CC Resolution No. 6501 ftESOLUTION PJO. 6501 A kESOLUTIQM OF THE CITY C~UNCFL OF THE GITY OF CUPERTINO AUTHORIZING SUbMITTAL OF FUNDIN6 PR~F~SALS FOR THE ELEVENTH (1985-86) PR~GRAM YEAR OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELDPMENi BLOCk: GRANT FR06RAM tHUMAN SERVICES FROGP,AM3 iSENIOR CITIZF_N NOUSIN6 FUND3 WHEREAB, the Housing and Commu~ity Development Act of 1474 provide= that f~r.ds be made availabie for the Comm~enity Derelopment Biocr 6rar.t ProgramE and WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino wishe= ±o apply for funds under the Urbar. County provi=_ions a# the Act; and WHEREA~, the City of Cupertino understands it sha11 receive ~f~C~,OC~U in non-competitive funds per the ~oint FowErs ~lgreement signed with the County in August, I48~. NOW, THEREFdRE, PE IT RESdLVFD that the City of Cupertino here6y certifies th~t the projects being proposed for funding meet the certi4ications outlined in Section 570.._~0=a af the Comm~inity Llevelopment block Grant AdminxGtrative kegulations; and bE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha± tt-ie City Manager is hereby autharized to su6mit the following project proposals, whir_h shall use a portior? of the total ~iSQ,dU4, to the County of Sa~ta Clara: - Human 5ervices Program ~ 22~C~Ut~ - Senior Citizea Housing Fund ~ 28,U04 PASSED AIVD AI?OPTED at a regular meeting o# the Gity Council ef tF.e City o4 ~'~epertino this 4th day of February, 198~ 6y the fellowing vote: ~J~TE MEM$EftS OF T1iE CITY CDUNCIL AYES: Gatt~, Plungy, Sparks, ~ohnson NOE5: Rog?~s APSENT: None A~STAIN: None ATTEST APPRQVED __/s/__Doroth~ Cornelius_ /s/ _Phil N__Johnson________ CITY CLERK MAYOR. CITY rJF CUPEP.T_TNO