102-A. Phase II Recommendations.pdfSanta Clara County
Phase II Policy Recommendations
Single-family &
Multi -family < 9 homes
Multi -family =/> 9 homes
Single-family <$100,000 permit
valuation or, <500 square foot
addition or FAR increase <50%.
This category also includes
maintenance items that require a
GPR Rated" or LEED Certified
GPR Rated or LEED Silver
BIG's Elements checklist or LEED
Single-family w/$100,000-200,000 BIG's Elements 25-49 or LEED
permit valuation, or 500-1,000 Certified
square foot addition
Single-family w/$200,000+ permit GPR Rated or LEED Certified
valuation, or 1,000+ square foot
addition or FAR increase of 50%
Small Multi -family projects (TBD)
Large Multi -family projects (TBD)
Applicable GPR Checklist or applicable
LEED checklist
Applicable GPR 50 or applicable LEED
level of certified
<5.000 sauare feet
Mid -size, 5,000-25,000 square feet
Large, >25,000 square feet
Small projects
LEER Checklist
LEED Certified
LEED Silver
LEED Checklist
Large w/o HVAC: 2 of four systems LEED Certified w/o prerequisites
are touched*** +>10,000 square feet+
> $1 million permit valuation
Large w/HVAC: 2 of four systems are LEED Certified
touched, one being HVAC + >10,000
square feet + > permit valuation of $1
* The latest applicable version of the U.S Green Building Council's LEED® Rating
System — New Construction (which includes major remodels); Commercial Interiors;
Existing Buildings; Core & Shell; etc.
** It is understood that GPR Rated currently requires a minimum level of 50 points. It is
also understood that Build It Green will continue to adjust its checklist to reflect code
changes and that 50 points today may be equivalent to something different in the future.
However, the "Rated" term equates to BIG's minimum green standard, which again, is
currently 50 points.
* * * The four systems are envelope, lighting, interior services and HVAC.