102-PC Minutes of 9-21-10.pdfSeptember 21, 2010 Cupertino City Council Page 4 PUB ARINGS a 11. Subject: Vacate on of city right- on Stevens Canyon Road at 22621 Ricardo Road Recommended Action: pplicatio Lcation has been withdrawn Discussion: A ' Public Works Director fert reviewed the staff report and expl ' at the applicant had withdrawn his application. 10 ion: This item was tabled and no action was taken. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 12. Subec: Review opportunities for future development on the Hewlett Packard (HP) campus located in the North Vallco Master Plan area. Recommended Action: Staff requests Council direction on future development on the Hewlett Packard campus and recommends that the Council authorize the analysis of additional retail allocation in the General Plan, Discussion: Community Development Director Aarti Shrivastava explained that Council had expressed an interest in discussing future development opportunities at the HP site. Staff provided input in the staff report, and is looking for Council direction. She answered questions from Council. Jennifer Griffin said that she worked on the North Vallco Planning Committee formed several years ago and said that one general consensus from the committee was a desire . to have high tech remain in the area. She said that Cupertino is a destination for such companies and that this would be a great location for a corporate headquarters. She encouraged Council to be flexible with the site and retain the potential for either industrial or tech use. She asked that if retail is brought in, to consider the traffic situation at the 280/Wolfe/Homestead intersection and also the Lawrence/Homestead/Kaiser Hospital intersection. Peter Pau said he has done many projects in the North and South Vallco areas and wanted to offer his personal opinion. He said he thought the interest of both the property owners and Council could be promoted and he looks forward to exciting projects happening in that area, whether he is involved in the projects or not. He answered questions from Council about his Main Street development. Kevin Dare said that he and Mr. Pau were at the meeting to speak as good citizens. He offered a brief history of what they experienced when wanting to develop in the South Vallco area. He. explained that at first there were a number of differing opinions and community input, but after they began to hold community discussions, it became more productive and a strong, beneficial consensus came out of that process. He noted that if they could help at all in coordinating a discussion in North Vallco, it would be a useful and unique opportunity. He answered questions from Council. September 21, 2010 Cupertino City Council Page 5 Mahoney moved to authorize staff to work on a General Plan amendment to add up to 500,000 square feet of Citywide commercial allocation in the General Plan, amend the General Plan land use and zoning in the North Vallco area to allow large format regional commercial uses, authorize funding of up to $25,000 to provide one Citywide notice for public input, and report back to Council in about three months. Wong seconded the motion for discussion and offered a friendly amendment that if Council doesn't authorize any budget savings at tonight's meeting, then the money would come out of the Economic Uncertainty fund. The friendly amendment was accepted. Chang offered a friendly amendment to specifically look at large format regional commercial uses, and take public input on other possibilities. The friendly amendment was accepted. The motion carried unanimously. Council recessed from 9:25 p.m. to 9:35 p.m. Subject: Fiscal Strategic Plan Committee Recommendations as a result of the lett Packard relocation. ecommended Action: Adopt the Fiscal Year 2010-11 Fee Schedule; PurEducational R nue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) Property Tax corrections with ,. State; Consider defe elimination of various CIP Projects for FY 2010-11 „ P Descri h : CIP projects for consideration are: a. Reduce v 'ous Blackberry Farm Infrastructure Improvem pCI($75,000) b. Scale down Radio Station Antenna Relocation ($1 0) c. Defer the Emer cy Van Upgrade ($75,000) d. Defer Wilson Park ' ation System Renovati $150,000) . e. Reduce various Park and Parking Lo f esurfacing, leaving $75,000 for safety issues ($175,000) f. Defer various Trail Resurfaci at S � of Fields ($125,000) g. Defer the Temporary Dog Park. teary Avenue ($210,000) . s� Discussion: Additional requ d inform 'on regarding the Fiscal Strategic Plan Committee recommendations was di t uted as write communication for this item. Administrative Services Director Caro twood reviewed the s report and the handout. Jennifer GriffiWwole, mended the City for trying to i a way to ease the shortfall from the departure oft Packard from town. She was c erned about the City spending $100,000 t figure out what to do with HP, especially since poked like some items might have to deferred. Council member Santoro clarified that Council didn't allocate $100, , only $25,000 for noticing costs for public meetings. ncil asked questions from staff. City Attorney Carol Korade clarified that the items listed on the staff report as recommendations were not action items, but direction to staff to bring back to Council at a later time.