthosehandicappedparkingregulationsmandatedbyStatelaw) applicablewithin anydistrict establishedbythistitle; C.Avariancefromthespecialconditionsthatapplytositedevelopmentand parkingandloadingregulations(includingconditionsattachedtoplanned developments) applicablewithin any districtestablishedbythistitle. D.Arequestforreasonableaccommodationmadebyanypersonwithadisability, whenthestrictapplicationoftheprovisionswithinresidentialdistricts,actasabarrier tofairhousingopportunities, pursuantto Chapter 19.50. 6 19.124.020Application for PlannedDevelopment Permit A.Anapplicationforaplanneddevelopmentpermit,maybemadebytheowner ofrecord,orhis agent,of propertyforwhichthe planned development issought. B.ApplicationshallbemadetotheDirector,onaformprovidedbytheCity,and shallcontainthefollowing: 1.Adescriptionandmapshowingthelocationofthepropertyforwhichthe permit issought; 2.Adefinitivedevelopmentplan,consistentwiththeconceptualdevelopment plan andconditionsofapprovalofthe zoning,forthe entire property; 3.Architecturaldrawingsofthe proposed development; 4.Mapsshowingthe locationsofbuildings; 5.Renderingsshowingbuildingheights andsquarefootages; 6.Mapsshowingthe precise locationofroads,streets, alleysand access points; 7.Atraffic analysis; and 8.Aconstruction plan, 9.SuchadditionalinformationastheDirectormaydeempertinentandessentialto the application. C.ApplicationshallbeaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedbyCityCouncil resolution,no partofwhichshallbereturnabletothe applicant. 19.124.030Application forConditionalUsePermitorVariance. InadditiontoallinformationrequiredpursuanttoSection19.124.020,Applicationfor PlannedDevelopmentPermit,thefollowing informationshallbe provided: A.Iftheapplicationisforaconditionalusepermit,plansand/ordescriptionsof existingandproposedusesoftheproperty,anddescribingindetailthenatureofthe use proposaltobeconductedonthe property; B.Iftheapplicationisforavariance,plansand/ordescriptionsofexistingand proposedconstructiononthepropertyinvolved,togetherwithastatementofthe circumstanceswhichjustifythevarious applications. 19.124.040Action bytheDirector. A.UnlessotherwiseprovidedbySection19.04.090,CombinedApplicationforLand UseEntitlements,thefollowingactionsshallbetakenbytheDirectortoprocessan applicationfor a planned development permit,conditionaluse permitorvariance: 1.Uponreceiptofacompleteapplicationforaplanneddevelopmentpermit, conditionalusepermitorvariance,theDirectorshall,withinthirtydaysfromthe datetheapplicationisdeemedbytheDirectortobecomplete,setadateforapublic hearinguponthematter at a regularorspecialmeetingofthePlanning Commission, unlesstheapplicationisdivertedforadministrativeapproval,pursuanttoChapter 19.132,AdministrativeApprovalofMinorChangesinProjects.Thepublichearing shallcommencewithinsixtydaysofthedateitisset.Iftheapplicationisfora planneddevelopmentpermitforanindividualsingle-storyortwo-storysingle familyresidencethatdirectlyincorporatesChapter19.28(SingleFamilyResidential (R1)Zones)standards,theDirectorshalldiverttheapplicationtobeprocessedasset forthinChapter19.134,ArchitecturalandSiteReview,forapprovalbytheDesign Review Committee. B.TheDirectorshallendeavortoforwardawrittenreporttotheCityCounciland PlanningCommissionoftheactionhe/shehastakenoneachapplicationforplanned development permit,conditionaluse permits andvariances. 19.124.050NoticeofPublicHearing. Noticeofanypublichearingunderthischaptershallbegiveninthesamemanneras providedinChapter19.120,AmendmentstotheZoningMapsandZoningRegulations, ofthistitle. 