CC Resolution No. 6497 2-GPA-94 REB~LUTION NO. 8497 A kESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF GUPERTINO ADOFTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CQMPkEHENSIVE GENERAL PLAhJ FO~ THE TOWN CENTE~ PLANNIN6 AREA WHE~EAS, th? rity Council,, as a part of the comprehen=ive 6eneral Plan study, ha= reviewed the recemm~ndati~ns of the Planning Commis~ion an~ has held pub2ic hearsng= involving many citi~ens and ho~;rs a# discussian, and WHEREAS, the City Council h.as conc2uded its deliberation relative to the General FZan Amendme~t. NOW, ?HEF.EF~RE, BE IT RESOLVED: 2. That the City Council hereby adopts an amendment to the General Plan as set forth in Er,hi6it A attached hereto and made a part thereof. 2. That the City Eounci2 hereby au±horizes the Mayor to endo~se sai~ adoption. FASSED ~ND ABOPTED at a regu2ar meeting of the City C~~encil of the City of Cupertir.o this 19th day of Februar~__~ 14B5, by the following vote: Vote Members_o#_the_City_Cauncil RYES: Gatto, Rogers, Sparks, Johnson fJ~ES: Plungy flHSENT: None AHSTAIN: None ATTEST flPPROVEB: /s/ Allison Villarante /s/ Phil N. Johnson City C2erk ' Mayor, City of Cupertino Deputy EXHIHIT A: General Plart Amendment 2-GPA-84 Revised Figure 2-G of 1979 General Plan FIGURE 2-G TOWN CENTER TRIP ACCOUNTING HY MAJOk OWNERSHIP SITE A CALI FAMILY 418 TRIPS TRIP_CkEDIT 2b.11 ACRES X 16/ACRE = 418 TRIF_GENERATIO~ USE SQ__FT_ ~ACTOR TRIPS OFFICE 339~000 if1000 = 334 RESIDENTIflL 158 DU .5/DU - 79 TOTAL = 41S 5ITE B MAY INVESTMENT (TOWN CENTER PROPERTIES? 226 TRIPS TRIP CkEDIT 14.11 AC~ES X 161ACRE = 226 tplus 3 additional trips approved by City Council ~esolution No. 613b = 229) TfiIP_6ENERaTt~N AITERNATIVE 1 ~SE S9: fT, FACTOR TAIP5 OffICE 45,000 1!l000 = 45 RESIQEMTIAL 3d6 .5/6U = IB3 E:UEFtY 0 .10-.19 = U TOTAL = 27B ALTEkNATIVE ? ~5E SB.fT, fACi0R5 Tk(PS ~FfICE 90,QD4 iMaxJ 1lt0U0 = 90 F.ESIUENTIAL 276 IMax.> .51pU = 3~8 ELDERLY 220 iMin.l .18/D~ = 4U TOTpL = 268 Note i: Any portion of the additional 45,U00 sq. 4t. of office space in Hlternative 2~an be 6uilt only if 6uilt concurrently Nith or suhsequent to a ninimu@ of 220 elderly units. kate 2: The land use mix for 5ite B xill be precisely defined in conjunction Nith a use per~it apolication. ?he total projed nix will conply with the trip constraints as set forth ebore. The resideatial conponent including the elderlp housing shall be subject to the Belox Market Rate Hausing PrograA. SITE C LINCOLN PROPERTIES 112 TRIP5 TRIP_CREDIT 7.4 ACRES X lb/ACRE = 112 TRIP_GENERATION USE SQ__FT_ FACTOR TRIP5 OFFICE 91~040 1/1Q0~ = 91 RESIDENTIAL 42 DU .5tDU - 21 TOTAL = 112 TDTAL 47.26 ACkES X 16 756 TRIPS Exhi6it A: 6eneral Plan Amendment 2-GPA-84 Revised Folicy 3-C of 1-GPA-80 Existing_Wording_af_Policy_3_from_1=GPA=80 Policy 3- Subject to the exceptions listed trelow} the land use intensity policies for the Town Center Planning Area remains unchanged. a. The 26+ acre Cali family landholding is permitted 30d,000 sq. ft, of additional commercial and office space plus a maximum 240 room hotel complex. The hotei is a permitted land use su6ject to an economic analysis whi~h demonstrates that the Town Center hotel will not have an adverse effect upon the construction of the Vallco Park hotel compler.. b. Town Center developers are encourag~d to submit development proposals which incorporate, to the greatest extent possi6le~ the maximum number of dwelling units designated on Figure 2-E. c. The maximum 90,UD0 sq. ft of non-residentiai space designated for Site B sheli be service oriented professional of4ice and/or community or local retailing activities.