DRC 10-07-2010 Design Review Committee
October 7, 2010
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777 -3308
COMMITTEE HELD ON October 7, 2010
Committee Members present: Winnie Lee, Chairperson
Marty Miller, Commissioner
Committee Members absent None
Staff present: Colin Jung
Staff absent: None
March 18, 2010
Minutes of the March 18, 2010 Design Review Committee meeting were approved
1. Application No.(s): ASA- 2010 -04, TR- 2010. -40
Applicant: Brent Downing (Legionaries of Christ)
Location: 22840 Mercedes Rd
Architectural and Site approval for a new retaining wall and landscaping at an existing
religious retreat;
Retrocative Tree Removal Permit to approve the removal of three protected trees
Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed.
Staff member Jung explained that the application is being heard by the Design Review
Committee because the BQ Ordinance requires that any changes to landscaping needs
Committee approval. The project site is on a very steep lot except for the previously developed
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area where the retreat building stand. The lot was originally developed while the property was
part of Santa Clara County by the prior property owners. The current owner (Legionaries in
Christ) submitted proposed landscaping changes because the existing wooden retaining walls
are failing. The applicant began work prior to approval. The un- permitted work includes
significant grading, the removal of at least three Coast Live Oak trees and widening of the
driveway from 16' to 20 -30'. A concrete retaining wall is currently under construction. The
Public Works Department has approved emergency shoring work to prevent a potential slide
during the upcoming rainy season. The work is proposed in 3 phases: Phase 1A (retroactive)
includes grading and a retaining wall along Mercedes Road ranging in height from 9' to 19'.
Phase 1B includes the replacement of the retaining walls between the retreat buildings. Phase 2
involves a 120'retaining wall along Mercedes Road approximately 20' in height. Phase 2 is on
hold awaiting additional funding. The Tree Ordinance requires that at least 6 trees be replanted
to replace the Coast Live Oaks or payment of an in -lieu fee. The applicant has not submitted a
replacement plan at this time. Staff recommends approval of the projects with the following
conditions: The wall that is currently under construction (Phase 1A) shall have added to it
planting boxes from 4' to 5' high and deep and in front of the bottom portions of the wall and
the concrete shall be textured or sculptured to reduce the "severe" appearance. The Phase 1B
wall shall be tiered and sectioned with landscaping features between the tiers and sections and
will be no more than 9' in height. A tree replacement plan shall be submitted and reviewed by
the City's consulting arborist to ensure good placement and health of the replacement trees.
The applicant, Brent Downing, addressed the Committee to explain their project focus. They
need to replace the existing wooden retaining walls that are failing and widen the driveway to
become compliant with Fire Department requirements. He presented a photo- survey of the
project site illustrating the very limited visibility of the retaining walls by the surrounding
properties. The existing driveway is 15'6" at its narrowest point. They would like to widen the
road to 20' and increase the parking area on site to facilitate ADA parking. The applicants will
sculpt/ texture the retaining walls and add planting at top to 'soften' the look of the walls. A 4 -5'
planning box would encroach onto the driveway reducing its width to its narrowest point or
require a deeper cut into the hillside if the wall is pushed back. He proposes to plant
overhanging plants at the top. Deeper hillside cuts would require a structurally more
substantial and expensive wall. The site is fully covered with mature trees so new tree growth is
a concern due to the lack of sunlight reaching ground level, but there are a few places on the site
where new trees could be planted.
Commissioner Miller asked about the trees that were removed. The Applicant stated that the
trees were in good health at the time of removal, but continued health was in question because
of their proximity to the hillside from soil erosion. They removed 3 trees and a stump. Chair Lee
asked what activity occurs on the site, how much parking is needed and how they came up with
the number of spaces. The Property Manger, Brother Joseph, stated that there are 2 buildings on
site. One is used as a residence to house priests from the diocese and the other is used as a 16-
bed retreat center on the weekends. They have an occupancy permit for 25. Currently they have
8 persons in residence. The on -site parking is a.n issue because of the turn- around, but the
number of spaces is adequate. The driveway is a concern because of the narrowness. If two cars
needed to pass, the road isn't wide enough or if emergency vehicles needed to get in, the turn at
the top of the site is a problem. They are planning on placing the ADA parking (van accessible)
at the end of the driveway so the space there needs to be 30'. Adding a structure there will
reduce the turning radius for handicap space.