19.124.060Decision afterHearing. A.Atthetime and placesetforhearing,theDirector,Planning Commissionor City Council, asthecasemaybe,shallhear evidenceforor againstsuch application. Within areasonabletime aftertheconclusionofthehearing,theDirector,Commissionor Councilshallmakefindings andshallrender a decisiononthe applicationwhichis supportedbythe evidencecontained intheapplicationor presented atthehearing. B.Inthe eventthatthe decisionbytheDirector,ortheCommission, is a finalone,then such decisionissubjecttothe appeal procedurescontained in Chapter 19.136, Appeals. 19.124.070.Action bythe PlanningCommission. A.Forplanneddevelopmentpermits,thePlanningCommissionisthefinaldecision makingbodyiftheapplicationisfornewdevelopmentoflessthanfivethousand squarefeetofcommercialorlessthantenthousandsquarefeetforindustrialand/or officeuse,orlessthaneightresidentialunits.Forallotherplanneddevelopmentpermit applications,thePlanningCommissionshallmakearecommendationtotheCity Council. B.ForallpermitssubjecttothisChapterexceptthoseregulatedbysubsectionAofthis section19.124.070,thereviewprocessshallbeasspecifiedintheChapterofthiscode thatspecifiesthe zoningclassificationthat appliestothe property in question. C.TheDirectorshallendeavortoforwardawrittenreportdescribingPlanning Commission decisionstothe CityCouncilwithinfivecalendar daysfromthe dateofthe decision.IfaPlanningCommissiondecisionisadvisorytotheCityCouncil,the DirectorshallendeavortoforwardthePlanningCommission’srecommendationsand findingstothe City Councilwithinfifteen daysofthe Commission’s decision. 19.124.070Action bytheCityCouncil. UponreceiptofarecommendationofthePlanningCommission,theCityCouncil may approve,modify,or disapprovetherecommendationofthePlanning Commission. 19.124.080 PlannedDevelopment Permit andConditionalUse Permit–Findings and Conditions. A.Thedecisionmakermaygrantaplanneddevelopmentpermitoraconditional use permitonly if all ofthefollowingfindings aremade: 1.Theproposeddevelopmentand/oruse,attheproposedlocation,willnotbe detrimentalorinjurioustopropertyorimprovementsinthevicinity,andwillnotbe detrimentaltothe publichealth,safety,generalwelfare,orconvenience; 2.Theproposeddevelopmentand/orusewillbelocatedandconductedina mannerinaccordwiththeCupertinoComprehensiveGeneralPlan,underlyingzoning regulations, andthe purposeofthistitle. B.Thedecisionmakermayimposewithreasonableconditionsorrestrictionsashe deemsnecessarytosecurethepurposeofthistitleandtoassureoperationofthe developmentand/oruseinamannercompatiblewithexistingandpotentialuseson adjoining propertiesand inthegeneralvicinity. C.Permitsareapprovedforatwo-yearperiodoralongerperiodoftimetobe determinedbythe decision-makingbody. 19.124.090Variance–Findings and Conditions. A.TheDirectormaygrantavariancefromthesitedevelopmentregulations,the parkingandloadingregulationsorthespecialrequirementsofthistitleapplicable within any district, iftheDirectorfinds: 1.Therearespecialcircumstancesapplicabletotheproperty(includingsize, shape,topography,locationorsurroundings)thatdonotapplygenerallytopropertyin thesame district; 2.Thespecialcircumstancesapplicabletothepropertydeprivethepropertyof privilegesenjoyedbyotherpropertyinthevicinityandunderidenticalzoning classification. 3.Theissuanceofthevariancewillnotconstituteagrantofspecialprivileges inconsistentwiththelimitationsuponotherpropertiesinthevicinityandzoningin whichsuch property issituated. 