17. Kaiser Permanente Draft EIR
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3308
Fax: (408) 777-3333
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Community Development
Agenda Item No. /7
Agenda Date: July 18, 2006
APPLICATION SUMMARY: Authorize Mayor Lowenthal to comment on a Draft
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report on the proposed Kaiser Permanente Santa
Clara Medical Center Hospital Heliport Project.
Kaiser Permanente is proposing to develop a heliport at its Santa Clara medical center
located at the southwest corner of Lawrence Expressway and Homestead Road. The
project requires a use permit from the City of Santa Clara to allow for the construction
and operation of a state-permitted hospital heliport for emergency air ambulance
Since the 1995 final environmental impact report addressing the physical impacts of
buildout of the hospital did not include the proposed heliport, the City of Santa Clara
required the preparation of a supplement ElK The EIR process provides for public
noticing and review by the public and affected agencies. The comment deadline is July
31, 2006.
Under the proposed project 3-4 helicopter flights per year are expected in the near term
and an average of approximately 15 evacuation flights per year in the future.
The SEIR identifies a noise zone (92 SEL Noise Contour) helicopter flight path. Within
this zone, sleep disturbance is likely during nighttime flights. The noise zone affects the
hospital and primarily the surrounding residential neighborhoods in Santa Clara. A
portion of Cupertino is in this noise zone, which is the southeast quadrant of Tantau
A venue and Homestead Road. This area is currently developed with light
industrial! office buildings and vacant land, but the Planning Commission is studying
this area for potential residential redevelopment as part of its North Valleo Master Plan
According to the SEIR, the worst case scenario would be that a1115 helicopter flights per
year would occur at night, instead of randomly, and would disturb sleep of nearby
residents. This is considered a significant and unmitigable environmental impact.
Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center Hospital Heliport Project
Page 2
The helicopter noise levels cannot be mitigated, only lessen in frequency by lessening
the number of flights.
Staff recommends that all of the noise mitigation measures identified in the SIER be
incorporated into the city use permit. This would include:
1. Limiting helicopter flights to only evacuations of critically ill patients where time
is of the essence.
2. Not allowing a trauma center at this Kaiser medical center. Trauma services
would attract air transportation flights to the hospital from a regional
3. Establish a program of monitoring helicopter operations with annual reporting
to the City of Santa Clara.
4. Inform all helicopter pilots of primary approach and departure paths.
5. Have the applicant appoint a Helipad Noise Disturbance Coordinator
responsible for responding to any local helicopter noise complaints, compiling
annual noise reports and communicating with local agencies that may receive
noise complaints/ inquires.
Exhibit A: Draft Mayor's Letter
Prepared by: Colin Jung, Senior Planner
Submitted by:
Approved by:
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Steve Piasecki
Director, Community Development
David W. Knapp
City Manager
G:\Planning \ PDREPORT\ CC\2006\Kaiser Permanente, July 18, 2006.doc
/ 7- 2-
Due to the size of the Kaiser Draft
Supplemental Environmental Impact
Report, a link will be emailed to you for
your review. The link is also below:
http://www.ci.santa-c1ara.ca.us/city _govlkaiser _heliport _ draft_ seir.html
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, California 95014
Telephone: (408) 777-3308
FAX: (408) 777-3333
July 19, 2006
City of Santa Clara Planning Division
Jeff Schwilk, AICP, Associate Planner
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Dear Mr. Schwilk:
Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment in writing to your SEIR on the
proposed Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center Hospital Heliport Project. On
behalf of the City of Cupertino, we agree that the project poses significant and
unmitigable noise impacts to the areas surrounding the heliport approach and
departure paths. The affected Cupertino area is currently under consideration for
potential residential redevelopment.
The only feasible noise mitigation is limiting the number of helicopter flights through
the use permit and the other secondary noise mitigation measures identified in the
SEIR. The City of Cupertino supports the inclusion of all the mitigation measures into
the use permit and the prohibition of trauma center type services at the Santa Clara
facili ty.
Richard Lowenthal