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Staff member Jung stated that the Fire Department has reviewed the proposed driveway. They
have chosen not to render comments until the entire site is ready for major improvements. The
site is not fire accessible and just widening the driveway isn't going to solve the fire accessibility
issues. Staff Member Jung also suggested that: to avoid a bottle neck at the mouth of the
driveway, perhaps installing planters along a portion of the driveway rather than all of it would
work. The General Plan Hillside Ordinance requires retaining walls to be contoured with the
land, be stepped and / or have plantings to reduce the visual mass of the structures.
The applicant is reluctant to stop the retaining wall as that would cause greater cuts into the
hillside. These cuts would endanger more trees, be much more costly and cause the walls to be
higher. The stepping would create a wall with 4' on top of a 16' wall. The overall affect would
be the same as looking at a 20' wall. They do plan to add landscaping enhancements and
sculpting to soften the visual impact. They are also concerned that the deer in the area would be
eating from the planter boxes. They would like to have 32' at the end of the driveway. They are
doing just the one wall right now. The other phases will be done at a later date.
Staff member Jung asked that the Committee provide design guidance for the future work. The
retaining wall currently under construction is being done to address a public safety potential
landslide concern. The Committee will need to decide what other enhancements should be done
to mitigate the mass of the wall.
Dave Russell spoke in favor of installing the retaining wall and driveway improvements
happening in Phase 1A. Phase 1B concerned him a little, but the greatest concern he has is that
the person who owns the un- improved lot will not built if the retaining walls for Phase 1B
create an eyesore on his property. His visual impact is minimal, but if the lot remains empty the
property values in the neighborhood will continue to suffer. (There was much discussion about
where Mr. Russell's house is in relation to the different Phases of the proposed project) He is
hopeful that the applicant will work with the neighbors to come up with a workable
compromise for the benefit of everyone.
Chair Lee asked why a residential property needs handicapped parking. Staff member Jung
stated that the zoning designation doesn't require handicapped parking and that he wasn't
familiar with the building codes. The Applicant stated that they have done some minor interior
remodel work and the current building code requires that with ADA bathroom upgrades,
handicapped parking is required in addition to other parking area enhancements. Chair Lee
asked why Phase 1B needs to be completed as soon as possible. Staff member Jung said that
according to the Public Works department, it is an urgent situation. The existing retaining wall
in that area has failed. She asked if waiting to build created a safety concern for the building on
site. The Applicant said that they plan on building the new wall in the Spring, so as to not
disturb the hillside during the rainy season with construction.
Both Chair Lee and Commissioner Miller expressed concerns about the turn around radius for
the fire department. They were concerned that in the event of an emergency the fire trucks
wouldn't be able to get up to render aid. The Applicant said that the diocese has no plans to
further develop the site. The fire department has already been to the site lots of times when as
the previously owner used the lower building as a convalescent center. The fire trucks back
down the hill.
Commissioner Miller said that since the applicant will be the only group seeing the retaining
wall and that since the step affect will cause great hillside cuts and the applicant is willing to
work with the neighbors, he is comfortable approving Phase 1A as is and having the application
come back to the Committee for approvals of Phase 1B and Phase 2. He also asked if the
replanting of replacement trees was really necessary since the lot is already heavily forested. He
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feels that a one to one ratio should be sufficient.. Chair Lee disagreed. The Ordinance states the
requirements and other developments have been made to plant the proper replacement trees or
pay the fee. The discussion continued and it was decided that an arborist report is necessary to
help determine the best solution and method to replant. The re- planting could be done during
Phase 1B. An arborist report would be supplied with the design plans for Phase 1B.
The resolution to ASA- 2010 -04 was modified to delete items 3 -6 (to be heard at a later date). A
condition will be added to have native vegetation planted with PhaselA. When Phase 1B is
brought back for design review, it will be confirmed that the prior planted vegetation is still
viable. An arborist report will be submitted to provide direction regarding the best re- planting
solutions. Application TR- 2010 -40 has been continued indefinitely.
MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved to approve ASA- 2010 -04 and TR- 2010 -40 was continued
SECOND: Chairperson Lee
ABSENT: none
VOTE: 2 -0
Respectfully submitted:
&t.%) ,Al2/0/4A
Beth Ebben
Administrative Clerk
g:planning/DRC Committee/Minutes100710