4.Thevarianceisnotbeingissuedforthepurposeofallowingausethatisnot otherwiseexpresslyauthorizedbythezoneregulationgoverningtheparcelofthe property. 5.Thegrantingofthe applicationwillnotbe detrimentalor injuriousto propertyor improvementsinthevicinityandwillnotbedetrimentaltothepublichealth,safety, andgeneralwelfare,orconvenience, andtosecurethe purposeofthetitle. 19.124.100 EffectiveDate. Aplanneddevelopmentpermit,conditionaluseorvarianceshalltakeeffectten workingdaysfollowingthemailingofthenoticeofdecision,unlessanappealisfiledas provided in Chapter19.136,Appeals. 19.124.110 Expiration, Extension and Revocation. A. Expiration. 1.Aplanneddevelopmentpermit,conditionalusepermitorvariancewhichhas notbeenusedwithintwoyearsfollowingitsissuance,shallbecomenullandvoidand ofnoeffect,unlessashorterorlongertimeperiodisspecificallyprescribedinthe conditionsofsuchpermitorvariance.Apermitorvarianceshallbedeemedtobe "used"whenactualsubstantialandcontinuousactivityhastakenplaceupontheland subjecttothepermitorvarianceor,intheeventoftheerectionofastructureor structures,whensufficientbuildingactivityhasoccurredandcontinuestooccurina diligentmanner. 2.Notwithstandingsubsection1ofthissection,iftheuseforwhichaconditional usepermitwasgrantedandutilizedhasceasedorhasbeensuspendedforoneyearor more,said permitbecomesnullandvoid. 3.Unlessavariancehasexpiredpursuanttosubsection1ofthissection,itshall continuetoexistforthelifeoftheexistingstructureorsuchstructureasmaybe constructedpursuanttothevarianceapprovalunlessadifferenttimeperiodisspecified initsissuance.Avariancefromtheparkingandloadingregulationsshallbevalidonly duringtheperiodofcontinuousoperationsoftheuseand/orstructureforwhichthe variancewas issued. B.Extensions.Thedecisionmakergrantingtheoriginalplanneddevelopment permit,conditionalusepermitorvariancemay,withoutpublichearing,extendthetime fortheuseofsuchpermitorvarianceforamaximumofoneyearonly,upon applicationfiledbytheapplicantwiththeDirectorpriortoexpiration.Upontimely filingofanextensionrequestwiththeDirector,thetimeforwhichapermitorvariance mustbeusedshallbeautomaticallyextendeduntiltherequestisheardbythedecision maker. C.Revocation.Inanycasewhere,inthejudgmentoftheDirector,substantial evidence indicatesthattheconditionsof a planned development permit,conditionaluse permitorvariancehavenotbeen implemented,orwherethe permitorvariance isbeing conductedinamannerdetrimentaltothepublichealth,safety,andwelfare,the Directorshallsetadateforapublichearingbeforethedecisionmakergrantingthe originalpermitorvariance,andnoticeapublichearinginaccordancewithSection 19.124.050, NoticeofPublicHearing,ofthiscode. 19.124.120 Expansionor Modificationof PlannedDevelopmentorConditionalUse Permits. A.Anysignificantexpansioninbuildingsizeonsiteareaofaplanned developmentoranysignificantincreaseofaconditionaluseshallnecessitatethe issuanceofanewplanneddevelopmentpermitorconditionalusepermitforthe expansion in accordwiththe provisionsofthischapter. B.Anymodificationtoapreviouslyapprovedplanneddevelopmentpermit shallrequireanapplicationforamodificationtotheoriginalpermitandshallbe processedpursuanttotherequirementsofthisChapter,unlesstheapplicationis divertedforadministrativeapproval,pursuanttoChapter19.132,Administrative ApprovalofMinor Changes inProjects. C. Noapplicationsforaplanneddevelopmentpermitorconditionaluse permitshallbenecessaryforexistinguseswhichwerelawfulconformingpermitted usesandwhichwererenderedconditionalbyreasonofrezoningorchangetothistitle, providedthatanyexpansioninthebuildingsiteorsiteareaofsuchuseshallbesubject totheissuanceofaplanneddevelopmentpermitorconditionalusepermitinaccord withthischapter. 