102-Attachment A.pdf ATTACHMENT A thth Outcome of May 20 and June 8 Neighborhood Meetings Scenic Circle Park Access Project prepared by David J. Powers & Associates and Apex Strategies ********************************************************** On May 20, 2010, the consultant team and City staff met with residents of the Scenic Circle Neighborhood to solicit input regarding the following aspects of a proposed access to Blackberry Farm Park via a new gate/trail: Solicit input as to where to locate the access point/gate Solicit input as to the issues and concerns that could occur with the new access Solicit ideas and suggestions to avoid or minimize problems/impacts th The May 20 meeting yielded a list of ideas, concerns, and potential solutions. It was agreed that the consultants and staff would gather information regarding the list of potential solutions and present them to the residents at a follow-up meeting. At the follow-up meeting on June 8, 2010, the consultant team and City staff provided the residents with information/feedback regarding the feasibility of each solution, which was followed by further dialogue and discussion. At the conclusion of the second meeting, there was consensus among the 14 residents in attendance regarding the above-listed aspects of the planned access project, which is summarized below. A. Preferred Access Location After considering multiple access locations, the location agreed upon is roughly 150 feet east of the Scenic Court/Scenic Circle intersection, approximately midway between the two houses located on that portion of the street. (Note: final location may be refined to accommodate constraints such as tree locations, however should be sited as near the midpoint between the homes as feasible.) B. Gate Hours The gate should be open daily during park hours (i.e. from sunrise to ½ hour after sunset) and should be locked at all other times. 1 C.Existing Gate Removal The residents request that the existing gate located opposite 10432 Scenic Circle be removed and replaced with fencing material that matches the existing fence. D. Measures to Address Potential Parking Impacts A 3-tiered approach was desired and agreed upon by attendees. Tier 1: entrance to the neighborhood, add a sign similar to the following: Maintain the existing park overflow parking lot at Monta Vista High School. Tier 2: If the Tier 1 solution does not adequately address the issue of park users parking in the Scenic Circle Neighborhood, then install No Park Partalled will be sufficient to meet criteria for enforcement by the County Sheriff. For any holiday or large special event at Blackberry Farm Park where attendance will be 500 or more, have the City put out Scenic Circle Neighborhood. \[This measure is currently in place for the Byrne/San Fernando Avenue area, on the east side of Blackberry Farm Park.\] Tier 3: If the Tier 1 and Tier 2 solutions do not adequately address the issue of park users parking in the Scenic Circle Neighborhood, then the residents will consider a Residential Permit Parking program. The residents request that the City waive the one- time fee (currently $1,107). E. Measures to Address Potential Trash/Littering Issues Install raccoon-resistant trash receptacles and recycling receptacles near gate inside the park. Receptacles are to be located where they cannot be seen from nearby residences and/or screened. Implement daily litter pickup in vicinity of gate by rangers. 2