19.124.130ChangeofUse. 1. Achangefromaconditionaluseorapermittedusetoanotherpermitteduse requiresamodificationoftheplanneddevelopmentpermit,unlesstheproposeduse doesnotchangethegeneralappearanceoftheprojectanddoesnotchangehowthe property interactswithneighboring properties. 2. Achangefromapermitteduseoraconditionallypermittedusetoadifferent conditionaluserequiresthe issuanceofseparateconditionaluse permit. 19.124.140ConcurrentApplications. Notwithstandinganyprovisioninthistitletothecontrary,anyapplicationfora planneddevelopmentpermit,conditionalusepermitorvariancewhichwould normallybeissuedbytheDirectorofCommunityDevelopmentorthePlanning Commissionmay,atthediscretionoftheDirector,beprocessedconcurrentlywith applicationsforGeneralPlanamendments,zoningchanges,subdivisionmapsorother approvalswhichrequire CityCouncil approval. E4 XHIBIT CHAPTER 20.04: SPECIFIC PLANS 20.04.040ZoningDistrictApplicableto a SpecificPlan. Allareasgovernedbyaspecificplanshallbezonedasaplanneddevelopment(P) zoningdistrictunderChapter19.48oftheCity’sOrdinanceCodeandallregulations governinglanduseapprovalsinaplanneddevelopmentzoneshallbeapplicableto specificplans.Aproposalforspecificplanmaybecombinedwithanyapplicationfor landuse entitlementsinthe City’s planned development zoning districts. 12 ATTACHMENTB MCA-2010-06 CITYOF CUPERTINO 10300TorreAvenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6618 OFTHEPLANNING COMMISSIONOFTHE CITYOF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDINGAPPROVALTOTHE CITY COUNCILAMENDMENTSTO CHAPTER 19.48 (PLANNEDDEVELOPMENT(P)ZONES), CHAPTER 19.72 (PRIVATERECREATION(FP)ZONE), CHAPTER 19.124 (PLANNEDDEVELOPMENT PERMITS, CONDITIONALUSEPERMITSANDVARIANCES)AND CHAPTER 20.04 (SPECIFICPLANS)OFTHE CUPERTINOMUNICIPAL CODETO BE CONSISTENT WITHTHE 2010 HOUSING ELEMENT. ThePlanningCommissionrecommendsapprovaloftheproposedamendmentstothe CityofCupertinoMunicipalCodeasshowninAttachmentAoftheJanuary4,2010 City Councilstaffreport. PASSEDANDAPPROVEDthis 9dayofNovember2010,ataRegularMeetingofthe h Planning Commissionofthe Cityof Cupertinobythefollowingrollcallvote: AYES:COMMISSIONERS: Chairperson Brophy,Vice Chair lee, Miller,Kaneda, Giefer NOES:COMMISSIONERS:none ABSTAIN:COMMISSIONERS:none ABSENT:COMMISSIONERS:none ATTEST:APPROVED: AartiShrivastavaPaul Brophy, Chair Directorof CommunityDevelopmentPlanning Commission ûèèûùôï÷îèù ÑÚÚ×ÝÛ ÑÚ ÝÑÓÓËÒ×ÌÇ ÜÛÊÛÔÑÐÓÛÒÌ Ý×ÌÇ ØßÔÔ éîëëøüçøïèøúèíøëéôïîúü ÷üå °´¿²²·²¹à½«°»®¬·²±ò±®¹ ÐÔßÒÒ×ÒÙ ÝÑÓÓ×ÍÍ×ÑÒ ÍÌßÚÚ ÎÛÐÑÎÌ Ò±ª»³¾»® çô îðïð ß¹»²¼¿ ׬»³ Ò±ò ß¹»²¼¿ Ü¿¬»æ æ ÓÝßóîðïðóðê ß°°´·½¿¬·±² Ý·¬§ ±º Ý«°»®¬·²± ß°°´·½¿²¬æ Ó«²·½·°¿´ ݱ¼» ß³»²¼³»²¬ ¬± ݸ¿°¬»® ïçòìè øд¿²²»¼ ß°°´·½¿¬·±² Í«³³¿®§æ Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ øÐ÷ Ñ®¼·²¿²½»÷ô ݸ¿°¬»® ïçòéî øЮ·ª¿¬» λ½®»¿¬·±² øÐÚ÷ Ʊ²» Ñ®¼·²¿²½»÷ô ݸ¿°¬»® ïçòïîì øд¿²²»¼ Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ л®³·¬ô ݱ²¼·¬·±²¿´ Ë» л®³·¬ ¿²¼ Ê¿®·¿²½» Ñ®¼·²¿²½»÷ ¿²¼ ݸ¿°¬»® îðòðì øÍ°»½·º·½ д¿² Ñ®¼·²¿²½»÷ ±º ¬¸» Ý«°»®¬·²± Ó«²·½·°¿´ ݱ¼» ¬± ¾» ½±²·¬»²¬ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» îððéóîðïì ر«·²¹ Û´»³»²¬ò ÎÛÝÑÓÓÛÒÜßÌ×ÑÒæ 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